Michiko (emitter), Yori, Nozomi, Hanami
Date: May 14, 2015
Yori has discovered a minor criminal that has escaped Kumo’s wrath for a bit of time. He and a few other genin have been sent to take him down.
"A Mighty Sword - Takedown"
Land of Lightning
Yori might remember a criminal that he had faced some time ago… As he's searching his way through the files for the criminals that are still escaped, it's likely that a single file catches his interest. A man who looked extremely similar to what he had encountered, the abilities lining up quite well with what he had experienced. Whatever he decides to do immediately, the information would eventually make its way to the higher ups. And since he's already had experience, the boy has been determined to lead the team that was going to go and capture this man.
Hawks would be sent out to three genin: Nozomi, Hanami, and Yori. Yori would discover the map and the most important information in his scroll while the other two would simply get the location and when to meet. And so… It is almost midnight, the team forced to meet at the gates of Kumogakure at the odd hour.
Yori was in the habit of reporting exceptional finds nearly immediately as he had done with this one. He was somewhat surprised at not only the quick turn around in time to send a team but also that he was involved. And leading it? That had to be a mistake after his not so spectacular previous attempts at leading missions. After verifying it's accuracy he wouldareice at the gate early, packed and ready to go if a bit nervous.
Having gotten the hawk just as she was about to go to bed. Being a shinobi, she was well aware of these missions, so she borrowed an energy pill from her parents, quickly dressed in her shinobi attire, then made her way to Kumo's gates. She's just feeling the effects of the energy pill when she arrives, causing her to revert to her normal sunny disposition, despite the hour. "Hello," she says happily to Yori while waiting for the others to show.
Hanami gets the hawk, and though tired she's happy to help out especially Yori who's a friend. She gets her stuff together and hurries to the meeting point. Once there she gives a tired smile and waves, "Yori, Nozomi hi. Good to see you, despite the hour. So Yori, what's the low down on this mission?" She yawns but seems alert enough.
"Hai, good evening Nozomi-san, Hanami-san. Sorry for the late hour but I guess they feel this is a priority." Yori says with a faint frown as he looks down at his papers. "We have a criminal that we are going to retrieve for The Village. From what I remember he is excellent with a sword and uses genjutsu as well." That could b troublesome. He looks up at the other two, appearing calm despite the storm in his mind. "Are there any questions?"
Nozomi stands there for a minute after some of the particulars are released, and inwardly takes stock of herself. While she eventually planned to learn or develop genjutsu as an alternate means of combat, she wasn't quite ready to do so yet. Therefore, she felt somewhat ill-prepared for this mission. However, as just about every mission she's been on so far pitted her against similar odds, and she made it out of those missions relatively whole, her confidence level didn't plummet /too/ far. Instead, she mentally builds up her resolve to ask, "What kind of genjutsu does this criminal favor? I'll do my best against whatever it is, but it would be nice to know."
Hanami isn't thrilled to hear the opponent uses genjutsu, it's definitely her weakest area. She doesn't think much of the swords at the moment, "Yes, that might help. Also what has this criminal been up to, do we know? Do we know if he's associated with anyone? If he might have collegues? And yes, as always I'll do my best here."
"He may have an associate or two but the information wasn't conclusive." Yori says sadly at the request before looking to the other. "Very general genjutsu. There is no special variety he favored last time I met him." He says. A time he'd rather forget. "We should begin before we lose our chance. If you have any further questions feel free to act as we move."
Nozomi nods and mentally prepares herself to move. Once they start moving, she looks between the two of them and asks, "So which one of you is better at sword fighting? I'll have to stay back since my kenjutsu skills are about on par with my taijutsu skills." This is punctuated by a slitght stumble, though its better than it had been. "I'm better support, really, assuming he doesn't lock me up in genjutsu first."
Hanami gives Yori a quick nod then sets off with the others. Running along she looks to Nozomi at her question, "Mmmm, not real great. I mean I have my chakrams but I'm not real great hand-to-hand with them. Yori, how are you against a sword? I have a feeling we'll just have to wing it. At the moment I'm better long range but don't worry Nozomi, we'll figure it out." She then keeps her eyes ahead, careful of the terrain as she ponders the probably encounter ahead. Now that Nozomi mentioned it, the target's swordskills start to worry her a bit more. But there's nothing to do about it, she does believe they'll make it work regardless.
Yori would know exactly where the man was last spotted. He would have to take them along the mountain trails for some time, but eventually they would reach about a mile away in a half hour's worth of travel, should they be moving at a steady pace. Nothing eventful really happens, so they can speak and think as they wish.
Yori leads along the way to the last reported location, shaking his head slightly at the mention of swords. "I've only just started learning sword work myself, but I am good against them. I want you both to stay safe. Perhaps stay behind me and attack any openings you might see without putting yourself in danger." Yori instructs as they go. Once they arrive he motions for them to stop and looks around, asking "Do either of you see anything?"
RPCOMBAT: Yori defends against with a PERCEPTION…19
COMBAT: Nozomi focuses 2356 stamina to turn it into 2500 usable chakra!
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a PERCEPTION…14
Nozomi nods as she pulls out her flute to have it ready should they be attacked. She considers attempting to use the sonar skill she's been practicing, but quickly makes a determination that she's not proficient enough in it. Instead, she attempts to look around her, taking her time to ensure that she doesn't miss much. "I'm looking," she responds to Yori.
COMBAT: Hanami focuses 1894 stamina to turn it into 2000 usable chakra!
Hanami pauses, letting a hand stray to her pouch for a kunai if need be. "Don't worry Yori, we'll all be fine." That being said, she then focuses her chakra and releases it from her body on the wind, letting a breeze carry it around to sense her surroundings.
RPCOMBAT: Hanami defends against with a AIR-CURRENTS…26
The night is dark, and that really doesn't help with trying to find anything. Fortunately, there's someone who can sense things without her eyes. Hanami would be able to sense nothing at first. As the wind gradually was gotten used to, she could detect that the wind seemed to avoid a certain outcropping in the rocks… A blind spot.
Yori looks around as best as he can with the limited light. It's hard to see much of anything. Using the moonlight he pulls out the map to look it over again. "We're in his last location. If he's not camped nearby then he could've gone anywhere by now." Which would be another failed mission.
Nozomi looks around, then sighs and shakes her head. "I can't find anything myself," she says quietly. It's times like this she really wishes she had her nejigan. But she doesn't, and she's still having trouble with her other perception technique, so all she can do is look around. "There's no sign of anyone being here for a while, at least as far as I can see…"
Hanami remains still for a time, getting use to her new sense. As she reads her chakra on the wind she bites her lip. Moving up to Yori, as though to look at the map she keeps the location of the blindspot in the rocks in her mind. Speaking quietly while looking at the map, "Over about…there. Rocky outcropping, I'm sensing a kind of blindspot there. Not sure if it amounts to anything, but wanted to be careful."
Yori looks to where Hanami points on the map and he nods. "Would probably hide any fire or anything this late. Let's go take a look. Well done Hanami-san." He looks over to Nozomi then motions for her to follow as he leads in that direction. He keeps an eye on their surroundings as he can while trying to make sure they upon the back of the blind spot.
RPCOMBAT: Yori defends against with a PERCEPTION…21
COMBAT: Yori focuses 1765 stamina to turn it into 2000 usable chakra!
Nozomi listens and frowns deeply. She /really/ needs to better understand the sonar perception jutsu if she's going to continue being of use to the village and her clan. She nods once, then brings her flute up so she can be ready to play instantaneously. She continues to attempt to look toward the empty area, examining it in close detail even as she whispers her suspicion, "Could this be an area stealth genjutsu?"
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a PERCEPTION…11
Hanami quickly whispers to Nozomi what she sensed as she follows Yori to the spot. She draws kunai slowly, ready for any attacks that might happen as they near the spot. She has no idea about whether there's a genjutsu being done right now or not, so doesn't comment and just focuses her senses around her, letting her chakra flow out to take in the surroundings.
RPCOMBAT: Hanami defends against with a AIR-CURRENTS…19
As they begin to explore and peek over the rocks, they would see something glowing. A lantern's light fends off the darkness for the man that Yori once faced. He did not have his mask on, but Yori would see that it was off to the side, and its markings looked exactly like before. No Genjutsu has been cast, it seems. Excellent!
No genjutsu yet it would /seem/, hopefully it's true. Yori watches the man once they've snuck up to the area and he frowns as he counts out how many there are and tries to see what their skills are by what they carry. They'll need to take care of the genjutsuist first before he can do anything to them that they can't break out of. He looks back at the other two, his assessment continuing as he formulates a plan.
Hanami pauses once they spot the lantern and the man. She's not real sure what to expect, aside from the potential for genjutsu which still leaves her unsure. It wont stop her though, as she keeps her senses alert to her immediate area in anticipation as she tries to tell all that she can by sight and senses.
RPCOMBAT: Hanami defends against with a AIR-CURRENTS…18
Nozomi tries her best to silently move along while keeping her flute ready for an attack. She peers around to see if the guy is alone, or if there is someone else around, but otherwise she awaits direction on what to do next, even while she contemplates the best possible way to utilize her talents here.
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a PERCEPTION…20
COMBAT: Nozomi attacks target 1 with STEALTH with a roll of: 12
A sword is at the man's side. And one other person as well. He has simple things on him, all relatively small and throwable. If there is no Genjutsu being cast, then what Yori sees is what he gets. He would know for certain that the man with the sword is capable of using Genjutsu, but the knife/shuriken/Kunai thrower is a complete mystery. Those who have been to the circus might know that mystery man used to be a professional knife thrower until he took out a coworker's eye due to a grudge.
Yori doesn't like that there's an unknown factor in all of this but they'll have to make do. He moves back silently so he can speak softly to the other two. "I want you both to take down the knife user while I get the main target. Attempt to capture if you can, but if you're unable to then you are cleared to terminate." He says before continuing, "I'll take the main target and attempt to keep him busy until you both finish with the knife man and can help me. Hai?"
Hanami watches the two men carefully. Not really noticing anything unusually suspicious she doesn't let her gaze stray as she listens to Yori's orders. A curt nod is her only response, her kunai held at ready as she shifts most of her focus on the knife thrower. Ranged attacks no doubt. She doesn't look to Nozomi, but trusts she'll be ready for action as well. She doesn't make the first move though, waiting to see what her opponent does.
Nozomi looks over to Yori and nods silently, still opting to move silently to gain an advantageous position. She brings her flute up to her lips and silently starts to do a lung exercise. The moment that Yori gives the command, she'll launch into an attack.
COMBAT: Nozomi attacks target 1 with STEALTH with a roll of: 17
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Perception from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 26. - Rolled by: Michiko
Perhaps Nozomi was a bit too daring in her attempt to get closer, as the man with the throwing knives notices some movement near that dark patch just over there. "Oy! Who's there?" he calls out, flicking a knife in Nozomi's direction. He thinks it's an animal, really, so he's not getting up to investigate. But still, that knife could be deadly.
Yori's going to have to hope Nozomi can take care of that knife since she snuck ahead. He needs to get to the other man before they get anymore suspicious. After giving the signal, the boy jumps over the outcropping and lands right next to the man, lightning filling his vambraces as he punches towards the man before turning with a swift kick at their main target.
COMBAT: Yori attacks target 1 with LIGHTNING-VAMBRACE-STRIKE with a roll of: 29
COMBAT: Yori attacks target 1 with PHYSICAL with a roll of: 20
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Defense) Block vs. Yori from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 35. - Rolled by: Michiko
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Defense) Block vs. Yori from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 24. - Rolled by: Michiko
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Knife vs Nozomi from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 22. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a SOUND-WAVE…19
It's a good thing Yori gave the signal as Nozomi finds a knife headed her way. She plays a quick tune, forming a pulse of sound that shifts the knife's trajectory from a lethal blow to one a lot less so. Her eyes wince for a moment with the pain, but she manages to continue playing, deciding to return the favor with a 1-2 punch of sorts. Her playing becomes really loud to the knife man, which is followed by a sound sword as she hopes to take advantage of the disorientation the man will feel by the blast.
COMBAT: Nozomi attacks target 1 with SOUND-BLAST with a roll of: 21
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Block vs. Nozomi from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 11. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Nozomi attacks target 1 with THREE-STRING-SWORD with a roll of: 16
Hanami watches Nozomi sneak off, also seeing the knife thrower send such a knife in her direction, hearing or somehow sensing her perhaps. She grits her teeth, but Nozomi seems to have it decently in hand, deflecting the worst of the attack and retaliating. For her part, she uses Nozomi's attack to launch her own, three quick kunai one after another. Looks like things are on now.
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 23
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge vs. Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 13. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 21
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge vs. Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 14. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 24
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge vs. Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 13. - Rolled by: Michiko
The man that Yori is facing off against (let's call him Jo) is able to block Yori's attacks once he grabs his sword, parrying the attacks that were meant for him. He squints a bit at Yori by the lantern light, saying, "I remember you!" and scowling a bit. With his sword, he attempts to slash at Yori, not really holding back all that much.
Nozomi and Hanami, through the power of TEAMWORK!, are able to take the other guy (let's call him Ro) pretty easily. He isn't used to facing more than one opponent, and he's /really/ not used to facing those who can use sound! He tried to block it by covering his ears, but it pierced right through him. Owwww… And then Hanami's kunai sliced him! So much pain! He retaliates, though, grabbing more things to throw. Like rocks. And knives. Right at the two Kumo Kunoichi.
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Attack) Slashy! vs Yori from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 24. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Yori defends against with a BASIC-VAMBRACE-BLOCK…28
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Attack) Slashy! vs Yori from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 20. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Yori defends against with a BASIC-VAMBRACE-BLOCK…28
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Attack) Slashy! vs Yori from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 21. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Yori defends against with a BASIC-VAMBRACE-BLOCK…43
Yori doesn't seem phazed at all by the fact that his attacks missed. It's one of those things he's come to expect. His plan, really, is to distract the man long enough for the other two to take care of the other man, then have all three gang up on this fellow. When the man retaliates Yori raises his arms, deflecting each blow in succession with the vambraces that cover his forearms. "Surrender now and throw down your weapons and nobody needs to get hurt. You will return with us to the prison and serve the remainder of your time." Yori simply stares with his golden-brown eyes at the man, not attacking and instead giving him this chance to give himself up. He's also monitoring the other ongoing battle but for now leaves it to the two girls to take care of the throwing man on their own. He has faith in them, after all.
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Rock! vs Nozomi from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 18. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a SOUND-WAVE…16
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Rock! vs Nozomi from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 29. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a SOUND-WAVE…28
Though Nozomi has been improving, she still has a long way to go. She sends waves of sound toward the rocks, which in turn knocks some of the force out of them, but they still hit her. After wincing slightly, she continues to play her flute and hits a particularly high note to cause another distraction while she forms another sound sword to send at her opponent. He can cover his ears, but that only works to Nozomi's advantage as doing so distracts him from what she's doing.
COMBAT: Nozomi attacks target 1 with E# with a roll of: 14
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Block vs Nozomi from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 22. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Nozomi attacks target 1 with THREE-STRING-SWORD with a roll of: 15
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Block vs Nozomi from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 29. - Rolled by: Michiko
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Knife! vs Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 18. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Hanami defends against with a WIND-DASH…32
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Knife! vs Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 25. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Hanami defends against with a WIND-DASH…36
Hanami is glad her and Nozomi seem to be handling the other man. She spares a glance at Yori who seems to still be at work with his opponent. When Ro makes his almost seemingly desperate attacks against Nozomi and herself she draws upon the wind to zip around the area with relative ease dodging the thrown knives. Once safe from the attack she flicks a couple more wind laced kunai at him, aiming for his lower body in hopes of slowing or halting his movements.
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 21
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge vs. Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 17. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 25
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge vs. Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 24. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 27
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge vs. Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 17. - Rolled by: Michiko
Ro ends up being able to block Nozomi's sound waves this time, plugging his ears good and tight. Unfortunately, that leaves him pretty open to attacks. While he can dodge Hanami's attacks, he isn't all that successful at actual performing, and he ends up with a bunch of lacerations all over his body that make him a bit worse for wear. Dang kunoichi, messing him all up! How's he supposed to attract ladies now? D: It's mostly out of rage that he strikes out, punching whoever is closer (Nozomi or Hanami).
Jo narrows his eyes at Yori, then jerks a chin at his 'partner'. "You already beat /him/ up. What's stopping you from beating me up? Huh?" Then, without further ado, the man attempts to attack Yori again! …only to be really lame and end up tripping on a rock, which results in a faceplant. Doh -.- But he's not done yet! The man kicks up at Yori, giving it his all in that one strike!
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Attack) Kick! vs Yori from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 26. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Yori defends against with a BREVITY…36
Yori doesn't look back at the others for the moment, though he says, "He attacked my team and they defended themselves. I'm giving you the option." Hey, can't say he didn't at least /try/ to end this peacefully. When the man trips Yori just watches, not smiling or laughing at the fool of a move no matter how funny it might be. Yori is all business, after all. When the man kicks at him he ends up hitting…air. Yori is gone from in front of the man and instead has appeared behind him, lightning already forming in his vambrace as he strikes down at the man with all his strength.
COMBAT: Yori attacks target 1 with LIGHTNING-VAMBRACE-STRIKE with a roll of: 33
[NPC System]: Jo roll(s) (Defense) Block vs. Yori from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 32. - Rolled by: Michiko
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Punch vs. Nozomi and Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 13. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Nozomi defends against with a DODGE…16
Nozomi's aim this fight has been to try to keep the partner off kilter. When he throws his first punch, she tries to dodge and actually manages to do it. She realized though that she's running low on chakra and steps back to correct the problem, only to trip and get struck by the second all-inclusive blow. She quickly backpedals away afterward though, in order to prepare for her next attacks.
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Attack) Punch vs. Nozomi and Hanami from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 26. - Rolled by: Michiko
RPCOMBAT: Hanami defends against with a WIND-DASH…34
Hanami watched with satisfaction as her attacks struck the man, though instead of hindering him much it just aggravated him into striking out. Moving around she dodged the first of his punches but Nozomi's fall distracted her for a second and with that the man's wild strikes found one home. With an oomph she stumbles back a step before trying a different tactic to weaken him a little hopefully. Using the wind she spreads a cloud of powder that if it comes in contact with Ro would leave him feeling a little drained of his strength. She follows it up with a kunai to hopefully take advantage of any confusion or disorientation.
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with FATIGUE-SMOKE with a roll of: 20
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 18. - Rolled by: Michiko
COMBAT: Hanami attacks target 1 with WIND-SHARP with a roll of: 25
[NPC System]: Ro roll(s) (Defense) Dodge from 10 to 30 and get(s) a 12. - Rolled by: Michiko
Yori is surprisingly strong for his small stature, and the man who tripped finds himself face planting even harder into the ground while lightning courses through his body. Ow… And he's essentially out for the time being, nose bleeding and the wind knocked out of him. Tie him up quick! Hanami is able to defeat Ro with those last strikes, sapping the last of his energy and cutting him in the leg, which hampers his movement enough that he can't attack much more.
Yori is quickly about his business once the lightning keeps the man from moving. That and his lack of consciousness. Wire comes out and he quickly binds the mans wrists behind his back, then his legs just to make sure he doesn't try and do something stupid. Like run. He's supposed to be going back to prison after all. Once that's done the boy stands and goes to check on the other two. "Are you both okay?" He asks as he nears them, noting the man there as well who is quite incapable of fighting. "Please tie him up if you would Hanami-san," he requests before turning to Nozomi and pulling out some bandaging. "I'm sorry you were injured. Let me at least bandage it until we can get back to the village and have a medic look at it." Assuming he's not stopped, the boy would quickly bind up the cuts as best as he can.
COMBAT: Yori heals Nozomi for 197 with FIRST AID.
Nozomi considers finishing Ro off, but she is pulled away by Yori before she can. Her music fades off in the wind as she stops playing, allowing her to give Yori more cooperation to allow him to bandage her. "I've been hurt worse," she admits truthfully. "Besides, this will remind me of the importance of practice." Still, she lets Yori bandage her, so long as he doesn't tie her up!
Hanami breathes a sigh of relief as both opponents are subdued. She gives Yori a quick nod and quickly moves in to Ro and binds him, double checking to make sure the knots are all secure. Once done she steps back, looking over to Nozomi and Yori, "Yeah, more practice indeed…so then Yori. We going to get these guys hauled back to the village?"
Well, it looks like there's no one else about! Yori was successful in his mission to take down that criminal, and his teammates were able to take down the stronger enemy with their teamwork. All in all, a good mission! All that was left to do was to drag the unconscious bodies back to Kumo so they can be taken to prison later.
After all is said and done the criminals are tied up, the team isn't too bad off, and Yori actually feels like they accomplished their task at a proper level that befits a shinobi. Now to drag the men back. Yori will take the bigger of the two but that, sadly, leaves Hanami and Nozomi to drag the smaller one. "Thank you both for your help in this mission," he tells the two girls, bowing deeply to them and offering a rare smile. "You both did very well and I know that Michiko-san will be happy to know of your successes." With that he takes his man and starts a draggin'.
Nozomi looks over their prisoner, then looks at Hanami. "Heads or tails?" she asks with a slight grin on her face. Whichever Hanami didn't take, she'd take the other. She may be injured, but most of it is bruisning with only a couple of shallow cuts, so it's nothing she can't handle. "Thank you Yori-senpai," she says to him when he compliments them. Her flute is packed away for the moment as she tries to wrestle her part of the prisoner's body into a comfortable walking position. Well… comfortable for her anyway. "I'm just glad I could be of help."
Hanami peers at the prisoner then up at Nozomi, "Uh, tails I think. And yes, thanks Yori. You also did great, taking that guy on all by yourself. We all did a good job." She smiles then grabs the legs and once Nozomi grabs her end, help her haul the prisoner back to the village.