

Hae (emitter), Amata, Taree

Date: April 5, 2014


Tasked with helping clear the Forest Glade for beasts and bandits (to make way for farmers to develop the land), Amata and Taree stumble upon several wrangled savages amidst the trees.


Forest Glade [Land of Water]


The Land of Water is not dense with trees and plants like the Land of Fire, but it does have a significant degree of forested areas for a landmass of its proportions. The trees are those appropriate to a humid and chilly climate, with vegetation that either has a high tolerance for salinity in the water or adaptations to filter salt from the local water supply. Further inland, the trees are almost completely well-suited to fresh water.
There are few established paths through this part of the forest, with only a single route and a few signs to indicate the way to Koumorite Village. Few people come this way for fear of being accosted by marauders, bandits, or wild animals.
The sound of running water comes from the south.


South - (S) [Chill River]
North-West - (NW) [Koumorite Village]

The night was going to be warm. A sunny, clear afternoon laid way to a cottony eve almost choking was the air so tight. But twilight brought cooler skies, relaxing into a dim fog gathering about the legs of the trees. The air was sweaty, but clearer with each passing hour into darkness.
The mission assigned to several teams was to help clear the Forest Glade, that supplemental farms might be planted, before the food shortage became overwhelming. The shinobi were needed afore the farmers though, for the Glade is renowned for carrying bandits and villains and beasts all vicious and desperate. The two-person squad has been on location for nearly the entire day, aggressively looking to find within the Glade bandits and ill-doers, sweaty and bubbling with exhaustion, but so far there has been nothing but chittering birds and roaming snakes. Yet now that twilight is upon them - musky purple and black thick with shadows - there comes a rumor true: a slow hissing begins to feed the dusk, and shadows begin to rustle within the trees.

RP: Hae rolled a 16 with 2d20 die.
RPCOMBAT: Taree defends against with a PERCEPTION…15
You paged Taree with 'You see shadows, but can't distinguish what they are.'
RPCOMBAT: Amata defends against with a PERCEPTION…30
You paged Amata with 'You see in the shadows that there are two very large spiders roaming between the trees.'
COMBAT: Hae finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Taree's turn.

Was glad they finely decided to do something with the glade. In Taree's eyes it was a untapped resource. A Indirect order came down from the Mizukage to volunter for the mission, so Taree did. Arriving into the glade area with her cousin another fellow Okumo Amata. Working the day away clearing the area of low vegitation was a good work out. As the darkness and night started to claim the sky, Taree would send out her brood to hunt. Hopefully tracking down the insects that would be harmful to the crops that would soon be planted here. The sudden hissing and moving shadows would alert both the Okumo to something was happening. Looking toward Amata Taree would concentrate bring the already growing mist to her will. Letting it flood the tree line obscuring the women.

COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with HIDDEN-MIST-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 20
COMBAT: Taree finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Amata's turn.

A look to Taree and Amata merely smiles and nods to her as they work. She is happy to be doing some simple work even if there's a small amount of bruising still left on her rib cage from her recent hug it out session with the Mizukage. Some Mizukage can be so sensitive about their furniture. She, none the less, is working until she notices the movement and then tilts her head, "How…interesting." She states simply as she looks at the movements with unblinking eyes, "Large spiders." She grins a little, "Do not kill them if possible." She nods, "I want them…" She chuckles lightly to herself and watches the mist, "Let them come to us…hopefully we can take them alive."

COMBAT: Amata focuses 3950 stamina to turn it into usable chakra!
COMBAT: Amata finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Hae's turn.
[NPC System]: ? <— Taree (Hidden Mist Technique: 20)
roll(s) Eight-eyed Sight from 20 to 35 and get(s) a 26. - Rolled by: Hae

Taree's hidden mist lifts to cover the pair of Okumos, but it is not thick enough to thwart the vision of the rather large spiders Amata has noticed. They are substantial, each leg the size of a boy, fat bottoms and tremendous teeth, and slinking fluidly between the trees and the buried sun. Night lays full upon the gathered.
But the spiders do not come. Instead, they begin to circle around the pair of Okumo, the hissing getting louder, and then a sharp whistle: a pair of javelins, glinting even in the dim moonlight, come spurring through the sky towards Taree and Amata.

[NPC System]: Spider Rider —> Taree
roll(s) Javelin from 20 to 35 and get(s) a 25. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider —> Amata
roll(s) Javelin from 30 to 45 and get(s) a 32. - Rolled by: Hae
COMBAT: Hae finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Taree's turn.
RPCOMBAT: Taree defends against with a WEB-BLOCK…16

Taree's spiders like the mist, it felt like home to them. The shadows twisting and moving in the darkness quickly starting to circle. From watching hundreds of spiders this was obviously a attack, a coordinated and planned out one at that. The sudden whistling catching Taree a bit too quickly than anticipated, Spewing forth a barrier of web from her mouth to absorb the Javelin didn't work out very well. The javelin ripping threw her web and slamming into her left shoulder. Taree having to bite her tongue to avoid screaming in pain, blood starting to drip down her arm. Before Taree could react her brood would coming into defense to their mother, Pouring forth from Taree's hair. They would hiss back at the spiders. Dwarfed by them they weren't afraid as the out numbered the large spiders a thousand to one. Taking a step back putting her back toward amata, Taree would hand sign hoping to catch the large spiders off guard. Sending her clones to attack from behind both of them.

COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with COBWEB-CLONE with a roll of: 29
COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with PHYSICAL with a roll of: 17
COMBAT: Taree finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Amata's turn.
RPCOMBAT: Amata defends against with a SPIDER-SHIELD…32

Even as the javelin comes in, Amata squints at it as it aims for her chest and her spiders seem to come pouring out of few packs in a swarm of spiders. A screechin sound can be heard as the spiders catch the javelin against heir carapace, peeking through the swarm before being dropped. She then points to the on on the right, "Focus on that one. Bring it down." She then rushes after the other one. She jumps up to hit a tree and bounce off of it. During the rush, spiders rush to wrap her hands and feet in web, moving with speed and in movmeent with her jump. She leaps off, locking her leg up to her chest as she comes at the spider rider, trying to aim for the rider specifically as her leg pumps out with sudden speed and seeming strength.

COMBAT: Amata attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SPIDER-STRIKE-II with a roll of: 21
COMBAT: Amata finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Hae's turn.
[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Taree (Cobweb Clone: 29)
roll(s) Hidden Webbing from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 22. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Taree (Physical: 17)
roll(s) Arachnid Empathy from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 21. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Amata (Chakra Spider Strike II)
roll(s) Hidden Webbing from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 36. - Rolled by: Hae

The cobweb clone created by Taree bursts through the webbing hidden amongst the misty twilight trees, the sticky stuff twisting off and adhering to the clone. The cobweb construction lashes just to one of the legs of one of the encircling spiders, catching the furry foot thick and stuck, the fat spider pulling terribly at the stuck foot, scrambling around, frantic now, the rider on its back now visible in the thrasing arachnid: a small human, almost the size of a young child, armored in sheets of metal roughly wrapped around their vital parts, a sling of javelins on its back, one its hand, the other hand gripped under a thick chain tied around the spider's neck. Taree's brood closes in…
And hesitate. Their furious scurry slows to a trickle as they gather about the thrashing arachind, the larger beast finally breaking free, Taree's brood backing off slowly, obviously uncertain of their ability to grievously fight one of their own. The rider atop the spider - now freed, now calm - hurls another javelin at Taree.
Amata, meanwhile, never goes further than the hidden webbing strung between the trees, the Okumo caught - stuck like a fly - on a giant web woven between two trees. The other spider rider closes in, its fangs dripping with venom…

[NPC System]: Spider Rider —> Taree
roll(s) Javelin from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 19. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider —> Amata
roll(s) Poisonous Fangs from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 34. - Rolled by: Hae
COMBAT: Hae finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Taree's turn.
RPCOMBAT: Taree defends against with a WEB-BLOCK…16
COMBAT: Taree focuses 3000 stamina to turn it into usable chakra!

The small human like creatures on the back of the large spiders was a surprise to Taree. Looking a moment a bit wondering as they were almost the same size as Taree. When her brood failed to even attack Taree knew this was going to be serious business. Hand signing focusing her control of her brood mounting up her chakra reserves. Watching the large spiders under the control of the little humans gave her a idea. "Amata they control those spiders allot like our broods wonder if they would listen to us?" Taree was a bit worried seeing Amata trapped in the web. Much releaved as Amata seeming ly effortless broke free.

COMBAT: Taree finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Amata's turn.
«OOC» Amata says, "So, am I trapped by that web?"
«OOC» Hae says, "Dah. You can roll power to break free."
RP: Hae rolled a 7 with 1d10 die.
RP: Amata makes a Pow roll and got 9.
RPCOMBAT: Amata defends against with a SPIDER-SHIELD…29
«OOC» Hae says, "Roll Int please, Amata."
RP: Amata makes a Int roll and got 14.
RP: Hae rolled a 14 with 1d20 die.
«OOC» Hae says, "No poison effect."

A frown as she is caught in webbing, Amata looks at it, "Fascinating." She states and then snaps free without too much effort just as the spider rider comes in and takes a bite out of her. She frowns, "Rude." And then jumps up and cocks her leg and arm back. She then comes slamming down with brutal force, her leg snapping out oward the large spider's head while her fist does the same right for the spider rider's face, "Keep your teeth to yourself." And she attempts to remove those teeth with pure force.

COMBAT: Amata attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SPIDER-STRIKE-II with a roll of: 28
COMBAT: Amata attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SPIDER-STRIKE-II with a roll of: 40
COMBAT: Amata finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Hae's turn.
[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Amata (Chakra Spider Strike II: 28)
roll(s) Spider Speed from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 34. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Amata (Chakra Spider Strike II: 40)
roll(s) Spider Speed from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 38. - Rolled by: Hae

Taree's wounds are bleeding freely, red running from to different sources, both the sights of two soaring javelins. The spider rider who threw them stands far before, staring. Beady eyes blink from behind a rough-sewn mask of metal, snorts of breath hard and vigor'd. The tiny man's heels sink into the spider's abdomen, and the beast charges, very very rapidly, closer and closer, and if Taree cannot get out of the way, she will surely be trampled.
The second spider rider bites into Amanta, pulling a course of flesh free, opening to skin to the giant teeth. The chuunin's first assault misses by the spider's quick speed, but the Okumo's second hand finds the now available face of the rider, who gets slammed back by the fist, dangling from the spider's back, hanging on to the aforementioned chain wrapped about the arachinds' necks. The giant spider rears, and then pushes itself to the ground, looking to slam a firm leg into the assaulting Amata.

[NPC System]: Spider Rider —> Taree roll(s) Charge! from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 17. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider —> Amata roll(s) Crush! from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 27. - Rolled by: Hae
COMBAT: Hae finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Taree's turn.
RPCOMBAT: Taree defends against with a WEB-BLOCK…23

Taking the charge bravely Taree would concentrate timing the aproaching spider. Waiting for the perfect moment to block the charge with web from her brood. A swift wall of web blocking the charging spider. Moving to push her advantage she would hand sign quickly. Channeling her chakra into her mouth. Drawing the web around her tongue, spewing it forth at the spider. Knowing spider's don't like getting stuck in webs as much as their prey. Breathing hard trying to remember all her lessons in combat. A thought comes to Taree's head. Quickly hand sign sending a clone from directly above attacking the rider, not the mount. The little humans had the same problem Taree had, smallness means slight body body and frame. Taking several steps giving orders to her brood to protect its home. Signally the spiders throughout her body to weave a small web around the wounds. trying to close off the blood loss.

COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with WEBBING with a roll of: 15
COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with COBWEB-CLONE with a roll of: 19
COMBAT: Taree finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Amata's turn.
RPCOMBAT: Amata defends against with a SPIDER-SHIELD…42

Even as the beast of a spider rears up to crush her, Amata looks up toward it with a squint. Spiders pour out of her and catch the spider as it comes down, holding it up for a moment to prevent the thing from coming down on her and she doesn't even move, she simply cocks her leg back and then the spiders part as she sends it right for the thing's abdomen, "Down boy." She states and then glances over at Taree with a hmm, "Bring it down already, we have to take these back to the village."

COMBAT: Amata attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SPIDER-STRIKE-II with a roll of: 28
COMBAT: Amata finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Hae's turn.
RP: Hae rolled a 17 with 1d20 die.
RP: Taree makes a Int roll and got 6.
RP: Amata makes a Int roll and got 15.
«OOC» Hae says, "You notice nothing."

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Taree (Webbing: 15)
roll(s) Spider Speed from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 18. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Taree (Cobweb Clone: 19)
roll(s) Spider Speed from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 30. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Amata (Chakra Spider Strike II: 28)
roll(s) Spider Speed from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 27. - Rolled by: Hae

The mounted spider charges Taree, rumbling across the misty ground, swarming between trees, and right as the tremendous appendages are set to stampede, the young Okumo dances aside, casting the spider into a web and setting it off target. The giant arachnid crashes into a tree, and the rider - his hand chained to the spider's neck - lifts off his mount, slung forward, his wrist bones snapping crisply in the tumultuous night. He screams, and the spider hisses, the beast twirling now, shaking the dangling rider unable to be freed, the creature clearly wishing to be loose of the tiny human upon its back, moving itself unconsciously beyond the webbing and clones of Taree, which stick in the trees beyond.
The second spider's crushing limb aimed at Amata crashes into a wall of spiders, the many numbers clutching the hairy limb, and then Amata's foot comes hurtling in, slamming into the beast's abdomen, knocking it cleanly onto its back, the rider now pinned screaming and gnashing as the weight of the arachnid crushes down upon him.
With the commotion caused, a surreptitious rustle shakes some leaves high in a tree, and immediately from a dart comes, a speeding whistle through the air, venom-gleaming end aimed dead for Amata, a second swiftly following, pace set for Taree's neck.

[NPC System]: ? —> Taree roll(s) Poisonous Dart from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 28. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: ? —> Amata roll(s) Poisonous Dart from 25 to 40 and get(s) a 39. - Rolled by: Hae
COMBAT: Hae finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Taree's turn.
RP: Hae rolled a 6 with 1d15 die.
RP: Amata makes a Spd roll and got 11.
«OOC» Hae says, "Interrupt… successful!"

The darts coming from high up the tree made the choice for Taree. It was time for a withdrawal. Looking toward Amata as she starts to half run to the river. The water would be Taree's best defense against these things. "Amata I am going toward my element." Knowing that amata knew enough about her cousin to know what she ment. Gathering her whits just as much as she started to gather chakra, choosing to flood the trees with mist. Hopefully granting both the Okumo cover. Carefully making her way tactifully to the river Taree would hand sign repeatedly laying down clone cover. Attacking the poor spider rider with the lame wrist repeatly. Hopefully covering him with cobweb after cobweb.

COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with HIDDEN-MIST-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 18
COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with COBWEB-CLONE with a roll of: 33
COMBAT: Taree finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Amata's turn.
RPCOMBAT: Amata defends against with a SPIDER-SHIELD…29
RPCOMBAT: Amata defends against with a SPIDER-SHIELD…22
«OOC» Hae says, "Amata, roll 1d6, please."
RP: Amata rolled a 5 with 1d6 die.
You paged Amata with 'You are poisoned. The poison is attacking your nervous system, making it hard to breathe.'

Seeing the darts coming at the young Okumo, Amata moves quickly, sending spiders in to defend her before a second dart strikes her and causes her to stumble back a step. She growls softly and hten looks forward efore gasping out, "Run." She then starts off after the girl. As she moves, she focuses on keeping going, willing chakra into her limbs to help them move, each movement seems far more jerky as she seems to be having trouble breathing, "Don't slow down or stop, Taree. You must get back to the village."

COMBAT: Amata finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Hae's turn.
[NPC System]: ? <— Taree (Hidden Mist Technique: 18)
roll(s) Clear Line of Sight from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 20. - Rolled by: Hae

[NPC System]: Spider Rider <— Taree (Cobweb Clone: 33)
roll(s) Hurried Scurry from 15 to 30 and get(s) a 15. - Rolled by: Hae

The cobweb clone blooms around the thrashing spider, collapsing it stickily to the ground, where it thrashes a time, but quickly relaxes, exhausted, it seems, in the struggle. The broken-wristed rider clambers around, grabbing a javelin from the clutch of them on his back. Without hesitating, the small humanoid yanks back the javelin and jams it into the back of the spider's head, the beast erupting in alarm before crashing to the earth, stuck and dead. The rider himself grapples with the webbing and the chain, trying to rip it all away with his good hand, but clearly distracted.
The second rider is now silent, dead beneath the overturned arachnid, the latter scrambling its legs to try and right itself, but to no avail. Suddenly, from where the rustling first came, down drops another tiny man, this one dressed in much less armor, leather straps wound around. With his friends indisposed or dead, the other begins to sprint into the trees, to flee the scene.

COMBAT: Hae finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Taree's turn.

Taree would almost stop seeing the little man drop down and run away. Looking to how badly Amata was moving. Grimacing as the hard choice continue to mount. Shaking her head as she was given a order by a chuunin. Her choice of action was clear. Hand signing quickly as she runs full speed toward the river. Swinging her mist down from the trees to cover her escape. Getting thicker each step she made it closer to the water. As soon as she reaches the water Taree would dive in. Swimming down deep in the water. Her own spiders covering her in a thin veil of silk. Letting her breath under water. Moving toward the village as fast as she could. Well if nothing got in her way.

COMBAT: Taree attacks target 1 with HIDDEN-MIST-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 14
COMBAT: Taree finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Amata's turn.
«OOC» Hae says, "Roll 1d6, please, Amata."
RP: Amata rolled a 5 with 1d6 die.
You paged Amata with 'The poison is wearing off.'

Breathing in and out more easily, Amara looks back only briefly before nodding her head and gesturing forward as she moves. She isn't doing that great still but there's no way of telling just how many of these things are floating about and dying here is no good to the village. She moves along after Taree, fulling intending to give a full report on this. A chuunin and a fresh new genin aren't really the best choice for this situation.

COMBAT: Amata finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Hae's turn.

The fleeing man does flee, disappearing into the woods. One of the armored lay dead, the spider finally righting itself, galloping off into the distance with the dead man bouncing along its back. The third man pulls his wrist free, gingerly holding the shattered hand. His armor has torn off, leaving his chest bare, his ribs poking from beneath sallow skin, as if he hasn't eaten well for some while. He pulls his mask off and drops it to the ground, letting his arms dangle as he stares as the blood splotch where his comrade was squished. A tear rolls down his cheek, and he too - much more slowly, much more wandering - finds his way into the depths of the Forest Glade, muttering as he goes.

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