The Silence - Sensor Befuddled


Sei, Akane, Renai

Date: September 21, 2014


Sei, Akane, and Renai embark on a C-rank mission to retrieve a missing sensory ninja.

"The Silence - Sensor Befuddled"

Outside Kirigakure

There's been a report from the line of sensor nin who's guarding Kiri. One got pulled out of alignment. The others knew, but had to keep post. The gap was quickly closed, however, the one missing hasn't reported in, or been spotted. Akane, with Renai assigned along to her, was instructed to go seeking out the missing nin and help them if possible. Due to a few 'pulled strings' by Ishino, Sei was sent along with the two women, a guard as well as a good chuunin for searching out such things. Thus, Sei was waiting at the front gate for Akane and Renai. He didn't carry anything with him.. but with that brood around, why would he have to carry anything? He'd nod politely to each one and once they were both there, started on his way. Not much for small talk.. especially when it took chakra for active talking.

COMBAT: Sei focuses 5753 stamina to turn it into 10000 usable chakra!

Akane was surprised she was sent along on a mission that could involve the Silence, but she was a good medic and possibly that was the thoughts behind sending her. She met up with Sei and Renai at the gate, bowing lightly to each in greeting. She had a satchel on as well as her weapons and her new pants and shirt combination that Ishino had bought her in Sunagakure that stretched with her growing belly.

COMBAT: Akane focuses 3558 stamina to turn it into 5000 usable chakra!

Renai cleaned herself up and got ready to go as soon as she received word of a mission. The girl arrives at the gate in her typical uniform, her hair braided back out of her face. She walks up quietly, nodding to Sei and to Akane in greeting. She briefly wonders why Akane would be sent on a mission like this in her state, but shrugs the thought away. Being pregnant doesn't make one disabled after all. Renai takes a brief moment to focus herself and push thoughts from her mind so that she can pay attention to the task at hand. When Sei moves to leave, she follows behind, still having not said a word. Her thumbs reach up to tuck beneath her bag of supplies as she walks.

COMBAT: Renai focuses 2667 stamina to turn it into 4500 usable chakra!

Considering the group, they make quick time, able to reach the location where the missing sensor was at. "Oh. You guys must be here to search. Best we can tell, it's that direction." The genin on duty would point off further ahead. A bright enough boy, he winced slightly as he'd eye those there. Everyone's glowing so pretty! "Try not to let him die. He still owes me 20 ryo." Sei chirped at the genin with a nod, glanced to the others to see if they had anything to add, before he'd move on, gathering himself as that chakra would shift into the brood and engage that hive mind into the combat range as he'd focus on searching for the missing sensor.

RP: Sei transforms into HIVE-MIND.

RPCOMBAT: Sei defends against with a SPIDER-SENSES…71

COMBAT: Sei finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Akane's turn.

RPCOMBAT: Akane defends against with a VITAL-SEARCH-TECHNIQUE…43

Akane was quiet for most of the trip. The man sent to speak to them eyed them all oddly and Akane raised an eyebrow but simply chuckled when he said the missing sensor owed him money. Typical. "We will retrieve him for healing or punishment as pleases Meruin." She spoke specifically of Meruin in an informal manner.. just to freak out the genin. She had a mean streak in her now and then. After that she sent out a wave of medical chakra, searching for sign of the missing sensor.

COMBAT: Akane finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Renai's turn.

Renai's eyes focus on the sensor, listening to him. She would nod to him in thanks as they move off to go find the missing ninja. She allows Akane and Sei to move ahead of her. She doesn't know of Akane's ability in perception, but she is sure of Sei's. They'll be much better at finding things than herself. But, being in the rear, she reaches through the earth just in case someone may try to sneak up behind them.

RPCOMBAT: Renai defends against with a TREMOR-SENSE…30

COMBAT: Renai finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Sei's turn.

With each one using their own form of sensing, they’d find that ahead, muffled by.. something.. was what seemed to be a fight. A barrier had been put up that felt like it.. deflected.. chakra? A screen to avoid letting people know what was going on. Even with the sensors so close. Sei narrowed his eyes, glanced back to the other two with a chirp before taking off running. Breaking through the barrier was like stepping through a waterfall of force. Making those not ready for it to stumble a little. On the other side, 5 mercenaries seemed to be closing in on the quickly fading sensor. A chuunin, he looks like he's been fighting quite a while, the Kiri way of toughness keeping him up while they'd make it closer. Why hadn't anyone else come and found this? That is indeed a good question! Sei frowned as he'd shift on his feet, his brood already surrounding the general area. He'd look to Akane for directions. Senior ninja, they get to give the orders.

COMBAT: Sei finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Akane's turn.

Akane sensed the odd barrier ahead as well and took off after Sei with a motion to Renai to follow. "Ahead." Stepping through that barrier made her pause, but it did not take long to figure out what was going on. 5 against a sensor? She was surprised, though when Sei looked to her. Senior or not he had a bit more experience and wasn't limited physically. "Take them down and we'll try to get me close enough to the sensor to heal him." She gathered herself and pulled her chakra in. Ishino would not be overly happy with her using an element but she was not using lightning so… Her glasses kept everyone from seeing her eyes as they shifted, she was careful and all anyone even the sensor would notice was a spike in her chakra. She breathed out a ball of flame at the mercenaries….

COMBAT: Akane attacks target 1 with GREAT-FIREBALL-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 64

COMBAT: Akane attacks target 2 with GREAT-FIREBALL-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 39

COMBAT: Akane attacks target 3 with GREAT-FIREBALL-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 64

COMBAT: Akane attacks target 4 with GREAT-FIREBALL-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 55

COMBAT: Akane attacks target 5 with GREAT-FIREBALL-TECHNIQUE with a roll of: 39

COMBAT: Akane finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Renai's turn.

Renai pauses briefly as she watches Sei take off running. The girl bites her lip and takes off after them, somewhat surprised when she hits the barrier. The girl does stumble a bit, nearly falling over as she recovers herself. But, Renai rights herself quickly and looks about to gauge what all is going on. When she sees Sei turn to look at Akane, Renai turns her head briefly to look at the woman as well.

The girl nods and forms a hand seal as the objective becomes clear in her mind. "Watch your step." Renai would kneel down then and place her hands to the ground. The earth beneath the mercenaries would start to swirl beneath their feet in an attempt to trap them. After a moment it would solidify again and Renai would lift her hands, rising up to see how many she managed to trap.

COMBAT: Renai attacks target 1 with EARTH-WHIRLPOOL with a roll of: 22

COMBAT: Renai attacks target 2 with EARTH-WHIRLPOOL with a roll of: 35

COMBAT: Renai attacks target 3 with EARTH-WHIRLPOOL with a roll of: 35

COMBAT: Renai attacks target 4 with EARTH-WHIRLPOOL with a roll of: 21

COMBAT: Renai attacks target 5 with EARTH-WHIRLPOOL with a roll of: 23

COMBAT: Renai finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Sei's turn.

The mercenaries didn't seem to be shinobi. The fireballs from out of nowhere take them by surprise, the yells and catcalls turning into cries of pain as they'd flail about. The sensor, realizing who had showed up, leapt up into the trees as Renai would sink the mercenaries into the ground. Sei came walking up to them, all 5 half-sunk in the ground, 3 of them dead and 2 still squirming to give a small nod then look back to the others and straight up. He'd whistle, beckoning the sensor down before looking about. he wanted to make sure the area was clear. The women were too effective and it's possible this was just a lure after all!

RPCOMBAT: Sei defends against with a SPIDER-SENSES…59

COMBAT: Sei finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Akane's turn.

Akane stepped forward, wincing as she saw that between her and Renai they'd killed 3 of the mercenaries. "Are they from the Silence? Perhaps we should take one to be interrogated. Sei-san, what do you think?" As she moved closer to the sensor she lifted her hands, focusing on healing him when he was back ont he ground and by her. Her hands glowed faintly green as she worked from the inside out, focusing on internal damage before she worked on the flesh wounds. "Tell us what happened." She said to the sensor.

COMBAT: Akane finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Renai's turn.

Renai surveys the damage they've caused passively and without any sign of caring for the mercenaries. Her eyes move to Akane though when the woman starts to heal the sensor ninja. Seeing that things are mostly under control, she begins to stretch her senses through the ground again, wary. It was easy. And though those five might not be shinobi, /someone/ erected that barrier. If it wasn't the sensory ninja, then who? And why would he trap himself inside something like that with people who want to hurt him, preventing help from reaching him. Her eyes narrow. Something stinks.

RPCOMBAT: Renai defends against with a TREMOR-SENSE…33

COMBAT: Renai finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Sei's turn.

Sei whistled with a nod of agreement to Akane. As she took care of the sensor nin, he swept the area seeking out any further information. Him and Renai come up empty. Although Renai would find there's a spot, two spots, at either edge of the barrier that.. don't vibrate. At all. it's counter to what normally would happen with her sensing. Checking it out would reveal two spikes that looks to be the source of the barrier. Sei shrugged and had his spiders sweep in. One of the two still alive just groaned in pain, the other started screaming.. scared of spiders it seems. Sei looked annoyed for a moment and the man quickly got a silk gag to scream into instead. The men were dragged by silk out of their holes and cocooned quickly by the brood. Left a little leg room to walk, Sei would motion for the others to group up so they could go back. The dead were being pulled off into the woods by the brood, for burial or consumption only Sei would know.

The sensor, ragged, was panting softly but would smile gratefully to Akane. "There was a spike of chakra over here. I came to investigate. When I showed up, these 5 were waiting for me and started fighting. There was a 6th. I didn't see who it was exactly, defending myself. But they planted the other spike then ran off. I've been fighting since. Thanks for coming to find me."

RP: Sei reverts to his normal state.

COMBAT: Sei finishes his turn.

COMBAT: It is now Akane's turn.

Akane smiled softly to the sensor, continueing to heal him. She closed internal bleeding and focused then on pain and more external wounds. His briuises would have to wait, though. "I will get you back on your feet and finish healing you once we are all safe." She glanced up at the screaming man, eyebrows lifting as Sei promptly gagged him. Interesting. She would have to heal them to probably… If nothing else it could be a way to get information the easy way. She didn't trust information garnered by torture.

The sensor's story about the spikes made her frown and glance around, also looking for the 6th member of the group. "Sei-san, Renai-san, he said there was a 6th person. can you sense him anywhere?" She looked down at the sensor again, eyeing him closely through the glasses. She searched for any signs that he was under a genjutsu or other jutsu for that matter in his chakra….

COMBAT: Akane finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Renai's turn.

RPCOMBAT: Renai defends against with a TREMOR-SENSE…19

The technique used to employ the barriers is interesting to her. She walks over to study them , memorizing any markings and studying the layout for a brief moment.

Renai turns to them and continues to watch in her silent manner as the two living ones are enveloped in webbing and the dead ones dragged off. The screaming doesn't seem to faze her past getting a glance. Something about the whole situation bothers her. She wants to go after the sixth that the sensory ninja mentioned. Frowning, Renai moves around the area, sensing through the ground, extending her range with her steps. She returns, shaking her head slightly. "I don't feel anything."

COMBAT: Renai finishes her turn.

COMBAT: It is now Sei's turn.

Sei shook his head. Looking about, the spiders showed up.. everywhere. The man screaming seemed to redouble his efforts into that gag. Finally Sei would whistle and motion towards Kiri. They could report in and let others sort it out. Prodding the two prisoners with pokes of spider legs to the back of the neck, Sei would start them back, leaving the ladies to handle the sensor who seemed better, if worn out and on his feet while they'd start for the village. More things to report.

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