Date: December 31, 2016
Having secured at least being given an opportunity to see her goal reach, Hayase undergoes a series of test to prove her worthiness in the arena.
"Reach for the Sky - The Tests"
Kanayama Hiko Arena - Fighting Ring [Kumogakure]
The arena before you is as large as an open field. Vast stone walls surround the arena. They look as rough and uneven as the walls of a cave. The walls climb straight up, higher and higher to the distant stands. The only break in the rough hewn walls is a round, cave-like entrance leading back to the lobby. The grounds of the arena are a mixture of lands. On one half is uneven, rocky ground like many of the places found in Kumo. The other half is firm packed soil with a long row of full grown trees that encircle the edges of the arena. Within the center of the field is a wide, deep pool surrounded by sandy shores. It's a tribute to all five nations, yet seems to blend naturally together as if one were standing on the edge of the nations' borders.
"LISTEN UP, CHEEKY! Me and major here don't got all day to horse around, so ya betta bring yer A-game from the start! And betta not waste it with stupid questions after I explain what we're gonna do for yer test! Is. That. Under. STOOD!"
After an hour of virtual silence out of the Shirokiri, the sudden shouting out of the petite woman is more bracing than the wintry mountain breeze currently circulating through one of Kumogakure's biggest attractions: Kanayama Hiko Arena. At least such was the case judging by the reactions of a bear and giant of a yotsuki standing by Rise, but the same may not be the case for the only other sole occupant within the arena itself. Patiently, Rise waited for a reply from Hayase out of empathy. After all, she didn't fully expect the Kiri-nin to be much of a morning person compared to most Kumoians.
"By the heavens, woman! You got a set of lungs on you." The young white-haired man stated while digging a finger in an ear. Major whines-growls in agreement, but is quick to incline his head after catching a look from Rise. She doesn't hold the glare long on her beloved bear before turning it on her fellow Kumo shinobi. "/You/ don't get to complain, Mr. I'll-pay-you-back-thirty-tomorrows-ago." She stated flatly, earning a defeated sigh from her target of vengeance.
Throughout the entire speech Hayase is eating pokki. She seems very much awake. She is a morning person, it seems. While he blasts his introductory speech at her, she's chewing through the crunchy chocolate-dipped crackers. And by the time he's done she wipes the crumbs off her cheeks and says with determination, "Yes, I understand! There won't be any horsing around." She looks as much as she did before. A long, billowing skirt, white shirt, and an unzipped jacket. It's a casual outfit. She's even wearing loafers. The only hint of her being a shinobi is her forehead protector around her neck, and the blade on her back. When she speaks she'd give them a respectful bow, before asking, "Who are you?" She looks to the giant Yotsuki.
While the more prideful instructors might become agitated by clothing and initial attitude, Rise felt nothing of the sort. One of her chief philosophies demanded comfort in any state of dress, for one never truly knew when a fight might descend upon them!
"Hm? … Oh right, I never did properly introduce you two did I?" Rise giggles, earning a half-hearted glare this time out of the Yotsuki behind her. "Not that it really matters" She glances slyly back at the Yotsuki, teasing him with a grin. "But this is Yotsuki Koichi, a… genin, tho' not in the strictess of sense." Rise admits. "Ya don't have to tell her"
"-Wasn't plan'n on it, Skipper. So cool yer tits." Rise quickly interjects after casting a quick glare back at the man. "*ahem*… Where was I… Oh yeah! Tests!" Rise claps her hands sharply together. "I decided to skip out on me usual way on goin' bout this, 'cause I don't really need Amani-chan come'n down on me again fer stress'n my injuries." She stated, rolling her eyes near the end. Despite her devil may care attitude about the subject, Hayase would know from long walk to the arena the Shirokiri wasn't carrying herself like last time. Rise kept stopping often too to rub at her abdomen along the way earlier.
"So! We're goin' to my back up plan. A three step deal that'll be yer only chance of getting out of… well, our deal, if'n ya don't pass'em at least. Got it?" She asked, though still gestures for Yotsuki. While he stepped past the trio after producing a scroll from one of his many jacket pockets. "The first one is pretty easy. Koichi there is gonna summon three challenge dummies. All ya gotta do is carry each them from the start point to the otha end of the arena, and then back to start before drop'n it and pick'n up the next one. Simple, right?" Rise grins toothily.
"Nice to meet you, Koichi-san," Hayase says amusedly. She's watching the banter between the two of them, but doesn't comment on it. There are more important matters here than bears and tits. Hayase quickly rounds up her eating to finally start training. She's not rolling up the sleeves of her jacket or bracing herself, but her stance says she's ready for the first trial. Be it one of Herculean strength or a test of speed she's ready for…dummies? Hayase looks at first in amusement then in wariness at the scrolls. If it were as simple as it appeared this would be quite easy. "It seems very straightforward," Hayase says, and she walks forward to lug the things across the arena. But before they're summoned she says, "And from this moment onward, I'll definitely ace all of these trials and take your technique. In the alloted time."
Koichi doesn't stop just a short distant from the others. He keeps on going until he reached the far end before stopping to lay out the scroll, flash through a set of seals, and then slam his palm into the rolled out portion of parchment. So, Hayase will have to do a bit of hiking after speaking her piece one way or another, because Koichi had no plans to stop short of his destination! "Give it yer all, cheeky." Rise states, flashing Hayase one last toothy grin before waving Hayase on. As soon as Hayase's back is turned, Rise deflates a little, murmuring something along the lines of "idjit" under-breath while rubbing at her belly.
Smoke summoned up by the jutsu quickly dissipates and reveals a bizarre arrangement of objects. Although all three are vaguely humanoid in form, the shape and size of at least two of them from a glance hint at serious back pain in the future. They were at least conveniently arranged from biggest to smallest with the smallest being no larger than Hayase. It was also a Mokujin for all intents and purposes. One with a peculiar sheen to it. The second largest was a straight-forward training uprooted training post roughly a foot taller than Hayase. But the largest, however, could put a young elephant to shame given its sheer size and amorphous form. How Rise intended for Hayase to pass with something like /that/ to contend with is anyone's guess. Either way, those were the terms, which might beg a different question.
Was there more to the tests than meets the eyes?
Hayase looks at all three of the dummies and bursts out laughing. How is she even going to wrap her arms around that last one? Maybe she'll carry it on her back. She says, "Well I've used training weights so that ought to have helped." And she proceeds across the field after that rather unimpressive statement. Without hesitation she makes a beeline for the middle dummy. The smallest one probably has some horrible trick to it. And the largest one is just too impossible looking. Maybe Rise put it there to make this whole thing impossible. She would've certainly won the bet if Hayase couldn't even finish the first exercise. The thought gives Hayase even more determination so she'd lift the dummy up while using her legs to lever it into the air. And she finds it's rather normal for what it looked like. Which isn't too much for a shinobi. She walks back with it, and sets it down without breaking too much of a sweat. "One down," she says, and then she heads for the large one. Maybe it's hollow?
While both Yotsuki and bear are taken aback by the outburst, Rise appeared unperturbed from her new leaning post: Major's furry side. Back in the day she might've done the same in Hayase's place. Her teachers were fortunately more straight-forward and forgiving. Mostly. As for Hayase's next target, ridiculously cumbersome is a more adequate word for it. Just getting a grasp on the grey mass was difficult enough, for clasping tightly initial instilled the fear of it bursting like a water balloon. It never does of course, which is most fortunate for Hayase. Rise could be mean and cruel. But downright evil? Well… only to her enemies. And Hayase wasn't one.
Eventually, Hayase would be able to find some sort of purchase on the uniformly smooth hide of the dummy. But lifting and carrying it came with their own set of complications. Whatever amounted to filling was not only decently heavy enough to test the strength of an experienced chunnin, but also kept shifting about in places as the dummy moved, threatening to off-balance Hayase with every step. Nay! Every breathe!
Okay… perhaps not quite that much, but to have those kind of issues added to football field's worth of trekking?
After a minute Hayase manages to finally find some purchase on the cumbersome, shifting mass. It's like trying to hold onto a pond wrapped in plastic. But she manages to get it a few feet across the field before it all shifts and wobbles again. Then she has to stop, adjusting a bit, before setting off again. There's some unspoken rule that she can't take out some wire to bundle it up; she has to do this without any aid. She doesn't drop it, but there's quite a few areas where she has to pause to make sure it doesn't fall or burst apart. Unlike Rise, she doesn't know how fragile this thing is. Maybe the whole challenge is getting it to the end intact. And by the end she's almost crawling on her knees with the precarious hold she has on the thing. She drops it down and gives Rise a triumphant smile. "Nothing to it," she says. Her legs are wobbling though, almost as if she's still trying compensate for a great blobby weight on her back. "Where did you even /get/ that?" she asks, incredulously. Why would anyone want to have that?
In spite of her own aches and pains, Rise does not shirk her duty for even a moment. Every grueling step taken is one she watches closely in consideration of the future. If Hayase ever did collapse beneath the every shifting mass Rise fully intended to help her out in that instance. But this never comes to pass.
"You'd be surprise what sorta things you can find in the markets in these parts." Rise said nonchalantly before offering a toothy grin. "Now let's see…. I didn't say you couldn't take a breather between laps, so if you want to…" She trails off there, leaving things up to Hayase. Rise is careful afterwards to let no feeling or shift in stance betray her personal opinion on such a move. If Hayase wanted to continue then so be it. But after the last test there was no telling what kind of "trick" was in store for her when it came to the last dummy.
Hayase nods. "A moment to rest would be nice," she says. She finds a nice enough patch of ground to sit on. She takes a couple of deep breaths. Then she'd pull from her pocket, very unsurprisingly, more food. This time it's an apple, and she eats it straight down till there's nothing left but the seeds, core, and stem. She eats it like it's the last food on earth. Then when she's done she hops back to her feet. "Okay, ready for that last one," she says. She beams at Rise. "No doubt it's easy as it looks." Here's hoping. She heads off across the field, till she reaches the final dummy. If it were as light as it seemed she'd be across in no time.
Rise weakens, and in doing so let a small smile of adoration betrays her. Unable to trust her voice however, a simple nod is all Hayase gets in answer before she drifts away rest and chow down. The almost peaceful moment is only ruined by a shout from the Yotsuki making the similiar request to rest.
"NO!" Rise shouts back. And that is the end of that. c.c;
The last dummy is many things. But light? Oh most certainly not! If the first dummy was easy, and the second dummy was merely challenging, the last dummy is pure hell in terms of weight. As if to define just which layer of hell it might be, though the Mokujin had limbs that could normally be used as easy hand holds, every broad portion of thing was as slick to the touch as oil. It is a good thing Hayase took that early rest when she did, because manhandling the thing would be a nightmare few determined jounin would be willing to endure just to learn a technique or two.
Hayase lifts with her legs and manages to get the dummy a few inches off the ground. She moves forward an infinitesimal amount. Then it slips from her grasp, slippery as an eel. And an entire field to go. Hayase studies the dummy for a moment before she promptly violates the self-made rule from one minute ago, and takes out some wire. All's fair. She loops it around various parts of the dummy, three times, and lashes it three times around her back. That takes care of the whole carrying it problem. Then she starts off, one grueling foot at a time. It's slow going. Fortunately Rise didn't give her a time limit. All seems to be going well until halfway across when one of the wires breaks with a stinging sound. She almost loses her balance as the statue drops, but manages to balance out. Another wire breaks. And halfway across she goes from a snail's walk into a mad dash. She gets to the end just in time. Her foot crosses the line, the wires break, the dummy drops with a thud, and Hayase would practically fly into the bear's furry, massive side as she topples.
"Easier said than done, ain't it kid?" Keicho asked with a wolfish grin from his seat a few feet away. Up until then, he had silently watched Hayase muddled through the first test, and grew genuinely and openly more impressed with her determination. But in seeing her struggle just to lift the mass of steel, wood, and other hidden materials, that admiration began to wane in his face. He glances at Rise with a strange mix of hope and lingering agitation in his eyes. She merely off-handily gestured for him to keep watching on before she too returned to do the same.
To both of their relief (though Rise doesn't show it well), Hayase takes advantage of another loop hole in Rise's testing rules to advance. While watching this time around Rise stood more firmly on her own two feet, but held back on interfering personally. Even as strap after strap came undone, the Shirokiri refused to violate the simplistic terms until self-assured Hayase's life was in danger.
"You can do it… c'mon… You can…" She murmured to herself, absent-minded grin transforming slowly into a look of concern. When the time comes Major grudgingly accepts being a cushion with little more than a groan of disapproval being given on impact. "Not bad, Cheeky. Ya actually passed the first test. Congratulations. And good job catching the little loop hole I left ya. But now…" Rise turns and whistles sharply, catching Koichi's attention. "-We begin the second test: Get Koichi… to fall down!" As Rise descends into a bout of "maniacal" laughter, Koichi shakes his head having arrived just in time to be reminded of his real role in today's events, then looks on to Hayase. Easily standing at six feet four inches and built like a heavy weight wrestler, Koichi easily outclassed Hayase looking on from a physical standpoint. And though he offered a sympathetic look soon enough, the man snaps into a stance meant to ground him, making it nigh impossible to move him.
"So, Cheeky… Ready to continue?"
Hayase lifts with her legs and manages to get the dummy a few inches off the ground. She moves forward an infinitesimal amount. Then it slips from her grasp, slippery as an eel. And an entire field to go. Hayase studies the dummy for a moment before she promptly violates the self-made rule from one minute ago, and takes out some wire. All's fair. She loops it around various parts of the dummy, three times, and lashes it three times around her back. That takes care of the whole carrying it problem. Then she starts off, one grueling foot at a time. It's slow going. Fortunately Rise didn't give her a time limit. All seems to be going well until halfway across when one of the wires breaks with a stinging sound. She almost loses her balance as the statue drops, but manages to balance out. Another wire breaks. And halfway across she goes from a snail's walk into a mad dash. She gets to the end just in time. Her foot crosses the line, the wires break, the dummy drops with a thud, and Hayase would practically fly into the bear's furry, massive side as she topples.
"Easier said than done, ain't it kid?" Keicho asked with a wolfish grin from his seat a few feet away. Up until then, he had silently watched Hayase muddled through the first test, and grew genuinely and openly more impressed with her determination. But in seeing her struggle just to lift the mass of steel, wood, and other hidden materials, that admiration began to wane in his face. He glances at Rise with a strange mix of hope and lingering agitation in his eyes. She merely off-handily gestured for him to keep watching on before she too returned to do the same.
To both of their relief (though Rise doesn't show it well), Hayase takes advantage of another loop hole in Rise's testing rules to advance. While watching this time around Rise stood more firmly on her own two feet, but held back on interfering personally. Even as strap after strap came undone, the Shirokiri refused to violate the simplistic terms until self-assured Hayase's life was in danger.
"You can do it… c'mon… You can…" She murmured to herself, absent-minded grin transforming slowly into a look of concern. When the time comes Major grudgingly accepts being a cushion with little more than a groan of disapproval being given on impact. "Not bad, Cheeky. Ya actually passed the first test. Congratulations. And good job catching the little loop hole I left ya. But now…" Rise turns and whistles sharply, catching Koichi's attention. "-We begin the second test: Get Koichi… to fall down!" As Rise descends into a bout of "maniacal" laughter, Koichi shakes his head having arrived just in time to be reminded of his real role in today's events, then looks on to Hayase. Easily standing at six feet four inches and built like a heavy weight wrestler, Koichi easily outclassed Hayase looking on from a physical standpoint. And though he offered a sympathetic look soon enough, the man snaps into a stance meant to ground him, making it nigh impossible to move him.
"So, Cheeky… Ready to continue?"
When she completes the task Hayase doesn't act with any decorum. While Rise gives the terms for the next challenge, Hayase is clapping with her victory, congratulating herself, and basically having a little "me" party. But once the briefing is over, Hayase turns to the Yotsuki with a big smile. He's just arrived and Rise has just given her new instructions, which is fairly simple. She has to make him fall down, which doesn't necessarily mean she has to knock him out. So upon his arrival, he'd be immediately greeted with a rather sizable attack. It's not a kunai or a shuriken.
Hayase reaches out to grab the nearest training dummy. It happens to be the middle sized training post. She'd raise it and fling it with both hands. Maybe carrying that last dummy helped brace her for the weight of this one. It flies with great speed, and hits the ground. But it doesn't stop there. It rolls like a murderous, high-speed log to hit both of his legs and knock him off his feet. And she says, "This won't take long." Hehehe.
Rise frowned a little, having expected… well, not clapping for sure. If anything, Hayase should've been still too exhausted muster little more than a groan over being issued the next test. She appears all the more taken aback when the big smile is immediately followed up with an attack, though not nearly as much as Koichi. Even so, he is quick to prove the Reizei clan aren't the only ones with sharp reaction speeds by putting one leg forward, the other few feet behind, and then dig in with his hands outstretched as if to catch the thing.
Seconds before impact, seeing it bounce up nearly costs him. Wood splinters on impact with a leg left unguarded by a hasty attempt to protect his face. Yet, while both on the surface are left largely intact, Koichi does not go down; only grimaces after the heavy thing rebound off his shin. Rise lets out a drawn out whistle and claps. "Not bad! Not bad! For a second there even I amos thought that might work! Ya still good to go Koichi?" Rise asked cheekily.
"Bite me!" He shouts back angrily before flinching as he tried readjusting his stance. Snickering, Rise turns back to Hayase and says, "Just to make this more interest'n, I'm add'n two more rules. He ain't allowed to dodge whateva ya throw at'em - not that wasn't already the case I s'pose…. BUT anywho, he can't move, and you only get three more tries at it." She states.
"THREE MORE!?! You said she'd only get two!" Koichi yells. To which, Rise sticks out her tongue at hhim and says, "I lied~"
This would be a good time to use her ground upending ninjutsu technique…if she had any. Far from looking exhausted, Hayase seems more alert than before. Maybe she was feigning it. Or maybe this challenge has given her a burst of strength. She's already bracing for the next attack when Rise sets a limiting rule. "What?" she asks, though she'd clearly heard. She shoots the Yotsuki a look, her smile now gone. What she really wants is a huge finishing move, but Rise knows that's the very reason she came to Kumo. She turns back to the Yotsuki, now looking thoughtful. It's as if he's turned from a person into a puzzle she has to solve. So she takes a bit more time. Instead of attacking immediately she focuses until her skin takes on a darker shade. She's unlocking the gates, to make her blows faster and more powerful. Three, unlocked.
Then she'd reach back to grip the sword sheathed on her back. She'd leap at the Yotsuki, a high leap that brings her down to draw her sword and slash him. Or rather than a long slash it'd be more of a thin cut, followed by a series of other shallow slices. He might be able to see the sheen of something darker on her blade if he looked closely. While the damage is minimal the effect isn't even a small cut would taint his body with poison. It's a paralyzing agent that would spread a powerful numbing sensation through his body, and render him unable to function for a few moments.
Rise only answer is a glance from the corner of her eyes that had "You heard me" written all over it. Only after witnessing the change in demeanor in her would-be student does she offer Hayase her full attention. 'Is that…' She thought, eyes narrowing at the change in skin. Before she can do more than open her mouth, it is too late for words.
Koichi too is caught off-guard, though more from the burst of speed that put her out of visual range for a while. Acting more on reflex than anything else, he tried reinforcing his skin with chakra. After all, he was only disallowed from physical movement. In spite of his efforts, she dropped down faster than anticipated, overwhelming what meager defenses were put in place after only a few cuts.
"Heh… Is that it? You think a… bunch of bumg binnn…. Hrn!? Whrn!?" Koichi keeps on trying to speak, to move, to do /anything/ despite the rules set in place, but to no avail. The only thing he can manage is to look about furtively, and endure the awkward position his final attempt at placed him before the paralysis locked it in.
Meanwhile, Rise - having overcome her initial shock in seeing the gates in use - barely musters enough self-control to cover a hand over her mouth, though a few snippets of laughter escapes.
Hayase watches the poison take effect. She has to wonder if there's some code against using poison with kenjutsu in this village. The way of the sword here seems so honorable. It's brutal, overpowering, fast, but these Kumo shinobi aren't much for trickery and misdirection. She can see that the Yotsuki is caught off guard by the poison. All the better. The poison will become less potent with each attack, since she applied it to her blade within the sheath. Besides, she had only a couple attacks with which to bring him down. She was determined to make it only /two/ more attacks rather than three. Which is why she went so ludicrously all out.
Of course she doesn't stand around dictating all this in her head. She draws back her sword, aiming for his legs. He can't stand if she amputates them, and she says as much. But…she's only joking! "Just kidding," she smirks. People are so wary of Kiri shinobi around here that she can't help but poke fun at some. Instead she'd drop her sword and duck down. Both hands braced against the ground, she'd crouch with one leg and use the other to sweep his feet out from under him. It's just a simple tripping tactic where someone knocks an opponent's legs out from under them. Not unlike Leaf Gale. Just to ensure it'd do the trick he'd get a rather strong kick.
On the off chance he could somehow administer some fast acting antidote and break the stun, it'd be heartbreaking for Hayase. Otherwise she'd do a lap of victory. Yes, a literal lap around the field. Her pigtails stream behind her like two blue banners of triumph. She has energy to spare, which may not be good to reveal since there are more trials up ahead. She's not even winded by the time she comes back. And when she does, her gate release transformation that she underwent is gone. The only sign it had damaged her body is a faint shadow of strain on her face. And she's rubbing her arms as if there's something itchy on them.
Now she takes the time to look at the ensemble. Rise with her shark-like teeth. The huge talking bear. And the hulking Yotsuki. "Are these standard tests in Kumo?" she asks curiously, as she scratches her shoulder absently.
Two? Three? It didn't matter once the poison set in. Too bad Rise was trapped between trying to contain herself and the joy in seeing Koichi suffer a little more after not paying her back for so long. Otherwise, she would've called an end to the test right then and there. Still, if there is even a hint of murderous intent from Hayase following the initial barrage, choosing the best means to maim would become the least of Hayase's problems…
Luckily, it doesn't come to that! Yet. One never knew for certain when it comes to those dastardly Kiri-nin. Rise remained content to try and get her laughter under control. A process that becomes strained after hearing the Yotsuki impact the ground. Hard. "Congrats onnn and she's off." Rise said with the last part being murmured in amusement. After shaking her head in mild exasperation, Rise wonders over to the Yotsuki to offer both a pill and a few well placed touches meant to help ease the removal of the poison.
"Close to it, but not quite. We may like things a bit more extreme then our southern neighbors, but most don't bother deviating as much as I have." Rise said off-handily from her crouched position by Koichi. "But then, I wasn't exactly born here." She admits as much before looking over her shoulder to study Hayase. "Now I think its my turn to axe'ya a question… Who taught you the eight inner gates?" Though her tone is calm and expression neutral, there is a certain edge or pressure beneath it all making it more of a demand.
"They're very creative exercises," she says. Hayase looks pleased with herself until Rise recognizes the unlocking of the gates. That wipes the smirk from her face. She rubs her neck, and looks to Major as if he might have the answer to her question. When he gives no helpful advice, she glances back to Rise. "One of your guys," she mutters. "He was around years ago, and he got in some spars. He unlocked the first gate once and after I asked him to show me." She shrugs. "I've always had a knack for being able to see a taijutsu technique and learn it quickly," she admits. "I pick up different stuff. I came here to do so, but the problem is there are too many techniques I can't learn because they need a bloodline limit. Yotsuki and Reizei and all that."
She gives Rise an annoyed look. "You guys are perceptive when it comes to taijutsu. How did you know it was the Gates?"
Rise turns back to Koichi and says nothing at first. But after a lengthy moment of silence, she pats him on the shoulder and says, "Mind… no, yer debts paid up. So, if yer up to it, go'en take off." Confused, the Yotsuki doesn't start to move until some subtle look from Rise provided the proverbial kick necessary. It is a little while after the man runs off that Rise decides to break the silence again with a heavy sigh before standing up, and glancing over at Hayase.
"'cause I've used them enough times to know the signs… and the side effects." As if to demonstrate her point, Rise sharply flicks a pebble she sly picked up earlier at the younger girl's shoulder. Even if she didn't hit, Rise knew well the stress of the gates would shine through afterwards. "I ain't got a clue who this person is yer refering to. But fact of the matter is, ya seem to be able to access quite a few… which is why I'm give'n ya an automatic pass on the third test." She states, sounding almost reluctantly near the end.
Hayase gives a slight bow to the departing Yotsuki. When he leaves, she gives a laugh. "So you had him help because he owed you on. In other words, he was paying his debts by being poisoned and having heavy objects thrown at him. Speaking of which, that poison is temporary. It's totally inert now. So he'll be fine. And if he's not, I'll be in worse trouble than if I fail to learn this technique, isn't that right?" It seems she hasn't missed Rise's watchful vigilance.
Hayase's eyes widen when Rise says she too had learned the Gates. When the pebble is flicked, Hayase winces as if she'd been stung. Now that there's no chance of deceiving her, Hayase relaxes a bit. Relaxing being letting more of the strain show on her face and body. She's hurting from head to toe, but she's keeping it under control. When Rise gives her an automatic pass for the third test, Hayase doesn't cheer at all. Instead, she's studying Rise more closely than she has before. She finally says, "Thank you, Rise-sensei. Yes, I have learned how to unlock five of the Gates. I haven't mastered them. But you have, I think. No one told me you knew."
As reluctantly as she may have sounded earlier, Rise met her new, if albeit temporary charges gaze without any regret being reflected behind it. However, she soon came to regret having done so, seeing as it /did/ make it even more awkward to try hiding her darkened cheeks. "Ya don't have to call me sensei." She murmured, managing at least to lower gaze briefly. "Ahem… If'n ya don't mind, let's keep it between us. I'm… I don't mean to hide it, but… I'd rather not have it be blabbed around that I know'em, and then find myself wake'n up the next day with a bunch offers for train'n." She rubs at her forehead with the heel of her palm, already feeling a budding headache from the thought. A nudge from behind causes her to stumble a step forward. After turning and recognizing it as Major giving her a polite wake-up call, Rise pats his furry head before turning her sights back on Hayase.
"'fore I get too much more ahead of myself chee-… Hayase-san, I think it needs to be said that ya should head back for today and rest up. I… I'm…. *groans*… Not that I'm not willing to give ya a preview of what'chu gonna be learn'n or anything! I'd just rather have ya rest for now ova pass'n out on me mid demonstration, ya know?"
Hayase looks quite pleased to be accepted as Rise's student, and she'd bow again. "You mean you don't want me to call you Rise-sensei?" she asks. She nods in understanding, at the caution. She doesn't want to share Rise with a bunch of eager Kumo Genin after all. "Actually, I don't want it blabbed too much either, Rise-sen…-san." She eventually falls into greeting Rise less formally, and she makes no mention of letting it slip later. She's now stretching just a little, trying to recover a bit from the exertion she had undergone. She's all ready to go after a minute, before Rise tells her to head back.
That makes her sigh in relief. She would've continued if Rise had required it, but honestly every time she moves shows she's a bit clumsier and slower than before. Not to mention pebbles hitting her are actually painful. However, she adds, "I wouldn't pass out! Just maybe be a bit…well okay. Thanks for accepting me Rise-san." Then she'd stumble out of the area and back to her living quarters.