Noab, Zankuro, Akinori (left early, edited out of clean version), Akki
Date: March 24, 2014
In a world where ninja play games with their abilities, what's the most obvious sport? Something involving a really big ball, of course. ;)
Poster's note: foul language filtered in obvious places.
"Shinobi Games - Akimichi Bowling"
A random mountain
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Shinobi Games! We're getting ready for one of the most high-impact events of the games, AKIMICHI BOWLING! In this fan-favorite event, one team will guide and protect an Akimichi rolling down a treacherous mountainside in his quest to knock over a titanic set of bowling pins at the base! The opposing team, in the meantime, will do everything they can hinder the living ball! On the rolling team, we have Sarutobi Zankuro-san, Yamanaka Akki-san, and our juggernaut, Akimichi Noab-san! *CROWD CHEERS* And spread out in hiding along the mountain trail, our opposing team…NAMELESS NPCS! *CROWD BOOS*
It looks like our teams are about ready to start! Akimichi-san is on his mark, and he's turning into a meat tank using his clan's signature technique. The starter holds up his flag…AND THEY'RE OFF! Akimichi-san has a long flat runway to roll along to build up speed before he hits the slope, and it's a common strategy for the rolling team to boost their roller's speed any way they can during this stretch as it's safe from interference from the opposing team! But what's this? A member of the opposing team has broken cover already and is dragging a log to the top of the slope to act as a speed bump! Push or defend, what will Sarutobi-san and Yamanaka-san do?!
<Konohagakure> Zankuro summons Akinori over here for some bowling? c.c
<Konohagakure> Akinori says, "Summon meh!"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Mind another here bosh man? x.x;;"
<Konohagakure> Noab says, "Can't, doesn't work for RP Rooms. X) You'll have to hoof it over yourself."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Oh goodie!"
Akinori has arrived.
«OOC» Akinori says, "Soooo…"
«OOC» Noab revises starting pose.
«OOC» Akinori says, "What do I need to expect?"
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Shinobi Games! We're getting ready for one of the most high-impact events of the games, AKIMICHI BOWLING! In this fan-favorite event, one team will guide and protect an Akimichi rolling down a treacherous mountainside in his quest to knock over a titanic set of bowling pins at the base! The opposing team, in the meantime, will do everything they can hinder the living ball! On the rolling team, we have Sarutobi Zankuro-san, Sarutobi Akinori-san, Yamanaka Akki-san, and our juggernaut, Akimichi Noab-san! *CROWD CHEERS* And spread out in hiding along the mountain trail, our opposing team…NAMELESS NPCS! *CROWD BOOS*
It looks like our teams are about ready to start! Akimichi-san is on his mark, and he's turning into a meat tank using his clan's signature technique. The starter holds up his flag…AND THEY'RE OFF! Noab-san has a long flat runway to roll along to build up speed before he hits the slope, and it's a common strategy for the rolling team to boost their roller's speed any way they can during this stretch as it's safe from interference from the opposing team! But what's this? A member of the opposing team has broken cover already and is dragging a log to the top of the slope to act as a speed bump! Push or defend, what will the rollers do?!
«OOC» Noab says, "So, we could do this either pure RP, or use the Conflict Resolution System to give this some die-rolling unpredictability. It would take me a few minutes to figure out people's stats in the CRS, and only one of you here has actually played with it before, but it's a relatively simple system."
«OOC» Zankuro would like to go with CRS, but is fine with either.
«OOC» Akinori doesn't care either way, he follows the way aslong he is being explained what to do.
«OOC» Noab says, "Well, try taking a look at CRS Primer Basics, then. I don't think we'll really need the intermediate stuff for this scene."
«OOC» Akinori says, "Okay, where do I look at that?"
«OOC» Noab says, "It's an object sitting in this room. Just type 'look basics'."
«OOC» Akinori says, "reading atm."
«OOC» Noab says, "Zankuro, since you're most familiar with the system, we'll have you go first. With your stats, you're a +3 Ninja, so your base roll is +roll 1d8."
RP: Zankuro rolled a 6 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Zankuro facepalms.
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Too soon. X"
«OOC» Noab says, "No, that's fine. You get to know how your base roll turns out before you decide what to do with it. ;)"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Ah, well, there's that. X)"
«OOC» Akki says, "What would I roll?"
«OOC» Akinori says, "I know what my base roll will be."
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay, you have B-rank Fire Manipulation, D-rank Lucid Genjutsu, and E-rank Burning Leaf Taijutsu (which really doesn't let you roll anything extra, but if you want you can say you're using it in an action that just goes off your base roll). You can either attack the guy bringing out the log, or try to do something to push Noab faster. I'm gonna say one hit will do to stop the opponent, since he's lugging a big log, and if he succeeds in blocking us it'll take…2 points off of Noab's speed, which is currently 5. (Yay for making up arbitrary numbers!)"
«OOC» Noab says, "If you push Noab, you increase his speed by however much damage you would do if you were attacking him."
«OOC» Noab says, "So, Zankuro, what do you want to do and what style will you use to do it?"
«OOC» Zankuro chin rubs. )|a
«OOC» Akinori says, "I'm suprised Zankuro is a Sarutobi"
«OOC» Akinori says, "Didn't expect anyone O_o"
«OOC» Zankuro plays it safe with some genjutsu.
«OOC» Zankuro wanted that bunch of styles at once deal. >.>
«OOC» Zankuro says, "er"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "D-rank under gen, so 1d6?"
«OOC» Noab says, "What are you doing with the genjutsu?"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Make him drop the log on his foot."
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay. D-rank mastery means your roll starts at 1d2. You could boost it to 1d4 by spending a point of chakra, but I wouldn't think it worthwhile. BTW, you do remember that the mastery level you have doesn't dictate that you have to burn a lot of chakra to use it, right? X) You could do an E-rank technique in your B-rank Fire Manipulation style, and it would cost 0 chakra and roll 1d6."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Ah, right."
«OOC» Zankuro goes with e-rank fire in which case. <.<;a
RP: Zankuro rolled a 1 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "All right then, roll 1d6."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Pfft"
«OOC» Noab says, "Total of 7. Enemy defends…"
RP: Noab rolled a 4 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "…using an E-rank move at D-rank mastery level…"
RP: Noab rolled a 1 with 1d2 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "…and he's hit, so he drops the log. Feel free to pose how it works out."
«OOC» Noab says, "Who wants to go next? I'll prioritize your stats-figuring. X)"
«OOC» Akinori says, "I'll go next I suppose?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Akinori is a +5 Ninja (so base roll 1d10), with C-rank Chakra Tai, C-rank Wind Manip, and D-rank Fire Manip."
«OOC» Zankuro is a little distracted atm, so apologizes in advance for any delays. x_x;
«OOC» Noab says, "First you do your base roll, then you decide on a style to use and how much chakra to spend on boosting your technique, up to the level of your style mastery. In other words, you can spend at most 2 chakra, since your highest style is C-rank."
«OOC» Noab says, "So to start with, do +roll 1d10."
«OOC» Akinori says, "Still gotta wait for Zankuro, no?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Not really, actually. We already know he succeeds in stopping the opponent, and we can figure out what the rest of us do while he's writing."
«OOC» Akinori says, "Coo"
RP: Akinori rolled a 10 with 1d10 die.
«OOC» Akinori says, "That's good right?"
Zankuro's blood was on fire! BUT… his mind was about the opposite. As exciting as it was to get out for a little fun in the sun — not to mention check out crowd babes — the competition was taking forever. He literally slept, er, wondered in a daze up until Noab started rolling off. Which was odd because he could've sworn the akimichi was — "Oh snap! Sorrysorrysorrysorry!" He yells, dashing ahead of the others without a thought with the intent to try and top the juggernaut. "Hmm..?" Zankuro double blinks at the sight of the sabotuer. Then it clicks! Again without hesitation, Zankuro forms a single seal and spits a flaming-loogie-ball-thingy at the man's foot.
End Results: Their enemy has learned fire dance!!
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Definitelly."
«OOC» Noab says, "Nice. I'm going to say that boosting Noab's speed is a task of difficulty 6, so you've already succeeded. You can spend some chakra if you want to further increase the boost you're giving him. I'm thinking we'll knock over 1 pin for each point of speed Noab has at the end, for a goal of at least 15."
«OOC» Akinori says, "Righto."
«OOC» Noab says, "So as things stand, if you spend no chakra, you'll boost him by 1; for 1 chakra, boost by 2; for 2 chakra, boost by 3. You have 5 chakra currently and gain 2 at the end of every round."
«OOC» Akinori says, "I guess boosting by 2 is a good team effort, right?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Oh, and Noab's current speed is 5."
«OOC» Noab says, "So you want to spend 1 chakra on it?"
«OOC» Akinori says, "2"
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay then. Pose speeding him up using a C-rank Wind or Chakra Tai move."
«OOC» Noab says, "Finally, we have Akki, who is a +3 Ninja (base roll 1d8) with C-rank Body Control Style and D-rank Lucid Genjutsu."
Akinori glances towards the crowd, giving a somewhat lousy salute as he steps forward a bit as a drunk lunatic. However appearance fools as he builds up some chakra in his body, dashing towards the object as it sends out his chakra infused Trench knife slamming it with full force. He quickly dashes back to his former position, glancing towards Akki."I think it's your turn my man". He grins as he spoke the words, glancing towards the object rolling faster then before.
«OOC» Noab wonders if Akki's player got busy, as sometimes happens? X)
«OOC» Akinori says, "Bowling sounds fun, but it's not really my cup of tea. Anybody feels offended if I leave?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Not really."
Akinori has left.
«OOC» Akki says, "Back"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "wb"
«OOC» Akki says, "What do I roll?"
«OOC» Noab says, "1d8 for your base."
RP: Akki rolled a 4 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Akki says, "Next, I shall take over the body of the enemy who's dancing around and have him punt Noab ahead. 8D"
«OOC» Noab says, "Heh. X) Spending any chakra on that?"
«OOC» Akki says, "Using my C-Rank."
«OOC» Noab says, "Affirmative. Noab's speed goes up to 8 (not counting Akinori's since it's early enough in the scene to just edit him out)."
«OOC» Noab says, "Oh wait, there's still a slim possibility you'll fail. Roll 1d8."
RP: Akki rolled a 2 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Akki :O
«OOC» Noab says, "Just made it."
«OOC» Akki says, "Dice, why dost thou hate me so?"
Akki doesn't even move from her position, taking a much more tactical approach to the situation. Her hands point forward to form a triangle at the man who's been forced to drop the log, and suddenly her body would collapse on the ground, and he would stop dancing around. With his form overtaken, the man seems to turn on his friends as he waits for Noab to start to pass him and turns a spinning kick at the rolling man to speed him up further down the runway! That done, the man would collapse, and Akki would pick herself up off the floor and dust herself off a bit.
Oh, that was an entertaining start folks! The opposing team's gamble didn't pay off, and the rolling team is on a roaring launch! Next up we have the steep, rocky slope near the peak of the mountain! Noab is going to have to rely heavily on his team-mates here to keep him from crashing into the many stone protrusions hereabouts! Uh-oh, and it looks like the opposing team is hiding amongst those rocks too! One of them has just triggered a rockslide which could put the whole team in danger! How will the rolling team respond?
«OOC» Noab says, "Base roll for attack…"
RP: Noab rolled a 9 with 1d10 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "And style roll…"
RP: Noab rolled a 5 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Ooo, nasty. X) You both have to defend yourselves from a rockslide, and then at least one of you should defend Noab too. This does 2 damage to anybody that gets hit."
«OOC» Noab says, "So, first base roll, which is 1d8 for both of you."
RP: Zankuro rolled a 1 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Figures. DX"
«OOC» Noab says, "Yikes. To even have a chance of defending you need to spend at least 2 chakra on your Fire Manipulation, which would give you a 1d24. Or you could spend 3 to get 1d48. You currently have 5 chakra BTW."
«OOC» Zankuro will grudingly spend the 3.
RP: Zankuro rolled a 21 with 1d48 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Plenty. Now, base roll again, 1d8, for your other action."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Down to 2 so.. hrm.. You got protection detail on Noab, right, Akki? ;)"
«OOC» Akki will use fade and make them think he's somewhere else. XD
«OOC» Zankuro sagenods!
RP: Zankuro rolled a 2 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Zankuro ger ger gidgets.
«OOC» Zankuro wonders if he can mind bend Noab to go faster. >.>;a
«OOC» Zankuro says, "?*"
«OOC» Noab says, "You can either try to defend Noab, for which you'll need to hit 12 or better but can be done using the doubling roll ranges for defending, or try to move him faster, which will require a mere 4 but has to be done with regular rolls."
«OOC» Noab says, "No, but maybe you can figure out a way to /indirectly/ increase his speed."
«OOC» Zankuro hmms..
«OOC» Zankuro snaps his fingers!
«OOC» Akki raises hand.
«OOC» Zankuro goes with basic e-rank in fire this time.
«OOC» Zankuro peers at Akki.
«OOC» Noab says, "That'll be a 1d6."
«OOC» Akki says, "Could I make one of the other guys throw a boulder at Noab from behind to send him rocketing away?"
RP: Zankuro rolled a 5 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Good roll, Noab's speed goes up by 1."
«OOC» Noab says, "That sounds a little far-fetched, even for a silly scene like this. X)"
«OOC» Akki says, "Ah. XD"
«OOC» Noab says, "Anyway, first you have to defend yourself. Start with your base roll of 1d8."
A cackling Zankuro rushes past the fire dancer, brazenly unaware of Akki's efforts until Noab picks up even more speed. The quick glance he meant to spare on seeing just how the Yamanaka managed that, ends before it begins at the distant sound of danger along the way. "Splitsplitsplitsplitsplitsplit — Fwooosh!" Upon a column of flame the hero ascends clear above the boulders. He follows up in the air with a simple twist of the head to jet him forward before allowing gravity to take over. Thinking quickly, the Sarutobi puts his faith in Akki to play protection this time around. Zankuro in the meantime spits out a wisp of a fire ball. By combining wind, perfect timing, explosive force, and placement, Noab recieves that extra boost ahead.
RP: Akki rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Nice, you've got a decent chance. You can get a 1d8 next by spending 1 chakra, or a 1d16 by spending 2 chakra. You need to get a 6 or better."
«OOC» Akki says, "What I use mind lock on a few guys and make them halt their throwing to clear space?"
«OOC» Noab says, "That could work."
«OOC» Noab says, "And what the hey, I'll count it as protecting Noab too. X)"
«OOC» Akki says, "So what do I roll for that?"
«OOC» Noab says, "1d16."
«OOC» Noab pokes Akki?
«OOC» Zankuro puts down his finger.
«OOC» Akki says, "Sorry, work grabbed."
RP: Akki rolled a 4 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Akki o.o
«OOC» Noab says, "Ouch. X) You take 2 damage, making you a +1 Ninja. All base rolls from here on are 1d6."
«OOC» Noab says, "So, that didn't work, but you could still attempt to defend Noab with a separate action…or just boost him. Either way, start with a 1d6."
«OOC» Akki taps chin.
«OOC» Akki says, "What'd I get hit by, a boulder?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Something like that, aye. Or just a bunch of loose rubble."
«OOC» Noab says, "You know you still have an action available, right?"
«OOC» Noab AFKs to make dinner.
«OOC» Akki says, "Ugh, sorry. x.x"
«OOC» Akki says, "I know, just trying to decide if it makes sense for miss glass cannon to jump up after getting smacked with a boulder."
«OOC» Akki says, "Ohhh!"
RP: Akki rolled a 3 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Akki is gonna use one of the other dudes to smack his friends.
«OOC» Akki says, "Did I roll correctly, boss/"
«OOC» Noab says, "Affirmative. I recommend you do something to boost Noab, if you spend your 1 chakra on that it'll have the same net effect as successfully defending him and is more likely to succeed."
«OOC» Akki ponders. "I suppose I could make my dancing buddy fling himself at him."
«OOC» Noab says, "Indirect means of 'boosting' his speed are fine. For example, you could say you guide him around obstacles on the course."
«OOC» Akki says, "Okay. X)"
«OOC» Noab says, "Oh, if you use 1 chakra and can think of a way to accomplish that with Body Control, it's 1d6. For Lucid Genjutsu it'd be 1d4. You need to get a 3 or better. You could also do 1d4 with Body Control and save the chakra."
RP: Akki rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
SMACK! Akki is sent spiraling back by a boulder flying directly at her, not agile enough by any means to get out of the way. This seems to mainly just turkey her off, despite her extreme bruises and bleeding wounds. With another point of her hands, she quickly spies a few things and starts calling out ways for Noab to dodge things on the course.
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay, Noab loses 2 speed and gains 1, now at 8."
Wow, what a close call for the rollers! They didn't pick up any speed in that stretch, but at least they didn't lose any overall! Still, that rockslide seems to have hurt Akki-san, one more hit would probably take her out of action!
Next up we have the forest on the middle slope! A path has been cleared through the trees, but it's a windy road that might give the ball some trouble! And of course, the opposing team isn't going to make things easy! I think those are explosive tags on kunai being thrown at the rollers from out of the woods!
«OOC» Noab says, "First attack against Zankuro…"
RP: Noab rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
RP: Noab rolled a 2 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Now Akki…"
RP: Noab rolled a 5 with 1d7 die.
RP: Noab rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "And finally Noab…"
RP: Noab rolled a 3 with 1d7 die.
RP: Noab rolled a 2 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay, Zankuro, you have to match a 3, shouldn't be hard at all. ;)"
«OOC» Noab says, "Base roll is 1d8."
RP: Zankuro rolled a 6 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Schweet~"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Now for that attack, let's see.."
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay, no need for a style roll. Now, you could defend Noab, help Akki defend herself, or boost Noab."
«OOC» Zankuro reads before trying anything. >.>;
«OOC» Noab says, "And you can do your base roll again before you decide."
RP: Zankuro rolled a 5 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Zankuro says, "How much chakra does Akki have?"
«OOC» Noab says, "She has 3."
«OOC» Zankuro @.@
«OOC» Noab says, "And you have 4, BTW."
«OOC» Zankuro grumbles and defends the ball. X|
«OOC» Zankuro says, "the last base covered it jah?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Hmm, yes, that's sufficient."
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay Akki, now you have to defend yourself against an 8. Do 1d6 for the base."
And Zankuro hits the ground sliding like he's riding an imaginary surfboard~ That is until that one rock decided to accept his challenge! Next thing he knows is the world is spinning around and around and around and around again. Where he stops, only a tree a little off the beaten path knew. Groaning and darn near close to retching, Zankuro shows off his Sarutobi spirit by recovering quickly, and incidently, just in time to see a hail of kunai rain down on all. A firey defense comes readily to mind and his hands start forming the necessary seals. The only problem lay in just who beyond himself could he defend? Should he stick to the objective and hope the bruised up Yamanaka could still defend herself, or put the mission at risk instead? In seconds both shirt and face becomes drenched in sweat that had little to do with fatigue or his own katon techniques.
A murmured curse later followed by the air being sliced by a counter barrage of shuriken and kunai to deflect portends his choice: Noab and himself.
RP: Akki rolled a 3 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Zankuro would boost and defend though wasn't sure if that was allowed. :va
«OOC» Akki says, "That good, or have I been stabbed?"
«OOC» Zankuro hmms..
«OOC» Zankuro says, "you need an 8 or higher"
«OOC» Akki says, "Oh. My max is 6. o.o"
«OOC» Akki ded
Akki has partially disconnected.
«OOC» Zankuro recommends spending some chakra for a d or c-rank def
Akki has reconnected.
«OOC» Akki says, "Whoops."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Your not ded.. yet. >.>"
«OOC» Akki says, "What actions do I have left?"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "d or c-rank to add on to your def, which I believe was: You can get a 1d8 next by spending 1 chakra, or a 1d16 by spending 2 chakra."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "You currently have 3 chakra to spend."
«OOC» Noab comes back from AFK and confirms Zankuro's analysis.
RP: Akki rolled a 8 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Akki says, "Yay o.o"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Whew~ Almost thought I got the def wrong. And yay~"
«OOC» Akki says, "So did I successfully defend?"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Aye"
RP: Akki rolled a 5 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay, you're still in things! Now you can try to boost Noab's speed."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Does the difficulty goes up by his speed or stay at 6?"
«OOC» Akki still failt. :/
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Not quite yet Akki. :3"
«OOC» Akki says, "Actually, that puts me passed out on the ground if my Body Control didn't hit. XD"
«OOC» Noab says, "And that's an automatic success once you add the style roll, so the only question is, do you want to spend your remaining chakra to add another point to his speed? (Hint: the answer is yes ;) )"
«OOC» Akki says, "Sure. XD"
«OOC» Noab says, "Okay! Noab's speed is now 10. I'm thinking this next round will be the last one, so give it all you've got. Zankuro has 6 chakra, Akki has 2."
«OOC» Zankuro breaks out that b-rank. +.+
Just as it seems Akki's about to be struck again, she fades into nothing. While the others are distracted by the illusion, the real Akki stands with her hands pointed at one of the unsuspecting dopes, taking over his body and making him jump out of the treeline and kick Noab further down the track to increase his speed.
RP: Noab rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
RP: Noab rolled a 7 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Noab has been unluckily lucky with his baddie rolls. X)
Akki has partially disconnected.
The rolling team is in good form this time! They've navigated the forest with ease and kept building up steam. But will it be enough to end it all with a maximum score?
It's the final stretch now ladies and gents, they're approaching the lake at the foot of the mountain! The giant pins have been placed on the end of the long dock reaching out over the water! But what's this? The opposing team's last remaining contender is so determined to stop the ball, he's placed himself right in the line of fire in front of the pins! It looks like he's pulling water up from the lake for a huge blast stream! This can't end well for one side, folks, which one will it be!?
«OOC» Noab says, "3 damage to Noab's speed if that hits. You two don't need to defend, though."
«OOC» Noab says, "Defend yourselves, I mean. Just defend Noab and boost him."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "We can do booth? :D"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "both*"
«OOC» Noab says, "Nope, just one or the other."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Arg. ;.;"
RP: Zankuro rolled a 3 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Double arg! >:I"
«OOC» Zankuro chin rubs.
«OOC» Zankuro needs 3 either way to use a b-rank, jah?
«OOC» Noab says, "Well, you can still get a big boost, just need to roll a 3 or more. Could also defend, but you'll get a minus for using fire against water."
«OOC» Noab says, "Affirmative."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Oh right, darn elemental weaknesses! >:I"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "How much would the minus be?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Good question. e.ea I was thinking just 1d2, but that's not much compared to the huge boosts you can (potentially) get spending chakra. Let's say 1d4."
«OOC» Zankuro chin rubs roughly.
«OOC» Noab says, "I'd do the boost."
«OOC» Zankuro ruffles his own hair!… and somewhat grudingly agrees..
«OOC» Noab says, "Let Akki handle the defense, she can roll a 1d6 and a 1d16."
«OOC» Zankuro says, "b-rank under fire would be? 1d10?"
«OOC» Noab says, "It would be 1d12, then you'd roll another 1d4 and subtract it."
«OOC» Zankuro sagethnods.
RP: Zankuro rolled a 7 with 1d12 die.
RP: Zankuro rolled a 1 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Zankuro says, "Yay~"
«OOC» Noab says, "Success! Akki, 1d6 for base roll."
RP: Akki rolled a 4 with 1d6 die.
RP: Akki rolled a 2 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Akki o.o
«OOC» Zankuro cries tears of blood!
«OOC» Noab says, "Ouch. X) Down by 3. Final speed is 11."
«OOC» Akki says, "We haz failt?"
«OOC» Noab says, "Although…I was mistaken about the goal earlier, typical bowling has 10 pins."
«OOC» Akki says, "Ah. XD"
«OOC» Akki says, "So we win? :D"
«OOC» Zankuro says, "We haz overkill! >:D"
«OOC» Noab says, "Suppose so. X)"
"AHHHHH!" SPLASH! Akki's is washed away rather easily by the torrent from the other guy. This woman is pretty much the definition of a glass cannon. When she hits, she hits. When she gets hit, she gets slammed. As Noab crosses the finish line, this particular team member is sprawled out on the ground with her eyes closed. "…. Ow."
Zankuro keeps on running (more or less) after the speeding bowling ball of doom, but glances back warily to see how Akki has faired. "… Just.. focus on the mission Zakki." Zankuro mutters before whipping his head back around and focusing once more. Seeing her collapse a second time around was going to eat him up something fierce. But later, for now there were entering the final stretch! Seeing the only obstacle left was — what he assumed to be — the leader standing in front of their great ball of death, Zankuro abandon defense for pure unlimited power. A great, big 'o bomb of fire is fired behind Noab, bolstering his speed with explosive force! So much force in fact that even Zankuro is knocked off his feet from a distance!
o/~ GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! o/~ Now that's what Noab is folks, hurtling along the dock at literally burning speeds! Talk about taking one for the team! But the opposition can hardly miss a target like that! Whoa, look at all that steam! Did it stop the ball? NO, THERE HE IS!!!
Ooo, it's a close one, folks, a couple of those pins are still wobbling, will they stand — NO! STEEEEEEEE-RIKE!!! And one more for good measure, as the opposing team member was knocked into the lake as well! It's a rousing victory for the rollers, ladies and gentlemen! :D
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Shinobi Games! We're getting ready for one of the most high-impact events of the games, AKIMICHI BOWLING! In this fan-favorite event, one team will guide and protect an Akimichi rolling down a treacherous mountainside in his quest to knock over a titanic set of bowling pins at the base! The opposing team, in the meantime, will do everything they can hinder the living ball! On the rolling team, we have Sarutobi Zankuro-san, Yamanaka Akki-san, and our juggernaut, Akimichi Noab-san! *CROWD CHEERS* And spread out in hiding along the mountain trail, our opposing team…NAMELESS NPCS! *CROWD BOOS*
It looks like our teams are about ready to start! Akimichi-san is on his mark, and he's turning into a meat tank using his clan's signature technique. The starter holds up his flag…AND THEY'RE OFF! Akimichi-san has a long flat runway to roll along to build up speed before he hits the slope, and it's a common strategy for the rolling team to boost their roller's speed any way they can during this stretch as it's safe from interference from the opposing team! But what's this? A member of the opposing team has broken cover already and is dragging a log to the top of the slope to act as a speed bump! Push or defend, what will Sarutobi-san and Yamanaka-san do?!
Zankuro's blood was on fire! BUT… his mind was about the opposite. As exciting as it was to get out for a little fun in the sun — not to mention check out crowd babes — the competition was taking forever. He literally slept, er, wondered in a daze up until Noab started rolling off. Which was odd because he could've sworn the akimichi was — "Oh snap! Sorrysorrysorrysorry!" He yells, dashing ahead of the others without a thought with the intent to try and top the juggernaut. "Hmm..?" Zankuro double blinks at the sight of the sabotuer. Then it clicks! Again without hesitation, Zankuro forms a single seal and spits a flaming-loogie-ball-thingy at the man's foot.
End Results: Their enemy has learned fire dance!!
Akinori glances towards the crowd, giving a somewhat lousy salute as he steps forward a bit as a drunk lunatic. However appearance fools as he builds up some chakra in his body, dashing towards the object as it sends out his chakra infused Trench knife slamming it with full force. He quickly dashes back to his former position, glancing towards Akki."I think it's your turn my man". He grins as he spoke the words, glancing towards the object rolling faster then before.
Akki doesn't even move from her position, taking a much more tactical approach to the situation. Her hands point forward to form a triangle at the man who's been forced to drop the log, and suddenly her body would collapse on the ground, and he would stop dancing around. With his form overtaken, the man seems to turn on his friends as he waits for Noab to start to pass him and turns a spinning kick at the rolling man to speed him up further down the runway! That done, the man would collapse, and Akki would pick herself up off the floor and dust herself off a bit.
Oh, that was an entertaining start folks! The opposing team's gamble didn't pay off, and the rolling team is on a roaring launch! Next up we have the steep, rocky slope near the peak of the mountain! Noab is going to have to rely heavily on his team-mates here to keep him from crashing into the many stone protrusions hereabouts! Uh-oh, and it looks like the opposing team is hiding amongst those rocks too! One of them has just triggered a rockslide which could put the whole team in danger! How will the rolling team respond?
A cackling Zankuro rushes past the fire dancer, brazenly unaware of Akki's efforts until Noab picks up even more speed. The quick glance he meant to spare on seeing just how the Yamanaka managed that, ends before it begins at the distant sound of danger along the way. "Splitsplitsplitsplitsplitsplit — Fwooosh!" Upon a column of flame the hero ascends clear above the boulders. He follows up in the air with a simple twist of the head to jet him forward before allowing gravity to take over. Thinking quickly, the Sarutobi puts his faith in Akki to play protection this time around. Zankuro in the meantime spits out a wisp of a fire ball. By combining wind, perfect timing, explosive force, and placement, Noab recieves that extra boost ahead.
SMACK! Akki is sent spiraling back by a boulder flying directly at her, not agile enough by any means to get out of the way. This seems to mainly just turkey her off, despite her extreme bruises and bleeding wounds. With another point of her hands, she quickly spies a few things and starts calling out ways for Noab to dodge things on the course.
Wow, what a close call for the rollers! They didn't pick up any speed in that stretch, but at least they didn't lose any overall! Still, that rockslide seems to have hurt Akki-san, one more hit would probably take her out of action!
Next up we have the forest on the middle slope! A path has been cleared through the trees, but it's a windy road that might give the ball some trouble! And of course, the opposing team isn't going to make things easy! I think those are explosive tags on kunai being thrown at the rollers from out of the woods!
And Zankuro hits the ground sliding like he's riding an imaginary surfboard~ That is until that one rock decided to accept his challenge! Next thing he knows is the world is spinning around and around and around and around again. Where he stops, only a tree a little off the beaten path knew. Groaning and darn near close to retching, Zankuro shows off his Sarutobi spirit by recovering quickly, and incidently, just in time to see a hail of kunai rain down on all. A firey defense comes readily to mind and his hands start forming the necessary seals. The only problem lay in just who beyond himself could he defend? Should he stick to the objective and hope the bruised up Yamanaka could still defend herself, or put the mission at risk instead? In seconds both shirt and face becomes drenched in sweat that had little to do with fatigue or his own katon techniques.
A murmured curse later followed by the air being sliced by a counter barrage of shuriken and kunai to deflect portends his choice: Noab and himself.
Just as it seems Akki's about to be struck again, she fades into nothing. While the others are distracted by the illusion, the real Akki stands with her hands pointed at one of the unsuspecting dopes, taking over his body and making him jump out of the treeline and kick Noab further down the track to increase his speed.
The rolling team is in good form this time! They've navigated the forest with ease and kept building up steam. But will it be enough to end it all with a maximum score?
It's the final stretch now ladies and gents, they're approaching the lake at the foot of the mountain! The giant pins have been placed on the end of the long dock reaching out over the water! But what's this? The opposing team's last remaining contender is so determined to stop the ball, he's placed himself right in the line of fire in front of the pins! It looks like he's pulling water up from the lake for a huge blast stream! This can't end well for one side, folks, which one will it be!?
"AHHHHH!" SPLASH! Akki's is washed away rather easily by the torrent from the other guy. This woman is pretty much the definition of a glass cannon. When she hits, she hits. When she gets hit, she gets slammed. As Noab crosses the finish line, this particular team member is sprawled out on the ground with her eyes closed. "…. Ow."
Zankuro keeps on running (more or less) after the speeding bowling ball of doom, but glances back warily to see how Akki has faired. "… Just.. focus on the mission Zakki." Zankuro mutters before whipping his head back around and focusing once more. Seeing her collapse a second time around was going to eat him up something fierce. But later, for now there were entering the final stretch! Seeing the only obstacle left was — what he assumed to be — the leader standing in front of their great ball of death, Zankuro abandon defense for pure unlimited power. A great, big 'o bomb of fire is fired behind Noab, bolstering his speed with explosive force! So much force in fact that even Zankuro is knocked off his feet from a distance!
o/~ GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! o/~ Now that's what Noab is folks, hurtling along the dock at literally burning speeds! Talk about taking one for the team! But the opposition can hardly miss a target like that! Whoa, look at all that steam! Did it stop the ball? NO, THERE HE IS!!!
Ooo, it's a close one, folks, a couple of those pins are still wobbling, will they stand — NO! STEEEEEEEE-RIKE!!! And one more for good measure, as the opposing team member was knocked into the lake as well! It's a rousing victory for the rollers, ladies and gentlemen! :D