Saki is a young girl born a few years before the start of the Hidden Village's founding. Her mother, Midori, owns a bakery in Kadomai. Her father, Moru, was a swordsman who was struck down in the final months of wartime. Saki also has a twin brother known as Imire. While they are technically fraternal twins (they don't look alike) due to their gender, the two are actually very similar. If it weren't for the fact that their genders at birth were different, they would probably be identical. Saki knows only the peace and cold wars that have happened between the Land of Fire and other nations after the founding of the villages. Because of the peace, Saki found herself with very little drive to accomplish things. Or perhaps it is more like a laack of self-confidence.
Saki, much like her brother, was never one for chakra. Her control over her own chakra was, to put it mildly, horrible. Because of her inaptitude for chakra-control, Saki chose against enrolling in the Academy, though she admired her brother for his own attempt. She often watched him train his taijutsu techniques in their yard and occasionally joined him, thus honing her body and mind as well as getting some nice bonding time.
Saki primarily spent time at the bakery helping her mother behind the scenes. She disliked seeing others, and she was a bit of a recluse for most of her life. It wasn't until her brother chose to travel to the Land of Tea for unknown reasons that she even had a reason to explore the outside world. After her brother left, Saki became a bit more active in helping with her mother's bakery, taking the cart out to the streets of Kadomai and making sandwiches for other people.
Eventually, though, Saki found herself missing her brother greatly, and she took off for the Land of Tea as well. However, she discovered that her brother was away; off on a mission for the Daimyo. In the meantime, Saki has chosen to take residence in the Tea Suites where her brother once stayed while wielding her father's sword.
Similarities in twins do not always stop at appearances. Saki seems to be as nervous a wreck as her brother, perhaps even more-so. She easily becomes embarrassed, and sometimes she gets caught up in her own thoughts and isn't paying very much attention to anything. Despite her seemingly scatter-brained personality, Saki also has the self-discipline to settle herself down and read. She greatly enjoys learning things (which is a recent discovery) that might be useful. Of course, the learning can also be of non-useful skills, but she would rather be useful sooner than later. Saki tends to hesitate and stammer a lot in her speech, which is likely a side-effect of her low self-confidence and overall timid nature.
Saki is a fairly average-looking teenage girl with shoulder-length black hair and green eyes. She is roughly 5'5" and has a lean, athletic build from working on her kenjutsu skills. Since she seems to try and shrink into the background of most social interactions, many might mark her as timid or not confident. At her side, often hidden, is a small dagger for self-defense.
Saki's clothes often consist of nicer kimono with various floral patterning. One of her favorite kimono happens to be a light-pink kimono with darker magenta flowers decorating it. The obi she wears often matches the color of the designs covering the material.
Saki also has a golden chain around her neck that she keeps under the folds of her kimono. Dangling from its end is a ruby with some strange item that can be seen through its facets.
Shuuren-dono is very nice… Almost too nice. It's hard to believe that he would treat me so kindly. I didn't expect this when I first came to the Land of Tea… It's almost like I'm in a dream. Update - I became Shuuren-dono's assistant. It's strange for me… To be his assistant. But I'm glad he trusts me so much. I hope I don't screw up…
I heard my brother liked Ryuu-chan… I sort of do, too. I can see what he sees in her, at least. Except she seems to hate me because of how close I've become to the Daimyo in such a short time. It wasn't all my fault… I didn't mean to… I hope she forgives me…
Someone who has supported my brother, and now he supports me. Taro-kun saved me from a few instances, but most of the threats were the demons inside me, I suppose… It's scary to face things nowadays, so I'm glad he's around to help sometimes.
Being in the Land of Tea is a big adventure, it feels. I'm learning about how to sail on a ship. Shuuren-dono has a few sailboats to practice on, so sometimes we go out onto the ocean. Umm… I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I really like going sailing. Sometimes Shuuren-dono even lets me steer the ship, though … he doesn't let me do anything during important missions. I suppose it's to be expected, though. Since me screwing up on a mission would be bad.
In addition to the sailing, there was something. … We went on a mission where the Land of Sea had some sort of zombie attack while they were traveling. It was creepy … I don't think I want to be around that kind of zombie attack ever again. Hopefully undead-like creatures don't show up too often while I'm here.
I should mention … I'm Shuuren-dono's assistant now. It's a bit scary because there's so much responsibility involved, but I think I'm learning a lot. I should … probably start training again. Since I should probably learn to protect Shuuren-dono. A bodyguard in disguise? I don't know if Shuuren-dono really … umm… needs protection, though. He always seems strong and composed. So … I guess it's more like I'm trying to keep up.
Anyway, I got to go on this mission with Shuuren-dono and Ryuu-chan. We found this tall tower that was held by the 'Jade Scholars'. It was amazing, really … So many scrolls and knowledge were inside, and I wish I could stay there and read. I think Ryuu-chan and I are at least getting along, so … So it wasn't too awkward, either. Anyway… I also got this small snake to accompany me. It's very cute. I wonder what I should name it …
Shuuren-dono keeps getting injured. First, we went to an island where there have been a number of earthquakes. I guess Shuuren-dono found something that looked like the door that opens the Jade Scholar's tower, but it had that poison on him that makes Shuuren-dono look ill. Shuuren-dono was able to remove the poison, though, but then he drank some from the tea that Tsukino-hime's maid brewed.
Today I went to Shuuren-dono about my chakra network. It was a bit scary. Even though I felt that Shuuren-dono would say yes, I almost expected him to roll his eyes or something. I … I guess that's a bit silly, though. Shuuren-dono wouldn't do such a thing, if only because Daimyo don't do that.
A-Anyway! I asked him, and he said that he could. It only takes surgery and practice, so … I suppose it should be ok? I don't know… It's a bit scary. Also, it's painful. I have some pain pills because we already did one surgery. The pain isn't too bad, at least. Once it hurts a bit, that's when I know I can take another. So there's not much pain, I mean … Umm. … I guess I should start training once I feel better.
Also, Daoma-san is … surprisingly gentle sometimes …
I'm finally in the Land of Tea! Now I can see my brother, I think. He sent his address to me, so I headed there first… But he wasn't home. So I ended up talking to the Daimyo! … Shuuren-dono is a bit intimidating, actually… I told him who I was (sort of… He seemed like he was able to guess it too easily, actually), and he immediately rolled out the welcome carpet. That is… He summoned a lot of clothes and let me take my pick. It was … Really strange to have such a thing happen. I've never even seen so many clothes, and he actually keeps it all in his pockets! I… I wonder just how many things he can hold in those pockets of his…
After I got myself situated, Shuuren-dono handed me a key to Imire's suite and is letting me stay there. Apparently he sent Imire off on a mission that he can't tell me much about, so I'm welcome to stay until he gets back. I hope Imire gets back soon… It's weird not having him around.
I met Taro in the hotsprings today… He actually found out that I met Ryuusei-san and … Umm… Well… I actually sort of like her… I know it's weird for me to like her, but I can't help it. And apparently Imire liked her as well. I guess we really do have similar tastes? It's a bit strange, though… That we both like her… Umm… I don't know exactly what would happen, though, if I told her. I'm sure she would hate me for being so weird, so I don't think I'll tell her. Taro-kun is saying I should, though. It'd be a good idea, and it can't hurt, he said. So I decided that during New Year's, maybe… Then I'll tell her. I think… I have to get everything set up for a party, I suppose… That would be a good way to do things, right? Invite Ryuu-chan… And Taro-kun… I guess I'll invite Shuuren-dono as a sign of thanks, but I doubt he'll come.
Well, today I told Ryuu-chan how I felt about, her… And it didn't go very well. I suppose that's really the understatement of the century, too. It went awfully. Ryuu-chan denied me, of course. I expected that. But Shuuren-dono looked… Really disappointed in me… I felt really bad. I just… And then we went up to see fireworks, but I just couldn't stand it and I ran away. I just ran. Ran until my legs wouldn't move. I … probably went a little overboard, but I'd rather hurt physically. And then these bandits showed up and tried to take advantage of me… If I … If Taro-kun didn't show up… …
Anyway, I'm back in the Capital. Shuuren-dono said he was going to kill the bandits. Make them pay for what they did, or almost did, to me. I … I'm worried for him. Taro-kun is going, too, apparently. … Shuuren-dono said he'd be someone else, too. He said he would be 'Tadashi'. Black hair. Black eyes. And a mask. Dressed in all black, he is like a Shinigami, I suppose. I hope they'll be okay…
Update - Shuuren-dono is back unharmed. Taro-kun got a little beat up, but he took out the bandits. I'm glad they're ok.
I… I'm not sure… I hope I didn't do anything. After Ryuu-chan said that she hated me, I wasn't sure what to do… And Taro-kun was a huge help, so I don't want him to go, but… He said he was leaving. I don't really remember /why/, but he is. And I can't stop him. I said goodbye to him at a teahouse, so I suppose that's something, but… I still… I don't want him to go… I let him go, though… Hopefully I see him again. He said, though… He said I should see what happens if I told Shuuren-dono that I was going to leave. I … I don't know if I want to do that. I feel like it would be bad if I did…
Oh, but… I suppose someone new showed up to replace Taro-kun's absence. Miira Reina. She… She seems very close to Shuuren-dono, calling him 'Shuu-kun'. I … I wonder what kind of person she is… She seems to enjoy a good fight, at least. She was happy to try and spar Ryuu-chan someday, at least. … I suppose I'll see how it goes.
Saki is known primarily for using the sword. At her side is a blade that belonged first to her father, then to her brother. She also knows some Taijutsu that her brother showed her back when they were kids.
To sum up Saki's feelings on the Daimyo: she feels that he has granted her a great number of opportunities, so she hopes that someday she can prove that she is worthy of the many gifts. Even if she doesn't believe she deserves them.
Cruel by The Veronicas
After changing a few pronouns in the lyrics, the song seems to fit Saki and Ryuusei's current relationship. Maybe. Saki is definitely hurt by Ryuusei, though.