Sousa (emitter), Kaidan, Ayumu
Date: February 6, 2015
Suna nin deal with a gang of corny, but dangerous, vagabond ninja.
"The Copper Pot Gang"
A small town in the Land of Wind
C-A-rank: Rogue ninja sighting of the month: the Copper Pot gang. Use your imagination to determine what sort of techniques the gang uses. You can encounter members of the gang of varying numbers and skill levels, and more than one team can round up different parts of the gang.
Some groups have the weirdest themes, especially in this world of ninja. This time, Suna nin have been called upon to deal with a rogue group called…the Copper Pot Gang. And yes, they're called that because they wear pots on their heads, as if they were helmets. Did they grow up playing pretend and then never get over their habits even after picking up actual ninja skills? -.-a
Well, whatever the case, they're currently in control of a small, remote town. The messenger who managed to get out and alert Sunagakure to the situation said he's pretty sure the gang's not aware anybody escaped, so they hopefully haven't done anythng drastic yet in preparation for their getaway. A couple of grunts stroll and hop from roof to roof of the town's houses, patrolling and keeping an eye on the surroundings with their pots glinting in the sunlight.
«IGA» Ayumu follows Kaidan, the senior shinobi. >.>
Stopping by a large dune just before the town, Kaidan leans on a rock and looks around the dune a little, glancing that way before looking to Ayumu with a sigh, "Little is known about the abilities of these fools but we gotta deal with them." He nods his head and points at Kaidan, "So, you are going to be the eyes and I'm going to be the fists." He nods his head, "I'm not really stealthy so you need to slip inside if you can and get in place." He nods his head and gestures for Ayumu to go, "I mean, you can see in and you can sneak in." He nods his head, "I come in fast after you are in place and then you cause havok which prevents them from preparing for my approach." He nods, "Plus, if they think I'm coming at them alone they might not think much of it."
Ayumu could scarcely believe what he tasted on the wind and heard, but the truth remained the truth. He almost giggled once or twice during the mission briefing. Luckily, he had more restraint, and continued to demonstrate as much as Kaidan delivers the orders. Otherwise, the Iga would've more than likely asked the burning question that had to be in everyone's mind.
'Did those pot helmets keep them cool, or hot and delirious?'
"Mm, true, but here—" Ayumu digs around in that tangled red forest growing atop his head until he produced an ear from it. "Keep this own ya, just in case." He says after tossing the thing towards Kaidan without much warning. By the time the ear is securely in hand, the ex-wanderer has already managed to form the seals necessary to become one with the sands. He slinks forward, keeping his pace somewhat slow so that Kaidan can create a distraction.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Would you like to use CRS, or regular skills, or just pure RP?"
«OOC» Kaidan looks to Ayumu.
«IGA» Ayumu looks to Kaidan. c.c
«IGA» Ayumu does enjoy the Crs..
«OOC» Kaidan says, "CRS it is then."
«OOC» Sousa says, "All right. Let's see, we'll call these guys +2 ninja. Ayumu, care to make a base roll for your sneakiness?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "That'd be +roll 1d13, BTW."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 9 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, and what rank was that skill you just used?"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "A"
«OOC» Kaidan is not fully familiar with this CRS thingy but will try to read as able.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Heh, bit of a big expenditure for early on if we treat it as literally an A-rank technique. X) You can roll D-rank for free, what level of effort would you like to say you're putting into it? You have 8 chakra to start with."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Probably not really worth a lot, especially since you had a decent base roll."
«OOC» Kaidan eyes unnecessarily slow internet
«IGA» Ayumu goes with the d, and apologizes for slowness. "Got abruptly dragged away." x-x
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, that'd be 1d10 I think."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 10 with 1d10 die.
«IGA» Ayumu will try to do a bit of refresher inbetween poses.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Nice. I don't think the grunts could possibly beat that."
«OOC» Kaidan hurrms, "Slow internet for no reason…truly.
The grunts are completely oblivious to Ayumu's approach. One of them calls across to the other. "All clear on this end, how's about you?!" "Dead as a fish in a skillet!" They both laugh with much more gusto than the reference deserves. Guess cooking jokes are big in their crowd. e.ea "Hey, we should get that cute little miller's daughter to serve us drinks when our shift is over!" "Yeah, and maybe after that she can give us a nice massage!" "You mean like a tenderizing?!" > n.~ > "I see what u did there!" < ^.^ <
Meanwhile, just so Kaidan isn't left with nothing to do, a random scorpion crawls around the boulder he's leaning on and stings at his hand. Stabstab. %C
«OOC» Sousa says, "Scorpion is a +1 Critter with D-rank Claw and Sting capabilities. Base attack roll:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "And E-rank attack technique in a D-rank style:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d2 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Total of five."
«IGA» Ayumu snerks.
«OOC» Kaidan blinks…
«OOC» Kaidan will use a D rank defense…not to mention a lack of care given he has a puppet hand but anyway. :D
RP: Kaidan rolled a 10 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "That's even before using the skill."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Indeed, no need for a skill roll. I'll even let you say you countered and squashed it if you like. X)"
Blinking as he catches an ear, he blinks a few times as he looks at it, "That's…gross no matter how many Iga I meet." He then idly sets it in a pocket and steps away as Ayumu disappears. Just as he is about to leave the rock, a scorpion slams a tail into…hardened special wood of a puppet arm. A hand comes up and then down hard as he smashes the scorpion. Armor flows over his front and back as well as over the lower part of his face. As he starts toward the village, he walks at first around the dune and hten progressively picks up speed. Even as he moves, he starts to run faster and faster till he finally reaches his full running speed and flicks a pair of kunai at the first enemy he spots as he starts to move in on the village. He isn't trying to hide but he isn't at the same time screaming or flailing, just rushing in.
«IGA» Ayumu wonders if he'll have to roll anything for patrol monitoring or trap sighting?
«OOC» Sousa says, "Not really. There's just the two guards out at the moment and no traps around. You can make a surprise attack on the sentries if you like."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "So…for this system do I roll to attack firs tthen and then pose or do I roll after…I'm a bit confused."
«OOC» Sousa says, "It can be done either way, although rolling first tends to work best. That way you can make decisions about what you're doing from your base roll."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "^"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Ah, sorry."
«OOC» Sousa says, "No great matter. So, first you do a base roll, 1d11."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 11 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Kaidan does nothing half-a**ed.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Nice. Since your starting chakra is 6, you can do D-ranks for free, which means you'll KO the guard if you hit (which you probably will). What rank have you reached in your tai style?"
«OOC» Kaidan has reached A rank in defense, B rank in attack.
«OOC» Sousa says, "CRS doesn't really distinguish. So, A-rank style with a D-rank move, that'd be 1d10."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 2 with 1d10 die.
«OOC» Kaidan falls over.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Unpredictability is a feature of this system. X) So, guard's base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 6 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hmmm…y'know what, he couldn't have succeeded with the best rolls he could possibly muster. X) One guard down."
«IGA» Ayumu surprise attacks the other.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 13 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Oh jah, that knife in the back. >.>"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Couldn't possibly beat that, both guards down."
'Miller's Daughter?'
As soon as the thought passes in mind, Ayumu nudges it aside to monitor Kaidan's progress. He would've warned the man of the scorpion had they more time to work out a signal. Of course, such a thing would not have been an issue if Kaidan was born an Iga, but that was a whole different issue. Moving on!
Sensing the movement of the puppeteer, Ayumu does what he can to reposition himself to take care of the other guard. The man would have seconds at most to see his partner go down before knocked uncouncious with a precise strike to the back of the neck. Kaidan and the rest of Sunagakure might've disagreed with his actions, but he had his reasons. Once bound and gagged, Ayumu takes a moment to create fresh sensor organs to check out of the rest of the village. They sought for patrols as well as hostages, though the former was somewhat unlikely given the name of the gang. Or was it? c.c;
Neither of the patrolling guards is looking in Kaidan's direction as he begins his run. He's nearly at the village before one of them, musing on a crack to top his fellow's, chances to glance in Kaidan's direction and furrows his brow. "Hey, who's tha — " *KUNAI'D* X.X The other guard turns around just not in time to witness the first one toppling off the roof. "Hey, I got one! We should tell the boss we're tired of STEWING in this — " *NECKCHOP'D* *.* Okay, that's the wannabe comedy duo dealt with.
It isn't hard to find out what's going on in the town. The majority of the gang is in the pub, roistering the day away with a few harried townsfolk waiting on them. Meanwhile, the majority of the townsfolk are huddled in the nearby storehouse, watched over by a handful of gang members. Thus far they seem unaware of the counter-raid.
A look to Ayumu once they are done, and Kaidan moves over to next to him before saying, "You'd rather that guy rot in jail? Your choice." He states and then shakes his head, "You're a cold one, Ayumu. Suna has straight nasty prison system. Not to mention the Kage's proclivity for experimentation." He looks at the tied up guy, "Poor guy will wish he was dead before long." He then looks to Ayumu and states, "Ok, so, I say we get the majority of the townsfolk free first, get them safe and then we finish the gang in one swoop. I can get their attention easily enough if you think you can get the people they might have in the pub out. What you say?" He looks to Ayumu and then looks forward, "I go in, make a ruckus, you slip those people out then help me finish this group of fools off once and for all?"
Ayumu cants his head as if confused at first, but as Kaidan explains things, the Iga begins to smile brightly. What the puppeteer described was true. Mostly. The Iga held on to the sliver of hope he envisioned, or delusion as some may call it. He had to for the sake of his sanity. Well, whatever Ayumu counted as such.
"Why the question? You are my glorious leader, ready to take the front charge at any moment." Ayumu says, and he wasn't being sarcastic. That didn't exactly mean he didn't /sound/ it, but still…
"If'n ya can tho' sir, mind drawing them out into the open? I'll see if I can escort the others out of a back entrance as soon as the coast is clear." Assuming there isn't any further comment or commands awaiting him, the wanderer once more sinks into whatever surface he stood upon, and would make his way to the pub all sneaky like.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 6 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Grr"
«IGA» Ayumu enhances it!
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oh, BTW, Ayumu is at 10 chakra now and Kaidan at 8."
«IGA» Ayumu sagenods.
«IGA» Ayumu considers b or c..
«IGA» Ayumu goes with the c. "Which is.. 1d12, da?
«OOC» Sousa says, "Indeed."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 12 with 1d12 die.
«IGA» Ayumu whews~
«OOC» Sousa says, "Quite a few fortunate rolls tonight."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Ayumu, would you mind if I presume you make contact with one of the townsfolk?"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Not at all, bosh man. ^^"
Ayumu proves quite successful again in his stealth. He's soon inside the pub undetected, where five pot-helmed bandits lounge around a long table, eating, drinking, and making up jokes. "So then I told her, of course I don't remember what-all I spent the money on, I wasn't expecting to be GRILLED about it!" XD "Ha ha! I'll bet she was pretty STEAMED!" "Yeah, must've been BOILING mad!" The apparent leader of the group, a heavyset man wearing a dirty chef's apron, stands up, and the rest of the group grows silent. The leader leans on the table. "All your jokes…are nothing but POTSHOTS!!!" XO The group stares for a moment…then suddenly everyone competes to laugh the loudest while the leader sits back down with a smirk. >)
With a stroke of good fortune, one of the workers, a trim young woman who is very likely the miller's daughter mentioned before, goes back to a wine cellar to broach a new casket — the perfect place for Ayumu to make contact. She startles slightly when the Iga comes out of the woodwork. "Wh — ! Wait, you're — oh thank the kami, Yoni-kun must have made it! You're the ninja sent to rescue us, right? Whatever you need us to do, we'll do it!" Of course, that's the real question, isn't it…how to get the rest of the workers out of the building before the enemy notices and puts them in danger? They do seem fairly wrapped up in their joke competition, but unless something keeps their attention permanently riveted, they'll probably notice if their hostages start leaving…
Meanwhile, there are two grunts guarding the rest of the townsfolk over in the storehouse, although these ones seem a mite tougher than the sentries from before. They pace back and forth just inside the barred main door of the storehouse, eyeing their prisoners balefully.
«OOC» Sousa says, "The guards in the storehouse are each +3 Ninja. Still figuring out the guys in the pub."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Think I'll make four of the guys in the pub +2 Ninja, same as the sentries, while the leader is +4 Ninja with C-rank styles. Need to be careful or we'll be here all night, should've made it a smaller gang. X)"
Walking up to the pub after giving Ayumu ample time to get inside. Walking right up to the door, Kaidan walks right inside and declares, "I need a drink!" He nods his head and then looks around before blinking a few times at the people in here, "Whoa! Who let all the potheads in here." He laughs a little before walking right toward the bar and leaning on it, unless stopped before he gets there, "So, you guys new in town? I see a lot of deadpan looks from you lot but I'm positive you are all going to end up cooked if you keep this up." He nods his head and gestures to the lot of them, "Copper tops, burner brains, other puns. Anyway, I'm Kaidan. Who are you guys?"
Ayumu flinched, then almost moved to cover the woman's mouth, but her composure returns in time to make it pointless. Following a sigh of relief, the frowned and cocked his head like an animal trying to hear something. Any attempt on the woman's part to speak would quickly be answered with a raised index finger; the universal sign of hold on. Or shut up, in some circles.
Luckily, it doesn't take long for him to be satisfied with whatever it was he was listening to, for her seems to regard her mor attenatively. "Thinking.. you can return and pass along a message to the other workers. A side entrance or a back one, preferable. Anything they can access without drawing immediate attention. Has to be one by one though, and.. you may have to be the last one to leave so those copper heads don't catch on."
He frowns and bows his head. "Sorry to ask ya this, but.. think you can manage it? I'll need them to start moving as soon as it seems those other guys seem preoccupied. And trust me, you'll know when that happens." He offers, and unless given reason to linger on, Ayumu sinks once more into the ground without even asking where the rest of the prisoner are. Granted, he /was/ an Iga, and those villagers probably stanked to high heaven by now. No offense.
RP: Sousa rolled a 6 with 1d9 die.
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "That's for the boss's attack against Kaidan."
«OOC» Sousa says, "I'll go ahead and show part of the pose so you can start thinking about how to react."
The young woman nods emphatically. "Yes, I'll do my best! I'd better get going before they get suspicious!" She hurriedly fills a few tankards with booze and carries them back out into the main pub area. After placing the drinks on the table (a testy feat in itself, with the gangsters jostling and backslapping each other with little regard for their surroundings), she goes to whisper to one of the other workers. c.c Just as word is starting to spread of the need to quietly slip away, in comes Kaidan. Well that certainly pulls the entire gang's attention, at least for a moment. "The heck? Where are those useless sentries?!" the leader growls. "BAH! Grab the hostages!" The workers had been headed for the doors, except for the young woman, as per Ayumu's directions. c.c; As such, she's the nearest target and one of the gangsters moves toward her, while another gets up and runs after those who just bolted outside. The boss meanwhile takes off his copper pot and tucks it under his arm. "Hope you don't mind me taking a POTSHOT at you!" "Um, boss, you already used that — " "SHUT UP!" Say, is that a seal written on the bottom of the pot's ins — *FOOOOSH!* A stream of scalding hot water blasts from the pot at Kaidan.
«OOC» Sousa says, "That's a C-rank attack BTW, you'll take 3 damage if it hits you."
«OOC» Kaidan nods and considers.
«IGA» Ayumu wishes he had the drugs to slip her, "But alas, not this chars style." z.z;a
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Do I defend now then?"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Or do I wait to defend?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Yes, defend now."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Defend now"
«OOC» Kaidan will use Dash Step II as it makes most sense, a C rank defense.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Well, you don't have to decide that until you make your base roll."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 11 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "See there, avoided it easily. X)"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well…then I guess I could just use Dash Step…"
«OOC» Kaidan coughs.
«OOC» Sousa says, "You can RP it as you like, but I won't charge chakra for it."
«OOC» Kaidan nods and is planning a B rank attack on his turn so is glad.
Meanwhile, over in the storehouse, the guards on duty hear the commotion and glance at each other. One of them pulls a kunai and points it at the prisoners threateningly while the other goes to the window and peers out, trying see what's going on over at the pub.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, Kaidan, base roll for your attack?"
RP: Kaidan rolled a 10 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Excellent. Your style was A-rank, was it?"
«OOC» Kaidan has to use B rank as he is attacking all the peons with it, "It's puppet physical III and it is the only AOE I have that can. And yes, A rank style.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Well, you can make up stuff within reason with this system, I only include references to your regular system stuff to make it easy to say what level people should be at."
«OOC» Kaidan will use just puppet physical II then, still wanna use a C rank to get things moving.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Anyway, the way AoE works in this system is, for every extra target, you get a 1d3 penalty. So if you try to target ALL FIVE at once, you'll actually bring your chances of each individual hit down pretty low, even with a great base roll like you got. Of course, it could be worth it since you'll have that many chances to hit something."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well, then I'll use my B rank to bring up my chances."
«OOC» Sousa says, "That will only make a tiny difference in hit chance, actually. Although it'll make it so that you'll KO the leader if you manage to hit him."
«OOC» Kaidan wasn't gonna hit the leader though.
«OOC» Kaidan was aiming to hit the guys going after the hostages.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "THe leader was obviously focusing on me."
«OOC» Sousa says, "So just two?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Sorry for making things complicated. X)"
«IGA» Ayumu would have to roll twice, 1 for stealth and the other for a sneak atk correct?
«OOC» Sousa says, "I suppose so."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well, the point of it, is I take out the peons so they can't go after the hostages, Sousa."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "I don't wanna hit the boss on this move."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Ah, so all four of the peons?"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Yep."
«IGA» Ayumu nods, though holds off till kaidan rolls.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, that sounds like a good move."
«OOC» Kaidan has to run go grab lunch so needs to know what to roll.
«OOC» Sousa says, "1d12, then 4d3."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 7 with 1d12 die.
RP: Kaidan rolled a 7 with 4d3 die.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "So, I guess I come out to 10."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Indeed. Not a bad outcome for that sort of risk."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 1 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Peon 1's base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "D-rank defensive move:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Not that it could've succeeded come to think of it. e.ea"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Peon 1 down. Peon 2:"
«IGA» Ayumu snerks.
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Down. Peon 3:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Down. Peon 4:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 5 with 1d7 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Oh, he has a chance!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "er wait, no"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Nope. Very successful move by Kaidan."
«OOC» Sousa says, "So then, you're doing some sort of stealth Ayumu? And apparently having very poor luck with it for once? X)"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Aye, trying to figure if I should gamble 1 or 2 chakra"
«OOC» Sousa says, "I forgot to save the status we were at last night, but I believe you'd be at 11 chakra now."
Even as the guy flips down the pot to aim it at Kaidan, he blinks. The puppet man tilts his head, "Well, didn't like my puns I guess." He then disappears in a burst of movement even as the hot water splashes down where he was. He ends up on the opposite side of the bar, only a brief flash of movement seen by every one of the peons in the room. For just a moment, one can see Kaidan by the first peon, sending a cross into his jaw. The second peon is kicked right in the gut with a front kick. Peon 3 is probably the least lucky of the lot as a roundhouse kick slams the side of his head and then the last peon will have a knee driven into his gut. Even as Kaidan stands by the bar, he taps on it, "What kind of bar serves hot water? I want some sake or perhaps simply some kind of ale."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "So I'm in t2? Schweet!"
«IGA» Ayumu goes with that free C.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 3 with 1d12 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "sunn"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Grrah"
«OOC» Sousa says, "All right, ninja guard looking out the window's base roll:"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "C'mon 1.."
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "He spots you coming."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Well! Time to lodge a kunai in his eye. >:|"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Roll it?"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 13 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "My anger made manifest!"
«OOC» Sousa says, "And our luck returns. X)"
«IGA» Ayumu poses.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Seeing as how that's pretty much a guarantee kill, jah? >.>d"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oh…well, unless I give him a C-rank style, then he'd have a slight chance…"
«OOC» Sousa says, "What the hey, let's do that. So, roll for style as well please?"
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs. Goes with dat dere hair manip. which is a b.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 2 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "6, plus 4 more for C-rank technique, 1d10."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "whopps"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Ignore that last one. <.<;;"
«OOC» Sousa watches you roll a 1 with the 1d10. X)
RP: Ayumu rolled a 2 with 1d10 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Hah!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "The dice told you. >;U"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay then, total of 15. Base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 5 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "C-rank defense move:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 11 with 1d16 die.
«IGA» Ayumu fistshakes!
«OOC» Sousa says, "He survives. :o"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Ducks his head and takes the blow on the pot, if that fits with the attack you're doing."
'The man weeps as the mouse sweeps'
Over and over the thought was chanted, strenghtening the Iga's resolve. It made him cocky as well, seeing as how a rather noticeable bump in the ground was making its way towards the storage. Sensing trouble, the Iga disturbs his cover further to try and fire a hair senbon into the eyes and throat of the guy that spotted him. While if either hit the man /might/ live, he would also be into much pain to give away Ayumu's position. That was the plan, in any case.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Jah"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, base roll for pot boss's attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 9 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oooo. He burns 2 chakra on a C-rank attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Total of 12, Kaidan can roll defenses whenever he gets back."
«OOC» Kaidan Is here.
RP: Kaidan rolled a 6 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Kaidan hmms.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Every point of chakra you spend on a defense doubles the range. 0 for 1d8, 1 for 1d16, 2 for 1d32, etc."
«OOC» Kaidan spends 1 point.
«OOC» Kaidan hopes for the best.
RP: Kaidan rolled a 10 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Kaidan woots!
The young woman squeals as the gangster comes at her — then a moment later sees him crumpling on the floor, along with all the other Copper Pot peons. C.C; She gathers herself up and runs for the side door, leaving Kaidan and the Copper Pot boss alone in the pub. The boss quails momentarily on seeing his entire gang (minus the guys guarding the prisoners and the two sentries from before) taken out in the blink of an eye, but then he scowls and grips his pot tightly by the handle. "Don't get cocky, they were just SMALL FRY! I hope you're done on that side, 'cause I'm gonna FLIP ya!" Still at it, even with barely any audience. -.-; The boss swings his pot down in a powerful arc, smashing it into the floorboards. They splinter and bend downward at that end, causing the other end to whip upward underneath Kaidan.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Base roll for guard 1 attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Heh. X) He just throws a shuriken."
RP: Sousa rolled a 2 with 1d2 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Dat punk"
Ayumu doesn't have such good luck. The guard peering out the window at the storehouse spots him coming, and ducks his head in time to take the needles on his pot helmet. "Gah! We're under attack!" The guard responds to Ayumu's assault with a clumsy shuriken toss while stumbling away from the window. The other guard quickly grabs one of the hostages — a child, both for ease of handling and to make negotiations more urgent — and drags him to one of the other windows. "Hey! Come out with your hands up if you want this squirt to live!" >(
RP: Ayumu rolled a 5 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Hmm.."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Time for a little shadow clone trickery"
«IGA» Ayumu waits for kaiden to get his atk rolls or wathever
«IGA» Ayumu c.c
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Seems that some guy wants to party."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well, first my base attack roll."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 1 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Kaidan eyes that.
«OOC» Sousa says, "A B-rank would wipe him out. Considering how close we are to the end, you needn't worry much about conserving chakra, even on a horrible start like that. You currently have 9."
«OOC» Kaidan nods and will use a B rank and perhaps use a couple of chakra then?
«OOC» Sousa says, "All right, that'd be 1d12, and yes, it'd use 2 chakra."
«OOC» Kaidan nods.
RP: Kaidan rolled a 10 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Kaidan phews.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Pretty good. Base defense of boss:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 9 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oi. X) Defensive move:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "He lives for now."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu spends 1 point for b-rank stealth under shadow clone
RP: Ayumu rolled a 2 with 1d12 die.
«IGA» Ayumu :|
«IGA» Ayumu e_e
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Here's hoping the new guy ins't so perceptive"
As the floorboard flies up to his face, Kaidan simply puts up an arm and it smashes into that arm, splintering over it as he chuckles, "Small fries…flip me…" He shakes his head, "I'm not sure what is the bigger crime here really." He then rushes forward suddenly and attempts to put an arm right up into the big man's gut before he'll slide past him and come spinning to a stop, "Just give up. You don't have a gang anymore and you are about to not have a life if you don't give up."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 7 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Skill:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Just makes it, but it costs him a chakra."
«IGA» Ayumu D:<
The bump shifts perhaps an inch back, completely avoiding the poorly flung shuriken. If not for his being one with the earth at the moment (mostly), Ayumu would've visibly sweatdropped at the effort. Still, he hesitates for perhaps a moment too long, and winds up scrambling to form the necessary seal and summon a clone. "Alrighty, alrighty, no need to get your fundoshi in a twist my friends!" The clone calls out as it drifts into clear sight with its hands raised as dictated. If that isn't enough of distraction for the mysterious bump to sink deep and move on then, well, the Iga would be out of options barring one.
«OOC» Sousa says, "What rank was your skill roll BTW, Ayumu?"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "B"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, new round. Ayumu has 14 chakra, Kaidan has 9, Guard 1 has 5, Guard 2 has 6, Pot Boss has 4."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Base roll for Boss's attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 2 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Eh, he's desparate, he'll keep doing C-ranks."
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Total of 6 for Kaidan to defend against."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 4 with 1d11 die.
«OOC» Kaidan will still just use a normal D rank defense.
The gang boss might be a bully, but he's not a total pushover. He manages to bring his pot around in front of himself in time to receive Kaidan's blow with it. >.< "You're the one about to be COOKED!" He pats another seal on the side of the pot, and it starts to glow red-hot. The boss swings the pot at Kaidan, aiming for his head.
«OOC» Sousa says, "D-rank will cost you 1 chakra. You don't get tension level discounts for defenses, if that's what you're thinking."
«OOC» Sousa says, "E-rank would cost 1 and be 1d8, D-rank would cost 1 and be 1d16."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Ah, just E rank then"
RP: Kaidan rolled a 1 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Kaidan glares.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well…"
«OOC» Sousa says, "*E-rank would cost 0"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, you take 3 damage and are down to +3 Ninja."
«OOC» Kaidan glares.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "This guy dies!"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Hard!"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "With a vengeance…"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Not sure quite what I'll do with the others, but here's Guard 1's base roll:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hmm, he goes out there and tries to simply bonk Ayumu while he's in the ground."
RP: Sousa rolled a 4 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Total of 7."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 1 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu fumes!
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs most furiously!
RP: Ayumu rolled a 12 with 1d16 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Anything from the other guy?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Only in pose."
«IGA» Ayumu nods.
«IGA» Ayumu will roll base just in case, but wait for the pose for any other actions.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d13 die.
The second guard narrows his eyes, then taps his pot helmet with his kunai. Maybe the reverberations help him distinguish things somehow, because he shouts indignantly a moment later. "Hey, what are you trying to pull!? That's a clone!" D< The guard pokes his kunai into the underside of the boy's jaw, making the lad cry out in pain. "I'll do it, don't think I won't! And I've got dozens more here to go through!" "I'll get 'im!" the first guard growls, vaulting out the window. He dashes past the clone Ayumu and swings his pot down at the lump in the ground. >.< Meanwhile, a ray of hope shines as one of the bolder villagers tries to sneak up behind guard 2 under cover of the boy's wailing…
«OOC» Sousa says, "So, base of 8 for Ayumu's action…what else?"
«IGA» Ayumu checks something real quick.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Isn't it my turn?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Yes, it is."
«IGA» Ayumu wonders if it'd be a rescue attempt rule or simply an attack trying to severe the knife wielding arm? >.>
«OOC» Kaidan says, "So, what is my base roll now?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "I suppose we can count it as damaging…but give it a 1d3 penalty roll for difficulty."
«OOC» Sousa says, "1d8, Kaidan."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 7 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Umm, still gonna go for a B rank attack."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Try to finish this."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Please do. 1d12."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "+roll 1d12"
«OOC» Kaidan laughs!
RP: Kaidan rolled a 4 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "K, 11"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Boss's base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 7 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hmmm, D-rank move to defend:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Sigh. X) Still standing."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Y'know, we /could/ roll things out until it ends and then describe it all happening in a single round I suppose…"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "For dem epic poses? :o"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Indeed."
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs.. can work with that. >.>
«IGA» Ayumu gets his rescuing on first.. "Mind if the penalty gets rolled first?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Nope, sorry, you have to make your choice before you find out how that rolls."
«IGA» Ayumu sniffles.
«OOC» Kaidan lets Sousa attack back then.
«OOC» Kaidan will then die…and that be that!
«OOC» Kaidan ducks.
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs.. goes all out with that d32. *_*
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hm? How?"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Its a damaging rescue? c.c"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oh, I forgot about the rescue mechanic. X) I thought you meant you were doing an attack that happens to free the kid from how it works out."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Hmm.. well"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Sorry, not letting you double-double your roll range while doing damage at the same time. ;)"
«IGA» Ayumu :p
«OOC» Sousa says, "You /could/ use the combining styles mechanic, though."
«OOC» Sousa says, "And the rescue mechanic is really more for interrupting attacks against team-mates, not rescuing somebody who is DIRECTLY IN ENEMY CLUTCHES."
«IGA» Ayumu sniffles.
«OOC» Sousa says, "So, what's it gonna be?"
«OOC» Sousa rolls boss's attack in the meantime. Base:
RP: Sousa rolled a 5 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "D-rank attack:"
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs furiously, "Guess it'll be hair and wind combo. Another b-rank. So, 1d12 and a 1d4?
RP: Sousa rolled a 6 with 1d6 die.
RP: Kaidan rolled a 3 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Kaidan glares.
«IGA» Ayumu takes back the combo.. sees how the 1d12 rolls.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Can't do that!"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "So, I'll do a D rank defense."
«OOC» Sousa says, "The only roll you get to see before deciding your move is the base roll."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "That was his base"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Unless you meant me, then mines was an 8. c.c"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Right, I thought you were saying you'd roll 1d12 and then decide whether you want to add the combo part."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 4 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Kaidan dead.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "That was my intention, since the base was already rolled. c.c"
«OOC» Sousa says, "No, he only attacked with D-rank, so he did 2 damage."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Yeah…but now my base is like 1d6…"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Kaidan is officially a minion."
«OOC» Kaidan has like…next to no chance after getting hit twice.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oh come now, the base roll is only half the story. You can still finish him in one blow."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Well, let me roll my attack and I'll use my B rank…though I think I have like only 4 or 3 chakra."
«OOC» Sousa says, "You have 9, although it's getting tricky for me to track because we're still technically in the previous round with Ayumu. X)"
«OOC» Kaidan thought we were rolling it out?
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hmmm, yes, I suppose I can treat it as two separate combats at this point."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 4 with 1d12 die.
«IGA» Ayumu definitely combos.
«OOC» Sousa says, "You should've declared that before rolling, but I'll let you go ahead. X)"
«IGA» Ayumu @-@
RP: Ayumu rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "15 total."
«IGA» Ayumu keeps in mind that all combos are commits. z.z;
«OOC» Sousa says, "Guard's base roll:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Oh, and difficulty penalty to Ayumu:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 3 with 1d3 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Guard attempts D-rank defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "He ded."
«IGA» Ayumu got that curved shot.
RP: Kaidan rolled a 1 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Kaidan is so dead.
«OOC» Sousa says, "1d12 for skill, if still going with B-rank?"
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Yeah, well, its' my own chance."
RP: Kaidan rolled a 9 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Kaidan says, "There, something at least."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Pretty decent. Boss's base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d9 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hmmm, should I do what he tactically /should/ do and use his 2 remaining chakra to have an almost 50/50 chance to survive, or just let him die finally? X)"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Flip a coin on the 50/50? X3"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Meh, let's say he's down."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Alright, that leaves only sentry number 2"
«OOC» Sousa says, "So, he got in one more smack against Kaidan with the pot, which is starting to cool down so it didn't do as much damage, and then he bites it."
«OOC» Kaidan says, "Want me to pose it out?"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Yes."
«OOC» Sousa says, "The remaining guard is still outside after attempting to bonk Ayumu in the ground. Are we going to roll that out to completion before you pose as well Ayumu?"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Aye"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, base roll:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 7 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "He's flipping out after seeing his buddy go down, throws his pot at C-rank:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 5 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Total of 12."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 3 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Su-gaah"
«IGA» Ayumu chin rubs.
«OOC» Sousa says, "You've got lots of chakra still, 13 if I haven't lost track."
«IGA» Ayumu was a wondering about that.
«IGA» Ayumu wants to hopefully come out of this unscathe, so..
RP: Ayumu rolled a 32 with 1d32 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Impressive. X)"
«IGA» Ayumu gets nothing but 1s from now on.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 11 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Technically not wrong. XD"
«IGA» Ayumu X3
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Hrm.. Basic D under wind"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 2 with 1d10 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "You get C for free, you know. c.c"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "True.."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Mind if it take that back then? c-c"
Shuddering as he is hit by the hot pot and Kaidan winces as he feels his side shuddering in pain. He then looks at the wound before looking up at the guy. He rushes in for another attack and the leader of the pot gang avoids it. Even as he turns around the pot is thrown and slams right into Kaidan's face. As it falls away, Kaidan twitches as the armor on his face falls away, too. He shudders a little and then growls, "That's it!" He rushes forward and seems to be going for another gut punch but even as the punch connects, he slams it in deeper and then looks at the man, "Not this time." He states and then growls, "Don't you know? Pot is bad." He pulls his hand free to reveal that he didn't truly punch the big boss. A blade is sticking out of the back of his puppet arm as he pulls it free and the man isn't just stabbed but poisoned as well. He flicks the blade to the side, sending blood flying and states, "You're done."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Go ahead. X)"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 3 with 1d12 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Whoo~"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "That +1"
«OOC» Sousa says, "Okay, base defense roll:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "We seem to get a /lot/ on the extremes."
«IGA» Ayumu grins.
«OOC» Sousa says, "He spends 2 chakra on defense (don't mind playing this one for maximum strategy since we're just rolling it out):"
RP: Sousa rolled a 13 with 1d16 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Dang nabit!"
«OOC» Sousa says, "He succeeds. Base attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "C-rank attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Sousa holds dice program up to ear, rattles it. c.c
RP: Ayumu rolled a 9 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Anyway, total of 16. You have 13 chakra left, he has 4."
«OOC» Sousa says, "No wait, 5 because he's tension level 1."
«IGA» Ayumu continues to try going it unscathe.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Then again, I think I forgot to subtract for his defense. :P"
«OOC» Sousa says, "So he has 2 now."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 17 with 1d32 die.
«IGA» Ayumu down to t1
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "These 8s! XI"
«IGA» Ayumu engages with shadow clone and a genuine D this time, no take backs. <.<
RP: Ayumu rolled a 10 with 1d10 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d8 die.
«IGA» Ayumu would've gone for the kill, "But this grunt has been way too lu—nvm
«OOC» Sousa says, "Hmmm…that's beyond him even with his highest defense. n.n He takes 2 damage, now a +1 ninja."
«OOC» Sousa says, "Base attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 6 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "C-rank attack:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 7 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "I really do think there's something wonky with +dice. X) Pretty sure it's a native MUSH thing though, not something somebody added to this particular MUSH."
«IGA» Ayumu nods.
«IGA» Ayumu shall end this guy after defending. >:I
RP: Ayumu rolled a 16 with 1d32 die.
«IGA» Ayumu is down to.. 7?
«IGA» Ayumu says, "chakra*"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 9 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "5 I think, although I'm pretty sure I messed up somewhere. -.- Partly because I forgot that defenses don't get tier discounts for a bit."
«IGA» Ayumu risks and burns through another 4 for the b + combo. "Wind + Hair"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 1 with 1d14 die.
«IGA» Ayumu :|
RP: Ayumu rolled a 3 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Base defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 1 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "C-rank defense:"
RP: Sousa rolled a 10 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Sousa says, "Good thing you added in the combo. XD He's finally down!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Indeed!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Now to try and recall it all for the pose. @-@"
«OOC» Sousa says, "I'll have to add something to the primer about allowing multiple rounds for a single pose. X)"
«IGA» Ayumu has it now.
«OOC» Sousa says, "You're posing, correct Ayumu?"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Jah"
«OOC» Sousa says, "You don't have to incorporate every blow-by-blow of the rolls, just so you know. X)"
«IGA» Ayumu sagenods.
«IGA» Ayumu trims.
«OOC» Kaidan tests something real fast, "Don't mind me
RP: Kaidan joins the roleplay.
COMBAT: It is now Kaidan's turn.
The clone winces at the yell, then cracks a sheepish grin. Seriousness returns sharply to its visage as it senses one of the guards make his approach. Despite wanting to intercept the attack, it couldn't without risking harm to the boy. So it explode, leaving the 'bump' to defend itself.
Meanwhile, the pot hits something alright. Juuuuust not its intended target. Some last minute retreat on Ayumu's part spares him from certain doom. Like paint or ash flaking off an object because of the wind, the earth falls away from the Ayumu… or at least, what should've been him. At first glance it appears as nothing more than a really huge pile of brick red hair. During those first few moments in which confusion may reign, some of the mass rises, hardened, and are expunged faster than most eyes can track as wind guided missiles.
Some pierce the knife wielding arm at the elbow, severing its connection. The rest bury themselves in the man's chest. Even if he should survive the attack, he would remain at the mercies of the would be hero and now former hostages, bleeding out quickly…
"You were say'n, my friend. Something about—" But the Iga would be cut off there by an enraged attempt attacking him again. It mattered little. At most he forced the mass of hair to bow under the attack, but no visible harm seems comes out of it. ".. Ah, Right, something about getting me." What follows next is a surprisingly masterful display of shinobi skills. A wave of wind countered, another bonk thwarted — Truly, an inspiring future tale if told! Alas, by combining hair and wind once more, a spear shaped tendril launched from what was then a red, many-eyed, long tongued, wolf-like creature's mouth ends the duel.
COMBAT: Kaidan focuses 1582 stamina to turn it into 2000 usable chakra!
RP: Kaidan transforms into NADIAK-MOTO.
RP: Kaidan leaves the roleplay.
RP: Kaidan reverts to his normal state.
The Copper Pot gang boss gets a look of frenzied hope as some of his hits finally connect. >8D "HAH! Not so BUBBLY now, eh?! If you can't take the HEAT, you should stay out of the PUB! No wait, how did that one — " Oh hey, there's a knife in my belly. o.o The gang boss stumbles back and hits the floor, bleeding profusely. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to figure out what Kaidan meant as his life ebbs away. Pot is bad? That isn't funny, that doesn't even make sense, pots are…oh wait, did he mean the other kind of 'pot'? -.- The boss chuckles thinly. "That's…actually pretty…good…" X) … x.x
Over at the storehouse, the guard holding the little boy hostage is surprised to find that the clumsy Suna nin is suddenly good enough to shred his arm and perforate his chest without hurting the kid. o.o; For all of half a second before shock sets in and drops him unconscious, that is. x.x The other guard flips out and attacks Ayumu on seeing his buddy taken out. DX And he lasts a surprisingly long time in his flailing assault, but in the end he can't even scratch the Iga.
Pretty soon all the townsfolk are freed, if traumatized and left with several bloody messes to clean up. The surviving Copper Pot gang members are taken into custody and marched back to Sunagakure for trial.
C-A-rank: Rogue ninja sighting of the month: the Copper Pot gang. Use your imagination to determine what sort of techniques the gang uses. You can encounter members of the gang of varying numbers and skill levels, and more than one team can round up different parts of the gang.
Some groups have the weirdest themes, especially in this world of ninja. This time, Suna nin have been called upon to deal with a rogue group called…the Copper Pot Gang. And yes, they're called that because they wear pots on their heads, as if they were helmets. Did they grow up playing pretend and then never get over their habits even after picking up actual ninja skills? -.-a
Well, whatever the case, they're currently in control of a small, remote town. The messenger who managed to get out and alert Sunagakure to the situation said he's pretty sure the gang's not aware anybody escaped, so they hopefully haven't done anythng drastic yet in preparation for their getaway. A couple of grunts stroll and hop from roof to roof of the town's houses, patrolling and keeping an eye on the surroundings with their pots glinting in the sunlight.
Stopping by a large dune just before the town, Kaidan leans on a rock and looks around the dune a little, glancing that way before looking to Ayumu with a sigh, "Little is known about the abilities of these fools but we gotta deal with them." He nods his head and points at Kaidan, "So, you are going to be the eyes and I'm going to be the fists." He nods his head, "I'm not really stealthy so you need to slip inside if you can and get in place." He nods his head and gestures for Ayumu to go, "I mean, you can see in and you can sneak in." He nods his head, "I come in fast after you are in place and then you cause havok which prevents them from preparing for my approach." He nods, "Plus, if they think I'm coming at them alone they might not think much of it."
Ayumu could scarcely believe what he tasted on the wind and heard, but the truth remained the truth. He almost giggled once or twice during the mission briefing. Luckily, he had more restraint, and continued to demonstrate as much as Kaidan delivers the orders. Otherwise, the Iga would've more than likely asked the burning question that had to be in everyone's mind.
'Did those pot helmets keep them cool, or hot and delirious?'
"Mm, true, but here—" Ayumu digs around in that tangled red forest growing atop his head until he produced an ear from it. "Keep this own ya, just in case." He says after tossing the thing towards Kaidan without much warning. By the time the ear is securely in hand, the ex-wanderer has already managed to form the seals necessary to become one with the sands. He slinks forward, keeping his pace somewhat slow so that Kaidan can create a distraction.
The grunts are completely oblivious to Ayumu's approach. One of them calls across to the other. "All clear on this end, how's about you?!" "Dead as a fish in a skillet!" They both laugh with much more gusto than the reference deserves. Guess cooking jokes are big in their crowd. e.ea "Hey, we should get that cute little miller's daughter to serve us drinks when our shift is over!" "Yeah, and maybe after that she can give us a nice massage!" "You mean like a tenderizing?!" > n.~ > "I see what u did there!" < ^.^ <
Meanwhile, just so Kaidan isn't left with nothing to do, a random scorpion crawls around the boulder he's leaning on and stings at his hand. Stabstab. %C
Blinking as he catches an ear, he blinks a few times as he looks at it, "That's…gross no matter how many Iga I meet." He then idly sets it in a pocket and steps away as Ayumu disappears. Just as he is about to leave the rock, a scorpion slams a tail into…hardened special wood of a puppet arm. A hand comes up and then down hard as he smashes the scorpion. Armor flows over his front and back as well as over the lower part of his face. As he starts toward the village, he walks at first around the dune and hten progressively picks up speed. Even as he moves, he starts to run faster and faster till he finally reaches his full running speed and flicks a pair of kunai at the first enemy he spots as he starts to move in on the village. He isn't trying to hide but he isn't at the same time screaming or flailing, just rushing in.
'Miller's Daughter?'
As soon as the thought passes in mind, Ayumu nudges it aside to monitor Kaidan's progress. He would've warned the man of the scorpion had they more time to work out a signal. Of course, such a thing would not have been an issue if Kaidan was born an Iga, but that was a whole different issue. Moving on!
Sensing the movement of the puppeteer, Ayumu does what he can to reposition himself to take care of the other guard. The man would have seconds at most to see his partner go down before knocked uncouncious with a precise strike to the back of the neck. Kaidan and the rest of Sunagakure might've disagreed with his actions, but he had his reasons. Once bound and gagged, Ayumu takes a moment to create fresh sensor organs to check out of the rest of the village. They sought for patrols as well as hostages, though the former was somewhat unlikely given the name of the gang. Or was it? c.c;
Neither of the patrolling guards is looking in Kaidan's direction as he begins his run. He's nearly at the village before one of them, musing on a crack to top his fellow's, chances to glance in Kaidan's direction and furrows his brow. "Hey, who's tha — " *KUNAI'D* X.X The other guard turns around just not in time to witness the first one toppling off the roof. "Hey, I got one! We should tell the boss we're tired of STEWING in this — " *NECKCHOP'D* *.* Okay, that's the wannabe comedy duo dealt with.
It isn't hard to find out what's going on in the town. The majority of the gang is in the pub, roistering the day away with a few harried townsfolk waiting on them. Meanwhile, the majority of the townsfolk are huddled in the nearby storehouse, watched over by a handful of gang members. Thus far they seem unaware of the counter-raid.
A look to Ayumu once they are done, and Kaidan moves over to next to him before saying, "You'd rather that guy rot in jail? Your choice." He states and then shakes his head, "You're a cold one, Ayumu. Suna has straight nasty prison system. Not to mention the Kage's proclivity for experimentation." He looks at the tied up guy, "Poor guy will wish he was dead before long." He then looks to Ayumu and states, "Ok, so, I say we get the majority of the townsfolk free first, get them safe and then we finish the gang in one swoop. I can get their attention easily enough if you think you can get the people they might have in the pub out. What you say?" He looks to Ayumu and then looks forward, "I go in, make a ruckus, you slip those people out then help me finish this group of fools off once and for all?"
Ayumu cants his head as if confused at first, but as Kaidan explains things, the Iga begins to smile brightly. What the puppeteer described was true. Mostly. The Iga held on to the sliver of hope he envisioned, or delusion as some may call it. He had to for the sake of his sanity. Well, whatever Ayumu counted as such.
"Why the question? You are my glorious leader, ready to take the front charge at any moment." Ayumu says, and he wasn't being sarcastic. That didn't exactly mean he didn't /sound/ it, but still…
"If'n ya can tho' sir, mind drawing them out into the open? I'll see if I can escort the others out of a back entrance as soon as the coast is clear." Assuming there isn't any further comment or commands awaiting him, the wanderer once more sinks into whatever surface he stood upon, and would make his way to the pub all sneaky like.
Ayumu proves quite successful again in his stealth. He's soon inside the pub undetected, where five pot-helmed bandits lounge around a long table, eating, drinking, and making up jokes. "So then I told her, of course I don't remember what-all I spent the money on, I wasn't expecting to be GRILLED about it!" XD "Ha ha! I'll bet she was pretty STEAMED!" "Yeah, must've been BOILING mad!" The apparent leader of the group, a heavyset man wearing a dirty chef's apron, stands up, and the rest of the group grows silent. The leader leans on the table. "All your jokes…are nothing but POTSHOTS!!!" XO The group stares for a moment…then suddenly everyone competes to laugh the loudest while the leader sits back down with a smirk. >)
With a stroke of good fortune, one of the workers, a trim young woman who is very likely the miller's daughter mentioned before, goes back to a wine cellar to broach a new casket — the perfect place for Ayumu to make contact. She startles slightly when the Iga comes out of the woodwork. "Wh — ! Wait, you're — oh thank the kami, Yoni-kun must have made it! You're the ninja sent to rescue us, right? Whatever you need us to do, we'll do it!" Of course, that's the real question, isn't it…how to get the rest of the workers out of the building before the enemy notices and puts them in danger? They do seem fairly wrapped up in their joke competition, but unless something keeps their attention permanently riveted, they'll probably notice if their hostages start leaving…
Meanwhile, there are two grunts guarding the rest of the townsfolk over in the storehouse, although these ones seem a mite tougher than the sentries from before. They pace back and forth just inside the barred main door of the storehouse, eyeing their prisoners balefully.
Walking up to the pub after giving Ayumu ample time to get inside. Walking right up to the door, Kaidan walks right inside and declares, "I need a drink!" He nods his head and then looks around before blinking a few times at the people in here, "Whoa! Who let all the potheads in here." He laughs a little before walking right toward the bar and leaning on it, unless stopped before he gets there, "So, you guys new in town? I see a lot of deadpan looks from you lot but I'm positive you are all going to end up cooked if you keep this up." He nods his head and gestures to the lot of them, "Copper tops, burner brains, other puns. Anyway, I'm Kaidan. Who are you guys?"
Ayumu flinched, then almost moved to cover the woman's mouth, but her composure returns in time to make it pointless. Following a sigh of relief, the frowned and cocked his head like an animal trying to hear something. Any attempt on the woman's part to speak would quickly be answered with a raised index finger; the universal sign of hold on. Or shut up, in some circles.
Luckily, it doesn't take long for him to be satisfied with whatever it was he was listening to, for her seems to regard her mor attenatively. "Thinking.. you can return and pass along a message to the other workers. A side entrance or a back one, preferable. Anything they can access without drawing immediate attention. Has to be one by one though, and.. you may have to be the last one to leave so those copper heads don't catch on."
He frowns and bows his head. "Sorry to ask ya this, but.. think you can manage it? I'll need them to start moving as soon as it seems those other guys seem preoccupied. And trust me, you'll know when that happens." He offers, and unless given reason to linger on, Ayumu sinks once more into the ground without even asking where the rest of the prisoner are. Granted, he /was/ an Iga, and those villagers probably stanked to high heaven by now. No offense.
The young woman nods emphatically. "Yes, I'll do my best! I'd better get going before they get suspicious!" She hurriedly fills a few tankards with booze and carries them back out into the main pub area. After placing the drinks on the table (a testy feat in itself, with the gangsters jostling and backslapping each other with little regard for their surroundings), she goes to whisper to one of the other workers. c.c Just as word is starting to spread of the need to quietly slip away, in comes Kaidan. Well that certainly pulls the entire gang's attention, at least for a moment. "The heck? Where are those useless sentries?!" the leader growls. "BAH! Grab the hostages!" The workers had been headed for the doors, except for the young woman, as per Ayumu's directions. c.c; As such, she's the nearest target and one of the gangsters moves toward her, while another gets up and runs after those who just bolted outside. The boss meanwhile takes off his copper pot and tucks it under his arm. "Hope you don't mind me taking a POTSHOT at you!" "Um, boss, you already used that — " "SHUT UP!" Say, is that a seal written on the bottom of the pot's ins — *FOOOOSH!* A stream of scalding hot water blasts from the pot at Kaidan.
Even as the guy flips down the pot to aim it at Kaidan, he blinks. The puppet man tilts his head, "Well, didn't like my puns I guess." He then disappears in a burst of movement even as the hot water splashes down where he was. He ends up on the opposite side of the bar, only a brief flash of movement seen by every one of the peons in the room. For just a moment, one can see Kaidan by the first peon, sending a cross into his jaw. The second peon is kicked right in the gut with a front kick. Peon 3 is probably the least lucky of the lot as a roundhouse kick slams the side of his head and then the last peon will have a knee driven into his gut. Even as Kaidan stands by the bar, he taps on it, "What kind of bar serves hot water? I want some sake or perhaps simply some kind of ale."
'The man weeps as the mouse sweeps'
Over and over the thought was chanted, strenghtening the Iga's resolve. It made him cocky as well, seeing as how a rather noticeable bump in the ground was making its way towards the storage. Sensing trouble, the Iga disturbs his cover further to try and fire a hair senbon into the eyes and throat of the guy that spotted him. While if either hit the man /might/ live, he would also be into much pain to give away Ayumu's position. That was the plan, in any case.
The young woman squeals as the gangster comes at her — then a moment later sees him crumpling on the floor, along with all the other Copper Pot peons. C.C; She gathers herself up and runs for the side door, leaving Kaidan and the Copper Pot boss alone in the pub. The boss quails momentarily on seeing his entire gang (minus the guys guarding the prisoners and the two sentries from before) taken out in the blink of an eye, but then he scowls and grips his pot tightly by the handle. "Don't get cocky, they were just SMALL FRY! I hope you're done on that side, 'cause I'm gonna FLIP ya!" Still at it, even with barely any audience. -.-; The boss swings his pot down in a powerful arc, smashing it into the floorboards. They splinter and bend downward at that end, causing the other end to whip upward underneath Kaidan.
Ayumu doesn't have such good luck. The guard peering out the window at the storehouse spots him coming, and ducks his head in time to take the needles on his pot helmet. "Gah! We're under attack!" The guard responds to Ayumu's assault with a clumsy shuriken toss while stumbling away from the window. The other guard quickly grabs one of the hostages — a child, both for ease of handling and to make negotiations more urgent — and drags him to one of the other windows. "Hey! Come out with your hands up if you want this squirt to live!" >(
As the floorboard flies up to his face, Kaidan simply puts up an arm and it smashes into that arm, splintering over it as he chuckles, "Small fries…flip me…" He shakes his head, "I'm not sure what is the bigger crime here really." He then rushes forward suddenly and attempts to put an arm right up into the big man's gut before he'll slide past him and come spinning to a stop, "Just give up. You don't have a gang anymore and you are about to not have a life if you don't give up."
The bump shifts perhaps an inch back, completely avoiding the poorly flung shuriken. If not for his being one with the earth at the moment (mostly), Ayumu would've visibly sweatdropped at the effort. Still, he hesitates for perhaps a moment too long, and winds up scrambling to form the necessary seal and summon a clone. "Alrighty, alrighty, no need to get your fundoshi in a twist my friends!" The clone calls out as it drifts into clear sight with its hands raised as dictated. If that isn't enough of distraction for the mysterious bump to sink deep and move on then, well, the Iga would be out of options barring one.
The gang boss might be a bully, but he's not a total pushover. He manages to bring his pot around in front of himself in time to receive Kaidan's blow with it. >.< "You're the one about to be COOKED!" He pats another seal on the side of the pot, and it starts to glow red-hot. The boss swings the pot at Kaidan, aiming for his head.
The second guard narrows his eyes, then taps his pot helmet with his kunai. Maybe the reverberations help him distinguish things somehow, because he shouts indignantly a moment later. "Hey, what are you trying to pull!? That's a clone!" D< The guard pokes his kunai into the underside of the boy's jaw, making the lad cry out in pain. "I'll do it, don't think I won't! And I've got dozens more here to go through!" "I'll get 'im!" the first guard growls, vaulting out the window. He dashes past the clone Ayumu and swings his pot down at the lump in the ground. >.< Meanwhile, a ray of hope shines as one of the bolder villagers tries to sneak up behind guard 2 under cover of the boy's wailing…
Shuddering as he is hit by the hot pot and Kaidan winces as he feels his side shuddering in pain. He then looks at the wound before looking up at the guy. He rushes in for another attack and the leader of the pot gang avoids it. Even as he turns around the pot is thrown and slams right into Kaidan's face. As it falls away, Kaidan twitches as the armor on his face falls away, too. He shudders a little and then growls, "That's it!" He rushes forward and seems to be going for another gut punch but even as the punch connects, he slams it in deeper and then looks at the man, "Not this time." He states and then growls, "Don't you know? Pot is bad." He pulls his hand free to reveal that he didn't truly punch the big boss. A blade is sticking out of the back of his puppet arm as he pulls it free and the man isn't just stabbed but poisoned as well. He flicks the blade to the side, sending blood flying and states, "You're done."
The clone winces at the yell, then cracks a sheepish grin. Seriousness returns sharply to its visage as it senses one of the guards make his approach. Despite wanting to intercept the attack, it couldn't without risking harm to the boy. So it explode, leaving the 'bump' to defend itself.
Meanwhile, the pot hits something alright. Juuuuust not its intended target. Some last minute retreat on Ayumu's part spares him from certain doom. Like paint or ash flaking off an object because of the wind, the earth falls away from the Ayumu… or at least, what should've been him. At first glance it appears as nothing more than a really huge pile of brick red hair. During those first few moments in which confusion may reign, some of the mass rises, hardened, and are expunged faster than most eyes can track as wind guided missiles.
Some pierce the knife wielding arm at the elbow, severing its connection. The rest bury themselves in the man's chest. Even if he should survive the attack, he would remain at the mercies of the would be hero and now former hostages, bleeding out quickly…
"You were say'n, my friend. Something about—" But the Iga would be cut off there by an enraged attempt attacking him again. It mattered little. At most he forced the mass of hair to bow under the attack, but no visible harm seems comes out of it. ".. Ah, Right, something about getting me." What follows next is a surprisingly masterful display of shinobi skills. A wave of wind countered, another bonk thwarted — Truly, an inspiring future tale if told! Alas, by combining hair and wind once more, a spear shaped tendril launched from what was then a red, many-eyed, long tongued, wolf-like creature's mouth ends the duel.
The Copper Pot gang boss gets a look of frenzied hope as some of his hits finally connect. >8D "HAH! Not so BUBBLY now, eh?! If you can't take the HEAT, you should stay out of the PUB! No wait, how did that one — " Oh hey, there's a knife in my belly. o.o The gang boss stumbles back and hits the floor, bleeding profusely. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to figure out what Kaidan meant as his life ebbs away. Pot is bad? That isn't funny, that doesn't even make sense, pots are…oh wait, did he mean the other kind of 'pot'? -.- The boss chuckles thinly. "That's…actually pretty…good…" X) … x.x
Over at the storehouse, the guard holding the little boy hostage is surprised to find that the clumsy Suna nin is suddenly good enough to shred his arm and perforate his chest without hurting the kid. o.o; For all of half a second before shock sets in and drops him unconscious, that is. x.x The other guard flips out and attacks Ayumu on seeing his buddy taken out. DX And he lasts a surprisingly long time in his flailing assault, but in the end he can't even scratch the Iga.
Pretty soon all the townsfolk are freed, if traumatized and left with several bloody messes to clean up. The surviving Copper Pot gang members are taken into custody and marched back to Sunagakure for trial.