Date: September 6, 2011
Yuuka seeks out Tsiro to present him with one of the honored traditions of the Kaguya clan, then met with an interesting question.
"Kaguya Clan Traditions"
Genin Testing Area [Kirigakure]
This area seems to be built in a general arena style along with seating available for about fifty people in the stands. As this is a small village that is more than likely adequate. Several drains are settled in the center of the arena, which is slightly bowl shaped so any loosed blood will end there. The aroma of blood is thick in the air here and small severed limbs are sometimes still left on the field: fingers, hands, feet, maybe mere shreds of clothing. One can almost imagine the brutal testing of Kirigakure's genin here in this arena and if they're lucky they can catch one in the happening.
"Duh, if you want just look on the dummer side, Captain Obvious.", was said as she would walk toward the boy, eyeing him cautiously. "You have your main sword arm to high… And way too damn stiff.. Not to mention your over using power in your strikes… Stop swatting like that!! There aren't any flies around." Seki looked to the boy before saying, "Gah!! You /are/ hopeless. Your Tai is a weapon art… act like it!!" Seki sighed before then walking to the back wall.
Tsiro heard the words the girl said, though she really was not one with tact. Then again nor was he. "My arm is high cause my target is taller than me. I practice over using the power in case I manage to land a blow. This has been my defense since I learned to fight." Course then Tsiro realize this might just become large arguement. "Fine, show me what your talking about. I'll watch." He says in some attempt to make things work. Who knows, maybe she would be right.
Whether or not the two Genin realize, a figure slows its step to pause in the shadowed hall, just a few feet from open doorway that leads into the small arena. Yuuka gently quirks a brow as she listens, her eyes glances between Sekisetsu and Tsiro while they seem to argue about his fighting stance. Shifting her attention to him, the kunoichi studies the boy for a moment longer, their conversation continuing until he demands to be shone an example. The corner of her lips tugs gently with silent approval, though Yuuka makes no effort to make herself known for the moment.
"But what was in you hand when you struck your opponent, huh Light-skinned? Was it an empty hand or not? Because a bone sword was there, the leverage would be way off, and someone empty handed could break your damn arm. And you may try and use power all you want but thats because you're not thinking of a weapon being there!!" Sekisetsu looked around the arena after saying the words, and after a moment something caught her eye. A femur… randomly just laying down near the entrance way to the "Bullpen", the examinee waiting area. She picked it up and threw it at the boy, shouting, "Catch!" Once he had caught it, she would say, "Now notice the difference power now that you actually are holding and guiding the weapon!"
The young Kaguya would process the information spoken to him. Then after catching the femur, he would attempt it again. The difference was evident. "Yeah. That does feel better. The form was designed for a weapon, but I have never drawn one on my uncle." The kid says as he moves with the femur. "I guess my form was just a natural attempt at adapting to my current arsenal. What type of Taijutsu do you practice?"
Yuuka remains quiet for several long moments, simply observing for now. Shifting her weight subtly, she smoothly moves forward on silent feet in what appears to be with effortless grace, slipping through the open doorway only to then lean against the arena wall closest to her. Meanwhile, Sekisetsu made several good points, enough so that the young Kaguya seemed to be satisfied. If Yuuka didn't know any better, she would guess that the was becoming the start of an odd friendship of sorts.
As the question was answered, Sekisetsu smiled, before handsealing. The scroll at her back unrolled, almost of its own intuition before a seal upon it would poof, revealing a large weapon. A platinum warhammer, the weapon was jeweled in place, only its flat and blunted ends seeming worn. She would straddle the heavy thing across her shoulder, with some difficulty. However, it seemed she knew someth of how it was held, even if the weapon was bigger than she is. "It ain't much, but Hime is bitch. She treats me bad, and anyone she hits, worst. I gotta get her to stop dragging me around though."
The eyes of the young Kaguya widen at the hammer. It seemed extremely illogical that such a girl would heave that thing around. He offers a nod though. "I can see how that might work out. Eventually I hope to round out my skills. I am open to Ninjutsu, but it seems impractical at the moment. Of course finding someone to train under is my first goal." It seems the boy is opening up a bit.
"I bet you could.", was said as the girl handsealed, allowing the hammer to be contained within the scroll again. He looked to the boy's revelations, before saying, "Yeah, yeah.. get back to work. When I whoop your ass, I expect you to at least present a challenge next time." shaking her hips teasingly, and poking a tongue out at him. "Yuuka may have separated us last time, but if I have my chance, those cheap words of yours will be worth even less."
With the appearance of the warhammer, the light smile tugs at the corner of Yuuka's lips as she chuckles once. The hammer, while bigger than Sekisetsu, seems to fit her. "So long as you are careful who you select as a sensei." she murmurs lightly, enough so to be heard. "But I am sure the time will come quickly enough when those words are not so cheap, Sekisetsu-chan."
Tsiro grinned as the girl moved back to the penis matching. "I will share a secret with you. Almost every day when I go home, my uncle has at me. It is a constant fight. I get knocked down every single night and I get back up. I do not even dust myself off. He's made the mistake of not killing me. I will not stomp my feet or kick walls. I will kill him. Those words are the most expensive words by definition." His eyes then looked towards Yuuka. "Are you able to craft bones?" he asks her. He had not realized she was there, but now that she was it seemed he would make use of her presence.
"Yuu-nee-san? Where you come from? And I hope he ain't just some Bone-Turd you guys pooped out." Seki then looked to Tsiro's words, seeming to raise an eyebrow at how dark and dramatic he suddenly got. Sure, she couldn't name a person she didn't want revenge on (besides Yuuka), but this guy had it bad. "Man… does everyone's uncle beat the hell out them in Kiri? Yeesh… I got two who won't let me under their thumbs." The girl rubbed her forehead, almost seeming to feel the pain of both Takeshi and Niyami swatting her left and right. "So serious… yeesh. I get half killed all the time, and you don't see me all wanting them both dead. It might be some weird freaky Nephew and Niece Beating Society we got in Kiri, or something." The small girl shrugged as she said the words before
"An understatement." Yuuka murmurs softer, the smile fading on her lips as she keeps her focused attention on the boy. "I can do things no other in our clan is ever able." No pride, no boasting is heard in her voice. Just simple and undeniable fact. She's silent for a moment or so longer before shifting her eyes back to Sekisetsu, a hint of a smile tugging at the kunoichi's lips just briefly. "I have been here for a while. Just observing." she murmurs, "You two seem to get along better than the day before."
Tsiro more or less shrugs off Sekisetsu's words. "When both parents are deceased, who else takes care of the kid? When your parents kill each other, you become half hell spawn, half human." He shakes his head then looks towards Yuuka. "You are the only one of the clan who has not just tossed out loud mouthed questions. The elder throws his hands up and compares me to Nori. Nori hates what he is but will not move to change it. You seem to be the only one I really respect."
Returning her deep aquamarine eyes back to Tsiro, the light smile fades just slightly on her lips as she listens, quiet for a full moment longer. "I have a more unique perspective than most, I suppose." she murmurs, "Everyone has their flaws, even myself." Shifting her weight from the wall behind her, the kunoichi smoothly glides forward towards the center of the arena, closing the distance between the Genin and herself and slowing to a stop. "I have a gift for you, Tsiro-san, if you want to accept it. It is the reason I came here. That and to make sure that Sekisetsu-chan is not beating up on you /too/ much."
"…Hehe… Mine aren't dead, and yet I became a hellspawn without them." Seki's head dropped, a crestfallen smile as she stared at the ground. She looked down for a few moments before Tsiro's complaining reached her ears further. "At least people know you are a certain way. I am being trained as if I am Kami's gift to ninja. I don't even see what the commotion is about. Especially since I lose more than I win." Yuuka's words got an eyeroll and a, "Obvious statement of the years. You're singing to the choir." Once Yuuka's reason for being around were explained, Seki then shouted saying, "Hey!! I haven't even touched him yet!! Not like I am going to kill him /too/ much… Just a little."
Tsiro offers a laugh in responce to Sekisetsu's comment about killing. "I will accept the gift. However, it is my hope one day you would take me on as an apprentice. I will continue to get up and fight until my last breath." His eyes look towards Yuuka's. He was interesting to see a reaction.
The corner of her lips tugs slightly as Yuuka shifts her blue green eyes back to Sekisetsu, "I do not object to combating, but you have a habit of taking things too far. Killing him will not make Tsiro stronger, just dead." she chuckles once, as if it was an amusing joke. As her attention returns to Tsiro, Yuuka blinks slowly as she quietly watches him. It doesn't come as a surprise that he wants her as his teacher, considering he already stated that he respected her the most compared to the rest of the clan. Though, she wonders to herself just how long it will be before Tsiro discovers what others already know about her.
Parting her lips, Yuuka murmurs, "Our clan has a special kekkei genkai, but it is rare." One hand disappears into the overly-long sleeve of the other before pulling out a slim object wrapped in dark cloth. Her slender fingers agily unwind the fabric to slowly reveal a dagger. Smokey in color, through the hilt is shaped in such a way that appears to be vines and flowers having been made into the hilt itself. Holding it flat across her palms, Yuuka holds it out to him in offering. "Very few of our clan are able to develop the kekkei genkai, so they are taught how to master the dances using this. It is a very special weapon called the Epigaea dagger." she murmurs, "I will accept you as my apprentice, so long as the reasons that you fight are for the right reasons. Fighting for yourself, that you will no longer be a victim, is what we both strive for."
Tsiro reaches out and takes the dagger carefully. "I understand." He bows his head as he accepts it. He would return his eyes to look up. "Thank you." he states.
The corner of her lips tugs slightly as Yuuka shifts her blue green eyes back to Sekisetsu, "I do not object to combating, but you have a habit of taking things too far. Killing him will not make Tsiro stronger, just dead." she chuckles once, as if it was an amusing joke. As her attention returns to Tsiro, Yuuka blinks slowly as she quietly watches him. It doesn't come as a surprise that he wants her as his teacher, considering he already stated that he respected her the most compared to the rest of the clan. Though, she wonders to herself just how long it will be before Tsiro discovers what others already know about her.
Parting her lips, Yuuka murmurs, "Our clan has a special kekkei genkai, but it is rare." One hand disappears into the overly-long sleeve of the other before pulling out a slim object wrapped in dark cloth. Her slender fingers agily unwind the fabric to slowly reveal a dagger. Smokey in color, through the hilt is shaped in such a way that appears to be vines and flowers having been made into the hilt itself. Holding it flat across her palms, Yuuka holds it out to him in offering. "Very few of our clan are able to develop the kekkei genkai, so they are taught how to master the dances using this. It is a very special weapon called the Epigaea dagger." she murmurs, "I will accept you as my apprentice, so long as the reasons that you fight are for the right reasons. Fighting for yourself, that you will no longer be a victim, is what we both strive for."
The corner of her lips tugs with a slight smile of approval as he thanks and bows to her, showing his apprehiation. "You are welcome, Tsiro-kun." she murmurs. "I think I look forward to seeing how you will grow." Her expression softens. Something inside of him was promising. While on the outside he seemed to hide and reject his heretage in a way, he had still come to her for guidance.
"Hehe… taking things to far… This is Kiri!! All I am doing is just following a damn trend. Every one goes the distance. Even you, Yuu-nee-san. ..Everyone thinks that about me just because of alittle explosion or two. And yes… Coming back from near death /does/ make you stronger. Ask Meruin. He does it all the damn time!!" Seki looked on as the two Kaguya got chummy, presenting gifts and being pleased and stuff, though for the most part, and Tsiro got Yuuka to teach him a thing or two. "Hehe.. looks like you won't die as quick as I thought, Bland-skin. Yuuka's no slouch. She might actually be able to upgrade you from worthless, to sub-par." Seki's giggle afterwards was loud, obnoxious, and about as girlish as possible, a snort happening every couple of 'yuks'.
Tsiro takes the Epigaea dagger in his hand. He tests it for balance, then smiles as he seems to approve. His eyes look towards Yuuka as Sekisetsu speaks. For a moment he envisions the dagger lodged in Seki's forehead, but the images are quickly shaken from his head. "I am willing to do what it takes to get stronger." His eyes pretty much ignore Seki.
Yuuka blinks her aquamarine eyes slowly as she turns her snowy head just slightly, glancing to Sekisetsu with a quirked brow. "Perhaps, but I have my own reasons, as does everyone. Though I am not so sure if it is a simple trend." She smiles lightly, turning her attention back once more to the raven-haired Kaguya, watching him test weight of the ivory blade. It was unmistakable that it was crafted by weaponsmith from their clan. Or just Yuuka. Tsiro;s smile though, is the first that she has seen from him. "I am sure you will."
Tsiro places his hands by his side. He would stop moving so much and straighten out his back. He definately did not want Yuuka thinking him to be immature or go back on her promise to train him for his actions. "So where do we start with training? Or I…" he asks. Seems he's eager to get to work.
Pursing her lips just slightly, Yuuka quirks a pale brow in thoughtful considersation for a brief moment or so. "We can start whenever you wish, one on one. I will warn you though, it will not be easy. Not only will we focus on the basics, but also begin building up your stamina and endurance for combat." The corner of her lips tugs slightly. "There is an upside though. After each hard workout, you may have a full meal as well. Your sensei has a bit of a fascination with cooking." Yuuka chuckles lightly.
There is a pause from Tsiro where he thinks over exactly what his sensei just said. The thought itself takes but a brief moment. Then the boy nods his head. "I am ready to start now." The kid says as his eyes watch the Sensei. It is obvious that he is slightly nervous. His hairs seem to stand on end as he anticipates what is to come next. This was what he wanted though.
Yuuka lowers her chin with a slight nod, meeting his gaze for a silent moment. "Alright. We will go to the Boneyard Gardens to train then." The smile grows faintly as she lifts her eyes to the suprisingly silent Sekisetsu. "Do not worry about Meruin-kun. He will be back soon, I am sure of it." Lowering her chin in a nod of support, Yuuka smoothly shifts her weight to turn, patting Tsiro's shoulder twice before pulling her hand away and continuing through the open doorway leading out of the arena.