+news NewCombatManual
Naruto MUSH: Rivalry has been around for a LONG time. The current
incarnation of this MUSH (considered 2.0 by many of the staff and players)
was opened in Febuary (or March) of 2010. This new system pulls from many
of the ideas of coders of old (whom I haven't even met) with the ideas and
work of staff over the ages. Many elements of the original system created
by Asyrsen are still present, but others such as Asako, Dante, Valkyrie,
Reality, and Gnome have all made significant contributions to our code. The
original Combat Manual was created by Shinigami, and now, I (Tonberry) use
his work to provide a starting point to a new edition for 2.0.
If you feel that there are topics missed out in the manual or not
explained thoroughly, send your feedback VIA @mail to Tonberry (@mail Gilgamesh) and possible
amendments will be made. That said, happy reading. Below are a table of
contents which explains the full process of the combat system:
+joinrp Joins you to the Combat Order
+et Ends your turn once all of your combat actions are completed
+leaverp takes you out of the Combat Order
+order Checks to see who is currently in order, the person whose name is
displayed in magenta is the current person whose turn it is. The +order
command also shows a ROUGH estimate on how much health each person has, along
with stamina. This is not precise and the current scene should really dictate
actual conditions.
+attack <skill>=<Target> Attacks target with your skill
+defend <skill> Activates a defense against an incoming attack.
+counter <skill> Similar to defense, but allows a person to use a skill with
the Counter Skill Mod to strike back at an incoming attack. Please note, you
cannot counter ranged attacks.
+transform <transformation> Activates a transformation
+revert Deactivates a transformation
+useskill Starts the use of a skill
+stopskill Ends the use of a skill
+sheet Displays information about your characters current health, stamina,
and chakra resources. Their stat allocations and lists skills and
+sheet/brief Displays only the health, stamina, chakra and stat allocations
of your character.
+focus <amount> Converts stamina into chakra. Is the only non-defensive
action a character may take in a round if used.
+escape <opponent's name> +genjutsu kai <opponent's name> +self-inflict
<opponent's name> Gives you an opportunity to escape from a stun or genjutsu
stun. These techniques are the only non defensive action you may take in a
turn if used.
+stunrelease <target> Frees a target from a stun
+heroic-surge If you have the skill Heroic Surge on your sheet, you can use
this command to break you out of any stun. This can only be used once per
combat encounter.
+attack/list: Shows all attacks coded onto the MUSH, very useful to see if
an attack exists or not. This command will also work with +skill/list
+defense/list and +transform/list.
+attack/list <string>: Shows all attacks coded onto the MUSH that start with
the inputted string. This will also work with +skill, +defense, and
+attack/search <string>: Shows all attacks coded onto the MUSH containing
the given string. Works with +skill +defense and +transform as well.
+attack/show <attack name>: Be sure to give this a go, by using this command
you can view the general information of an attack. Information such as
stamina, counter, combine, chakra, type etc. This is the most detailed view a
player might see of attacks, things such as the stats to the attack are admin
locked. It's always good to +attack/show when you see someone using an attack
for the first time if you want to make sure you don't get a big surprise.
This command also works with defenses, skills, and transformations.
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
+Joinrp Joins you to the combat order.
+Et Ends your turn once all your combat actions are done.
+Leaverp Leaves the combat order.
+Order Checks to see who is currently in order, the person whose name is
displayed in magenta is the current person whose turn it is. The +order
command also shows a ROUGH estimate on how much health each person has, along
with stamina. This is not precise and the current scene should really dictate
actual conditions.
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
Once it is your turn, there is a general process that you should follow.
First, you deal with attacks that are targeting you(if any), composing your
pose, performing the appropriate combat related commands, and lastly, ending
your turn.
A combatant can(should) only attack any opponent(s) a maximum of three(3)
times per round depending on the skills being used (See +news
CMCombat_Rules). If you are attacked the roll your opponent scored against
you will be shown:
COMBAT: Shinigami attacks you with PHYSICAL and rolls a 32. Action?
At this point you should roll your defenses, once done with this you do your
pose and react to the damage and fight back with your own attack. If no
attacks were made against you, there is no need to defend yourself just yet.
skip to writing a pose, and attacking if it calls for it. This is not a
compulsory rule but it tends to flow better than other methods of doing it.
Keep in mind that once you are done with your turn, whether you rolled an
attack or not, you should +Et to move to the next person in order.
To see a list of types of rolls you can do in your turn:
+news CMBasic_Attacks
+news CMAdvanced_Attacks
+news CMDefenses
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
A player is able to execute 3 attacks per round. However, the complexity of
the attack affects the actual number of attacks someone can perform in a
round. This is done to represent that in the time a round last, more complex
techniques take more time to perform. This complexity not only includes
number of hand seals, but also the amount of stamina and chakra you're using
on the technique. A high rank Taijutsu move would use more stamina than a
lower rank one, for example.
In 1 Round a person can execute:
1) 3 E/D Rank Attacks (or)
2) 2 C Rank Attacks (1 C and 1 C, OR 1 C and 1 D, or 1 C and 1 E) (or)
3) One B+ Rank Attack
As you can see, the number of attacks you can execute in a round is
dependent on the highest rank, if you're using different ranks in your
Finally, players can consent due to RP reasons to allow their opponents to go
beyond this limit. When in doubt, please, ask the other player.
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
Note: On your turn, you can type +attack or +defend to see all attacks and
defenses available to your character, including 'standard' ones that do not
show on your sheet.
Attacks can only be made on your turn. Listed in this section are the
standard attacks everyone starts out with. To initiate an attack, use the
syntax below. Take note of your Stamina, and Chakra levels as you might not
be able to perform certain moves without meeting the requirement. Health
might also be a cost in rare cases.
Syntax +attack <attack>=<player name>
Standard Attacks: Available to everyone even if they do not show up on your
Physical The art of striking a person with your fists, legs or any other
method which uses physical contact. This also includes blunt weapons.
Sharp If you have a weapon with a sharp damage type (Katana, Kunai etc.) you
can use this standard attack instead of physical when striking with your
Yank Used to break attack stuns.
Stealth Basic hiding skill.
Nin-Training A low damaging generic ninjutsu attack (RP with your
Tai-Training A low damaging generic taijutsu attack (RP with your
Spar Low Damaging generic physical attack (RP with your creativity but
skills represents control and a desire to not really harm your opponent.
Additional attacks you may have are shown on your '+sheet' (see +news
CMYour_Info for more info) or by typing +attack while in order.
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(Updated by Nephrite on: Sun Dec 05 10:36:35 2010)
The following commands are not necessarily advanced, but are seen less often
when dealing with the combat system. They are not required, but are options
for a player to use to make combat more 'interesting'.
Syntax: +attacks (Different from +attack. Please see +news CMBasic_Attacks
for more information.)
Displays all pending attack(s) and from which person the attack originally
came from, who was the target. It also displays the name of the attack that
was used and the roll number.
<>===========================< Pending Attacks >============================<>
1. Shinigami vs. Renai: PHYSICAL = 23
2. Shinigami vs. Renai: DEATH SEAL = 100
Syntax: +interrupt <Pending attack number>
This command can be used when a third party wants to attempt to interrupt
and force the attack onto themselves. You can use this command anytime you
wish, but if you fail to beat the roll of the attack with your interrupt, the
attack will not be shifted toward you. If you manage to win the roll you will
be successful and the attack would be directed toward you instead of the
original target. This is the only command where a third party can attempt to
stop an attack aimed at another.
Syntax: +combine <Pending attack number>
If an attack can be combine you can combine more power to said attack that
someone else had used. Only moves with a listed combine field with the
+attack/show command can be combined.
Syntax: +counter <attack>
If somebody attacks you, you may have the ability to roll a counter attack
which means you can roll your own attack skill with the counter skillmod.
This can only be done on your turn and when an attack is prompted to you. If
you successfully counter the attack, then you take no damage from it, and
your own attack that you used for the counter becomes an attack against the
character that attacked you. If you fail to counter, then you take the full
damage from the incoming attack - as if you had not defended at all.
As a general rule, the attack used to counter may be no higher in rank than
the attack being countered against. For example, you can counter a B-rank
attack with E, D, C, or B-rank attacks, but you can only counter E-rank
attacks with other E-rank attacks. Exceptions are allowed if the person being
countered against agrees to them.
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Updated by Valkyrie 18 January 2013
Syntax: +defend <defense type> (+defend by itself will allow you to see a
list of your defenses, including standard).
Once you receive the prompt of an attack against you in your turn, you are
able to defend with a list of the standard defenses or your unique defenses
that you applied for.
COMBAT: Shinigami attacks you with PHYSICAL and rolls at 40. Action?
Standard Defenses:
Block: The timely fashion of standing your ground and blocking a physical
attack in which ever manner that you can think of. Legs, arms etc.
Dodge: Waiting for the right moment and then springing out of the way
causing the opponent to miss his attack. You can use any method to dodge,
duck, jump etc.
Weapon Block: You can use this defense which is using the weapon to block an
Tense: This is simply stated as 'taking' the attack. It has 0 Stamina Cost,
use this to show that your character is taking the hit and saving Stamina. Be
warned you might be surprised at the damage you receive when you are
attacked. You might have some resistance due to your skill or you might
receive a lot of damage.
Clone Technique: Creating clones of yourself. A Ninjutsu technique used
where the opponent might be confused allowing you to defend.
Replacement Technique: Using something to replace your position such as a
tree trunk or a rabbit etc. It allows you to come out of a quick jam.
Will Break: This is a basic genjutsu defense every nin learns from the
academy. It is a basic technique of trying to use force of will to overcome
Self Inflict: An alternative way to dispel genjutsu place on a person, at
the cost of trying to hurt yourself to get out of it.
Perception: Used to defend against stealth attacks, successful defense means
they are located (or in the case of certain skills, their bluffing technique
did not work)
Genjutsu Perception: Used to detect attempts to link a person into a
genjutsu attack.
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
Transformations are things that can described as changes a character
undertakes. Kekkei Genkai (bloodlimits) would be an example of this, but a
general example of this is when a character's state of mind changes or gains
a new found determination to continue the battle. Everyone has the ability to
transform in one way or another, but it should be kept within reason when
applying for one.
Syntax: +transform <transformation>
If you have any transformations on your sheet, you can use this command to
transform into that transformation (ability).
Syntax: +revert
This command is tied to the +transform command. It is usable once you have
transformed, and wish to revert back to your normal state.
Syntax: +tfstep <transformation>
This command allows a user to 'step' from a lower ranked transformation to an
equal or higher ranked one without having to +revert first.
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Updated by Valkyrie 12 July 2013
Skills are supplementary skills that nin are seen using from time to time.
Skills that would fall under this category are skills that are neither
attacks, nor defenses. While they do not have a direct role in combat, they
are mainly for role-play purposes. Things like water walking, tree walking,
summoning, henge and other techniques are handled here. Styles are also
listed under the skills section of your sheet.
Every character has access to the skill Henge for free however to use Henge
as a stealth attack, you must purchase it.
Syntax +skill/list - Shows all the skills currently in the game.
Syntax +useskill (skill name) - Activates the skill that can be found on
your sheet. If you don't have it on your sheet you cannot use the skill. Also
some skills are 'persistent' skills which means they stay activated, like
Shadow Clones. In order for it to be 'on' during the scene you must use this
Syntax +stopskill - Stops using a persistent skill activated with the above
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
In the real world, there are a variety of styles of martial arts (Karate,
Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Kung Fu, etc). Each style has its own unique traits,
strengths and weaknesses.
In Naruto Mush Rivalry, we also use styles to represent the nature and theme
of our characters. Styles can be manipulations which allow you to use
elemental ninjutsu techniques. They can be a weapon taijutsu style, allowing
you to apply for skills using special weapon based techniques. They can be
the themes that your character bases their Genjutsu techniques off of. This
list is by no means exhaustive.
Styles themselves, don't play a major roll in combat, but you need the
appropriate style in order to apply certain skills. This is the reason that I
even bring it up, so that the new player may be aware of it.
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
Combat Prompt
+Combat prompt: This toggles on and off for your entire combat prompt.
However, if you have nothing set to display (Commands below), there will be
nothing that the prompt will display.
+Combat prompt HP: When your prompt is on, your hp will show after combat
+Combat prompt energy: Your chakra levels will show after combat actions.
+Combat prompt AP: Your Stamina (Action Points) will show after combat
Draws your sheet and displays your information on your character.
Health: Each time you get hit your HP will drop. This displays how much HP
you have left.
Chakra: Attacks and defenses that cost chakra to perform lower your Chakra
when you and attack and defend.
Stamina (AP): Taijutsu techniques and Ninjutsu techniques that use Stamina
to perform will lower your Stamina. If your Stamina runs out, it means you
cannot attack anymore and further there are other consequences. Please read
+bbread 8/5 for the details on running out of Stamina. Take note that
defenses also take Stamina. Be sure to monitor how much you have so you don't
run out.
Stats: In chargen you selected your stats. Your stats play another important
role in the game than physically making your character real. Each stat has
its own influence on combat and works hand-in-hand with the combat system.
Every stat plays a role in skills. See +news Stats for more information on
Transformations, Attacks, Defenses, Skills: Self explanatory. These are the
attacks you have available to you and can be used in combat. If an attack is
not on your sheet (Apart from all the standard attacks) then you have no
access to it.
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(Updated by Nephrite on: Sun Dec 05 10:50:02 2010)
Please note that damage types are a very diverse and complicated factor in
attacks. Be sure to check attacks and defenses if you are not sure which
types they have. Types do cause you damage if your defensive technique does
not offer protection against that type. Some defenses can work against most
types of damage.
Blunt: Used on physical types of attacks, this describes a punch or kick etc.
Anything that only uses your raw physical strength and body to attack. Some
Ninjutsu can also have a blunt setting on them. Blunt weapons like staves
fall into this category too.
Sharp: This type only applies to attacks that have a sharp edge to them or
similar. Examples include weapons like swords and kunai.
Chakra: This falls into the class of what all Ninjutsu and a lot of Genjutsu
are based off off. However, tese types of attacks use pure Chakra, rather
than Chakra of a specific Chakra Nature.
Psi: This is a specific damage type focused directly on the mind. It only
exists within Genjutsu. These types of attacks don't have a physically
damaging effect. It does 'psyche damage' to the mind. Examples include
illusions, mental torture, and so forth. Other attacks apart from Genjutsu
will NOT have this type.
Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Earth: Various Elemental damage types that
commonly occur, and are the basic five Chakra Natures.
Ice: Similar to the basic five above, but typically has the COMBINATION
Element as well.
Link: Represents that this attack can create a genjutsu link to the target.
Once linked, the attacker may use genjutsu against the opponent.
Stealth: Represents that this technique hides the attacker from one or more
enemies. If you fail to 'perceive' a stealthy opponent you cannot attack him
or her, and might not even be aware he or she is present!
Sound, Insect, Shadow, Smoke, Seal: These damage types also exist and may be
more challenging to defend against because of their special natures.
Poison and Acid: Poison damage types means being hit with it will Poison
one's character, inflicting damage over time for one or more rounds. Poison
is often included with the Acid damage type to represent it eating away at
the victim. Acid is often-times something that a Blocking or 'hard' Defense
can not defend against.
This is a complete list of all damage types currently in-game. Damage Types:
Please note we also have attacks that are Unblockable or Undodgeable, but
never both. See +News SkillMods for details on these two damage types.
To return to the main menu use '+news NewCombatManual'.
(Updated by Nephrite on: Sun Dec 05 11:04:04 2010)
When you begin a combat, in most cases your chakra pool will be fairly low,
and your stamina pool will be full. You will be able to fill your chakra pool
in two ways.
The first is using E rank techniques. Each E rank technique you use fills
your chakra pool a little bit.
The second way is through using the +focus # command. Using this command is
the only action a character may take in a round, but it allows them to focus
an amount of stamina that the player chooses into their character's chakra
pool. The most stamina that may be focused by one use of the '+focus #'
command is 40% of the character's maximum stamina pool.
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Updated by Tonberry 17 Oct 2010
In the course of combat, characters can (and likely will) get stunned. Ninja
have methods of getting out of a stun, depending on what kind of justu has
trapped them. If you have been stunned by a Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, you may use
the command '+escape (opponent's name)' to attempt to break out of the stun.
You may attempt to +escape ONCE per turn, and it takes up all of your ACTIONS
for that turn (Defenses are considered a REaction). If you have been hit with
an Attack Stun then you must Tense the next Attack directed at you. HOWEVER,
if someone hits you with an Attack Stun as the last attack of his or her
turn, and then LEAVES YOU STUNNED with no further Attacks that round to break
you out of the Stun, then you may +escape on your turn if you wish to. If you
have been hit with a Multiple Attack Stun or Round Stun then you may attempt
to +escape after Tensing the FIRST HIT. If the Escape fails, you must Tense
the rest of the remaining Attacks until you are no longer Stunned, or until
your next turn. If you are hit with a Multiple Round Stun then you may
attempt to +escape once for EACH ROUND, and do NOT have to Tense every single
attack for both rounds simply due to failing to +escape on the first round.
Each round is treated seperately in terms of +escapes.
If you have been stunned by a Genjutsu, and you have either the Genjutsu Kai
skill or the Self Inflict II skill, then you can '+genjutsu-kai (opponent's
name)' or '+Self-Inflict-II (opponent's name)' to attempt to break out of the
Genjutsu. Using either +escape, or +genjutsu-kai OR +self-inflict-ii in this
manner is the ONLY action you may take on your turn.
If you have an ally that has been hit by an attack stun, no matter what type
of jutsu delivered it, you may '+attack yank=(teammate's name)' to free him
or her from it. You may only YANK once in a turn, but you may also attack as
if YANK just used one of your E-Rank or D-Rank attacks. If you have learned
Genjutsu Kai, you may then apply for the Stun Release skill. If an ally is
trapped in a Genjutsu, you may '+stunrelease (teammate's name)' to break him
or her out of the genjutsu.
Finally, if you're a 'good guy', you can apply for the Heroic Surge skill.
Once per scene, a 'hero' may '+heroic-surge' to break out of any stun.
To return to the Main Menu, type +news NewCombatManual.
(Updated by Nephrite on: Sun Jan 02 13:06:53 2011)
Generally speaking using any attack above a rank D is considered 'bad'.
Using a rank B or higher and it is assumed you are trying to 'kill' the
other person. It is for these reasons that the following has been created
for everyone to use and do not require applying for beforehand.
+attack/show nin-training: A Ninjutsu training manuever
+attack/show tai-training: A Taijutsu training manuever
+attack/show spar: A lightly damaging Taijutsu attack for sparring.
+Attack/show nin-spar: A lightly damaging Ninjutsu attack for sparring.
+transform/show spar-i: Reduces all stats but Stamina by 1
+transform/show spar-ii: Reduces all stats but Stamina by 2
+transform/show spar-iii; Reduces all stats but Stamina by 4
Even in a reduced stats transformation, B rank skills or higher should
never be used in a spar.
(Updated by Jerle on: Tue Apr 24 00:03:51 2012)
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