Date: October 5, 2014
A pair of Kiri kunoichi go to help out on a fishing expedition, and wind up dealing with a bronco of the brine.
"Marine Rodeo"
North Sea [Land of Water]
Out from the Land of Water, the sea can be both welcoming and unwelcoming. Sometimes the sea is calm, and other times storms and waves rock ships and cause destruction. There are some small islands out from the mainland between the Land of Water and other countries. Deep sea fisherman can often be spotted out here, collecting fish to sell at local markets.
Helping out with the grunt work aboard a fishing boat during the peak season; that's just the sort of odd job a ninja village might assign to its genin for 'character building' and a little extra cash, right? And since it is grunt work, you don't really need a full team for it, just a chuunin to oversee things and whatever genin happen to be available. Even if it's just one genin for a particular boat, there shouldn't be any real problems, yes?
Well, it might get a little more complicated if the chuunin 'overseeing' things is Koseitama. Even while she does her share of the hauling, the fracture-brained kunoichi is muttering dark gibberish. "The waters will claim their share today, a bloody tide rolls 'neath the waves and the lurkers of the deep grow restless. So foresees the sea hag!" >} Sailors being a superstitious lot in general, this is definitely not having a positive effect on crew morale. @.@;
Hayase has come along as a fairly limber Genin. She's stronger than she looks, lifting and hauling the parts. She doesn't mind. She actually likes the more peaceful missions, without the life and death thrill. Nothing about it's thrilling. It's messy and painful. In fact, she's enjoying Koseitama's chatter for awhile. What an odd Chuunin! But after awhile she notices it's upsetting the sailors, and that's upsetting her. So she sidles over to her team leader. "Koseitama-san," she says quietly. "I think you're making the sailors anxious. You're saying something pretty wild things. Maybe you can…moderate how you talk a bit?" She says the last part very delicately. Koseitama is her superior after all, even if she's gaga.
Koseitama casts a gleaming eye on Hayase and cackles. "Foolish one, you dare ignore the sea hag's prophecy? The waters care not for man nor child and will swallow each with nary concern. See, even now, the ocean sends a guardian to reclaim its stolen riches!" Koseitama points a hand out over the nets, managing to make it look rather gnarled. For a moment, nothing seems to happen…then the fish being hauled up from the water start to shrink in toward a point, as though being sucked down a drain. One of the sailors turns pale at seeing this peculiar phenomenon. "It's…it's a curse! She's bewitched us!" D8 Oh dear, things might turn quite ugly very quickly if Hayase can't get to the bottom of this.
Hayase is trying to calm Koseitama down, but it only seems to make it worse. She can't believe they put her in charge of this mission. Is she really a Chuunin. When the fish start getting sucked back in, Hayase looks sharply at Koseitama. Then she'd duck low to sweep the Chuunin's legs out from under her. It'd make her fall on her butt, and break her concentration. But Hayase wouldn't stop even if the whirlpool kept going. And she calls out, "It's just…just a strange wave. Not anything supernatural. Look, that's why we're here to get it. Shinobi!" And she'd push Koseitama out, and hisses in her ear. "Walk out there even if you're sucked down, and grab that net, right now, you. If you don't…I mean if you do…I'll treat you to any dish you like in the market!" Trying to force her to do anything seems to meet a stubborn wall. Maybe a bribe.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Hmmm…"
RP: Koseitama rolled a 8 with 1d9 die.
RP: Koseitama rolled a 3 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "You win. n.n"
«OOC» Hayase says, "Whoo!"
«OOC» Hayase says, "You should do stat rolls for that."
RP: Hayase makes a Spd roll and got 9.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Nah, my system is more interesting. And less overwhelmingly advantageous for those with higher stats."
«OOC» Hayase says, "It's not too bad. Think about it. Let a Genin roll with their primary stat (usually a 6) and they go from 6-16. Even someone with max will only get 10-20."
«OOC» Hayase knocks that up 1.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "So a genin with mid-chuunin-level mastery in a particular area will be beaten by a fully developed char in that same area…80% of the time."
«OOC» Hayase says, "Aren't you gonna pose? :P And…huh. Nice math."
«OOC» Koseitama is working on it. Has to figure out what persona comes next. X)
Koseitama cackles madly. "I need no curse when the deep itself has judged ye! Ye shall be dragged down, down to Davey Jones's lock — " That's when Hayase manages to knock Koseitama onto her bum. @.@ Koseitama sits with her head rolling dazedly for a moment, then shakes it. "Ain't nothin' wrong on this side," she remarks, patting the rail of the ship. "Betcher problem's in th'outside pipes. I keep tellin' folk they gotta get those things checked 'roun' once every three yars, but do they listen? Nuuoooope nope nope." Koseitama stands, hitches up her pants, and clambers overboard. "Y'all know I get paid by the hour, right? Not that I plan on cheatin' y'all by workin' slow," Koseitama remarks as she sloshes through the amassed fish toward the point they seem to be disappearing into. She kneels down and thrusts an arm into the hole. "Service first, that's my motto. Now then, let's see if we kin — whoa billy!" o.O; Koseitama pulls up — or rather jerks back to narrowly avoid being skewered by — the serrated snout of a large swordfish. "Reckon that's yer problem right thar!" Yup, a swordfish cutting a hole in the bottom of the net in an attempt to get at the other fish, that'd start letting them out all right.
«OOC» Hayase loves your self-deprecation
Hayase stares. It turns out this isn't a huge colossal prank by Koseitama, even though the woman talks crazily. In that case, Hayase just tripped up her team leader but Koseitama doesn't seem to mind. Though she's utterly bonkers, she's not bad. Hayase watches as Koseitama goes to fix the problem, only to be attacked by a fish. She stifles laugh, which comes out as a snort. The look on Kosei's face is too much. Hayase rubs her chin. How shall they deal with that fish? She looks at the whole shore of fishermen who've been fishing all their lives. But they're none too happy about the whole 'superstitious incident.' So she grabs a net and goes in right after Koseitama, tossing one end to the Chuunin. "Be careful," she says. "We'll net it quick, 'kay?" And she'd wait on her team leader's word.
«OOC» Hayase says, "Why am I not referencing Naruto Wikia? Why am I instead watching youtube 'swordfish attacks' videos, to type my next pose?"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Shucks, you should be checkin' Ol' Joe's Big Book o' Plumbin' iffen y'ask me."
Koseitama catches the net and tries to get it around the flailing swordfish. "Hoooee, that's a mighty ornery critter. Got a schnoz like my pappy's ol' fellin' saw. Stop thrashin', ya blasted bass!" Koseitama wraps her arms around the swordfish and throws her weight on top of it in an attempt to subdue it. Unfortunately this turns out not to be enough, and the swordfish starts flopping around atop of the dwindling pile of fish with Koseitama clinging to it. "Whoooha, just like a gol-durn rodeo! Ride 'em fishboy!" XD Hayase may not find it so amusing, especially when the swordfish's thrashing brings its sharp snout flailing at her!
«OOC» Koseitama calls the swordfish a +2 Critter, so…
RP: Koseitama rolled a 6 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Koseitama also gives it D-rank Sword Snout skills, which it uses with no 'chakra' augmentation.
RP: Koseitama rolled a 1 with 1d2 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "You need to match a 7. You've got 32 total stats, which translates to +4 Ninja in my system, so your base roll is 1d9."
RP: Koseitama rolled a 7 with 1d9 die.
RP: Hayase rolled a 4 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Hey, you succeeded with just the base roll. n.n Pose defending however you want."
«OOC» Hayase says, "What? I got LOWER."
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Well, I rolled for you. c.c Didn't think you'd catch on that quickly. X)"
«OOC» Hayase says, "Oh I see"
«OOC» Hayase says, "Missed that first roll."
«OOC» Koseitama says, "I guess we'll take that roll you just did as the base for your attack. What's your highest-ranking skill currently?"
«OOC» Hayase says, "Nose Break."
<>==============================< Nose Break >==============================<>
<> <>
<> Author: General <>
<> Does Damage: Yes <>
<> Stamina Cost: 600 <>
<> Chakra Cost: 0 <>
<> Counter Enabled <>
<> - Counter Stamina Cost: 900 <>
<> Jutsu type: Taijutsu <>
<> Rank: C <>
<> Damage Type: BLUNT <>
<> Style: Tactical CQC <>
<> Mods: Tricky + Counter <>
<> Hit Roll Dice: SPD + TAI <>
<> Hit Roll Range: 29 to 53 - Personalized for current character. <>
<> Damage Roll Dice: POW + STA <>
<> <>
<> Description: Nose break requires the user to be in close proximity of <>
<> an opponent and wait for an opportune moment to arise before taking <>
<> advantage of an opponents own movements and using it against them <>
<> followed by a series of false hand strikes that eventually lead into a <>
<> quick plam thrust to the opponents nose. This attack is very similar to <>
<> Physical III, but is more targetted and contains more feints with the <>
<> net result being that it is in fact almost a series of moves woven <>
<> together, some of which can be used to effectively counter an <>
<> opponent's strike if done swiftly enough. <>
«OOC» Hayase says, "Hahahaha!"
«OOC» Hayase says, "Apt."
«OOC» Hayase says, "Haha"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Anyway, you have C-rank mastery level, which means you'd roll 1d4 if you do an attack without spending any chakra. You have 4 chakra points to start with."
«OOC» Hayase says, "Do I RPattack or 1d4 to use nose break?"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "1d4."
The sailors are gaping in utter amazement. They've used poles, nets, boats, and a number of other seafaring contraptions to haul in fish. But what none of them have ever done was stomp out in the ocean and try to wrestle it to death. There's a pause at this phenomenon and then they start cheering the two girls on. It's utterly ridiculous, but it's grand entertainment. And it only gets more bizarre. As the fish thrashes around, Hayase dives in not to kick or punch it, but aim a cracking elbow right at its snout. Nose Break seems a fairly fitting move in this instance.
RP: Hayase rolled a 1 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Roll another one for situational appropriateness."
RP: Hayase rolled a 2 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Okay, swordfish's base defense roll:"
«OOC» Hayase fails in life.
RP: Koseitama rolled a 7 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "D'awww, it succeeded. :P"
«OOC» Hayase says, "I'm horrible."
RP: Hayase rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
RP: Hayase rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Hayase says, "Oh there NOW we get it."
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Let's see…swordfish makes an attack roll…"
RP: Koseitama rolled a 5 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "…goes after Koseitama with its snout…"
RP: Koseitama rolled a 1 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Koseitama defends…"
RP: Koseitama rolled a 6 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Succeeds without needing extra technique roll."
Highly appropriate, yes! :D Unfortunately the fates are not with Hayase in this endeavor. :P The swordfish's flailing snout eludes Hayase's elbow, and it continues thrashing around amongst the catch. Koseitama loses her grip on the slippery creature, and it takes the opportunity to flex around and jab at her with its saw-toothed schnozz. >.< Koseitama swings herself sideways, avoiding the feral strike. "Dad-gum, crotchety feller ain't 'e? Reckon he'd make a durn good guard dog, iffen y'had a favorite crick or somethin' y'wanted t'keep to yerself." n.n;
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Okay, once again, you're a +4 Ninja, so your base roll is 1d9."
RP: Hayase rolled a 2 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Hayase topples.
«OOC» Hayase says, "Oh wait, pose first."
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Not great. X) You're up to 5 chakra this round though, so D-rank attacks are free, C-ranks are 1 chakra, etc."
«OOC» Koseitama says, "And no actually, rolling first is good. Informs your pose."
«OOC» Hayase says, "Kinda informs I miss, right"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Well, you still need to make your technique roll. Let's see…"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "You could do a 1d6 for D-rank, or a 1d8 for C-rank."
«OOC» Hayase would do C-rank. I roll 1d9 for that?
RP: Hayase rolled a 5 with 1d8 die.
RP: Hayase rolled OVER 9000!!! with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Not bad. Swordfish's base defense:"
RP: Koseitama rolled a 5 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Hayase says, "Du du duuuu"
«OOC» Hayase says, "Isn't there another roll?"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "Hmmm…I'm gonna say its fighting style is completely offensive so it gets no technique roll on defense. ;9"
«OOC» Koseitama says, "So you succeed in trouncing it this time. Yay!"
She's insane. Insane! If Hayase had the time she'd stare at her team captain in incredulity. So why is she laughing? Maybe it's the wildness of the hunt, Koseitama's eccentricity, or the fact that she's wrestling with a fish. Whichever one it is, Hayase is grinning like a fool as she splashes through the water. And this time her swing connects right with the swordfish's 'snout' She tenses, half expecting it to slice her open like a katana would. But it seems only to be pointy on the tip of the snout. "Take that!" she says, with no decorum of dignity, drubbing it soundly.
The swordfish, already somewhat dizzy from all this time flopping around in shallow water, gradually goes limp under Hayase's thrashing. x.x Koseitama grins hugely and pats Hayase on the head. "Well ain't you th'best plumber's helper a feller could ask for! Y'all kin have some gumbo on me when we git back!" n.n Koseitama glances at the dip in the fish pile. "Oh, reckon we still got a leak though. Just gimme two shakes of a lamb's tail." Koseitama dives off the pile and swims underneath the net. A moment later she pops back up and waves to the fishermen. "That oughta do it fellers, haul away!" The fishermen pull the net in, and once the catch is safely aboard they see that the hole has been temporarily patched with ice.
The mood shifts significantly when Koseitama patches the net in such an elaborate way. She is a gifted shinobi after all! Even if she does talk a little strangely. Hayase would say as much. "You talk weirdly, Kosei-san," she says. "It's not just one way. You were switching up ways talking. Do you do that to fool your enemies or something?" She wrings some water out from her clothes, but it's not use. She'll just have to change when she gets back. What would you expect on a fishing trip? She looks over at the ice. "Is there anything else to do?" She seems far more willing to take orders from the Chuunin now.
Koseitama clambers back up onto the boat and shakes the water from herself like a dog. She chuckles at Hayase's question. "Naw, that's just my ever-lovin' self. Been like that since that gol-dang rock bonked my bumpkin. Leastways I kin still sling a shuriken, eh?" ;) The foreman signals to the crew that they've got enough haul for now and it's time to head for shore. Koseitama puts a hand on Hayase's shoulder, and the wetness drains from her clothing as though fleeing. "Y'all heard the man, let's get this canoe turned upriver."
Out from the Land of Water, the sea can be both welcoming and unwelcoming. Sometimes the sea is calm, and other times storms and waves rock ships and cause destruction. There are some small islands out from the mainland between the Land of Water and other countries. Deep sea fisherman can often be spotted out here, collecting fish to sell at local markets.
Helping out with the grunt work aboard a fishing boat during the peak season; that's just the sort of odd job a ninja village might assign to its genin for 'character building' and a little extra cash, right? And since it is grunt work, you don't really need a full team for it, just a chuunin to oversee things and whatever genin happen to be available. Even if it's just one genin for a particular boat, there shouldn't be any real problems, yes?
Well, it might get a little more complicated if the chuunin 'overseeing' things is Koseitama. Even while she does her share of the hauling, the fracture-brained kunoichi is muttering dark gibberish. "The waters will claim their share today, a bloody tide rolls 'neath the waves and the lurkers of the deep grow restless. So foresees the sea hag!" >} Sailors being a superstitious lot in general, this is definitely not having a positive effect on crew morale. @.@;
Hayase has come along as a fairly limber Genin. She's stronger than she looks, lifting and hauling the parts. She doesn't mind. She actually likes the more peaceful missions, without the life and death thrill. Nothing about it's thrilling. It's messy and painful. In fact, she's enjoying Koseitama's chatter for awhile. What an odd Chuunin! But after awhile she notices it's upsetting the sailors, and that's upsetting her. So she sidles over to her team leader. "Koseitama-san," she says quietly. "I think you're making the sailors anxious. You're saying something pretty wild things. Maybe you can…moderate how you talk a bit?" She says the last part very delicately. Koseitama is her superior after all, even if she's gaga.
Koseitama casts a gleaming eye on Hayase and cackles. "Foolish one, you dare ignore the sea hag's prophecy? The waters care not for man nor child and will swallow each with nary concern. See, even now, the ocean sends a guardian to reclaim its stolen riches!" Koseitama points a hand out over the nets, managing to make it look rather gnarled. For a moment, nothing seems to happen…then the fish being hauled up from the water start to shrink in toward a point, as though being sucked down a drain. One of the sailors turns pale at seeing this peculiar phenomenon. "It's…it's a curse! She's bewitched us!" D8 Oh dear, things might turn quite ugly very quickly if Hayase can't get to the bottom of this.
Hayase is trying to calm Koseitama down, but it only seems to make it worse. She can't believe they put her in charge of this mission. Is she really a Chuunin. When the fish start getting sucked back in, Hayase looks sharply at Koseitama. Then she'd duck low to sweep the Chuunin's legs out from under her. It'd make her fall on her butt, and break her concentration. But Hayase wouldn't stop even if the whirlpool kept going. And she calls out, "It's just…just a strange wave. Not anything supernatural. Look, that's why we're here to get it. Shinobi!" And she'd push Koseitama out, and hisses in her ear. "Walk out there even if you're sucked down, and grab that net, right now, you. If you don't…I mean if you do…I'll treat you to any dish you like in the market!" Trying to force her to do anything seems to meet a stubborn wall. Maybe a bribe.
Koseitama cackles madly. "I need no curse when the deep itself has judged ye! Ye shall be dragged down, down to Davey Jones's lock — " That's when Hayase manages to knock Koseitama onto her bum. @.@ Koseitama sits with her head rolling dazedly for a moment, then shakes it. "Ain't nothin' wrong on this side," she remarks, patting the rail of the ship. "Betcher problem's in th'outside pipes. I keep tellin' folk they gotta get those things checked 'roun' once every three yars, but do they listen? Nuuoooope nope nope." Koseitama stands, hitches up her pants, and clambers overboard. "Y'all know I get paid by the hour, right? Not that I plan on cheatin' y'all by workin' slow," Koseitama remarks as she sloshes through the amassed fish toward the point they seem to be disappearing into. She kneels down and thrusts an arm into the hole. "Service first, that's my motto. Now then, let's see if we kin — whoa billy!" o.O; Koseitama pulls up — or rather jerks back to narrowly avoid being skewered by — the serrated snout of a large swordfish. "Reckon that's yer problem right thar!" Yup, a swordfish cutting a hole in the bottom of the net in an attempt to get at the other fish, that'd start letting them out all right.
Hayase stares. It turns out this isn't a huge colossal prank by Koseitama, even though the woman talks crazily. In that case, Hayase just tripped up her team leader but Koseitama doesn't seem to mind. Though she's utterly bonkers, she's not bad. Hayase watches as Koseitama goes to fix the problem, only to be attacked by a fish. She stifles laugh, which comes out as a snort. The look on Kosei's face is too much. Hayase rubs her chin. How shall they deal with that fish? She looks at the whole shore of fishermen who've been fishing all their lives. But they're none too happy about the whole 'superstitious incident.' So she grabs a net and goes in right after Koseitama, tossing one end to the Chuunin. "Be careful," she says. "We'll net it quick, 'kay?" And she'd wait on her team leader's word.
Koseitama catches the net and tries to get it around the flailing swordfish. "Hoooee, that's a mighty ornery critter. Got a schnoz like my pappy's ol' fellin' saw. Stop thrashin', ya blasted bass!" Koseitama wraps her arms around the swordfish and throws her weight on top of it in an attempt to subdue it. Unfortunately this turns out not to be enough, and the swordfish starts flopping around atop of the dwindling pile of fish with Koseitama clinging to it. "Whoooha, just like a gol-durn rodeo! Ride 'em fishboy!" XD Hayase may not find it so amusing, especially when the swordfish's thrashing brings its sharp snout flailing at her!
The sailors are gaping in utter amazement. They've used poles, nets, boats, and a number of other seafaring contraptions to haul in fish. But what none of them have ever done was stomp out in the ocean and try to wrestle it to death. There's a pause at this phenomenon and then they start cheering the two girls on. It's utterly ridiculous, but it's grand entertainment. And it only gets more bizarre. As the fish thrashes around, Hayase dives in not to kick or punch it, but aim a cracking elbow right at its snout. Nose Break seems a fairly fitting move in this instance.
Highly appropriate, yes! :D Unfortunately the fates are not with Hayase in this endeavor. :P The swordfish's flailing snout eludes Hayase's elbow, and it continues thrashing around amongst the catch. Koseitama loses her grip on the slippery creature, and it takes the opportunity to flex around and jab at her with its saw-toothed schnozz. >.< Koseitama swings herself sideways, avoiding the feral strike. "Dad-gum, crotchety feller ain't 'e? Reckon he'd make a durn good guard dog, iffen y'had a favorite crick or somethin' y'wanted t'keep to yerself." n.n;
She's insane. Insane! If Hayase had the time she'd stare at her team captain in incredulity. So why is she laughing? Maybe it's the wildness of the hunt, Koseitama's eccentricity, or the fact that she's wrestling with a fish. Whichever one it is, Hayase is grinning like a fool as she splashes through the water. And this time her swing connects right with the swordfish's 'snout' She tenses, half expecting it to slice her open like a katana would. But it seems only to be pointy on the tip of the snout. "Take that!" she says, with no decorum of dignity, drubbing it soundly.
The swordfish, already somewhat dizzy from all this time flopping around in shallow water, gradually goes limp under Hayase's thrashing. x.x Koseitama grins hugely and pats Hayase on the head. "Well ain't you th'best plumber's helper a feller could ask for! Y'all kin have some gumbo on me when we git back!" n.n Koseitama glances at the dip in the fish pile. "Oh, reckon we still got a leak though. Just gimme two shakes of a lamb's tail." Koseitama dives off the pile and swims underneath the net. A moment later she pops back up and waves to the fishermen. "That oughta do it fellers, haul away!" The fishermen pull the net in, and once the catch is safely aboard they see that the hole has been temporarily patched with ice.
The mood shifts significantly when Koseitama patches the net in such an elaborate way. She is a gifted shinobi after all! Even if she does talk a little strangely. Hayase would say as much. "You talk weirdly, Kosei-san," she says. "It's not just one way. You were switching up ways talking. Do you do that to fool your enemies or something?" She wrings some water out from her clothes, but it's not use. She'll just have to change when she gets back. What would you expect on a fishing trip? She looks over at the ice. "Is there anything else to do?" She seems far more willing to take orders from the Chuunin now.
Koseitama clambers back up onto the boat and shakes the water from herself like a dog. She chuckles at Hayase's question. "Naw, that's just my ever-lovin' self. Been like that since that gol-dang rock bonked my bumpkin. Leastways I kin still sling a shuriken, eh?" ;) The foreman signals to the crew that they've got enough haul for now and it's time to head for shore. Koseitama puts a hand on Hayase's shoulder, and the wetness drains from her clothing as though fleeing. "Y'all heard the man, let's get this canoe turned upriver."