Date: October 6, 2015
Shinobu leads her first patrol with encouragement from friends, and they even accomplish something!
"The Silent Leader"
Land of Fire
Well, apparently Hige's work is going well! Because Shinobu is now heading a mission. Oh boy… Is she even ready for this? The girl is pretty unhappy about this turn of events, though Kame is jumping off the wall. ~We're heading a mission! Yay~ the pup barks joyously. The team is to meet up at the gates. This mission is apparently ranked C, as the group are just going to be doing a patrol, but chances of running into bandits exist! As such: C rank mission. The young Inuzuka shuffles in her spot a bit as she takes several breaths to try and prepare herself.
Tatsuo was no small amount surprised to see that the mission briefing stated that Shinobu would be leading it. But he wasn't at all disappointed! In fact he was quite happy! He'd do everything he could to help back up his friend in her role! After preparing for the patrol and packing a few snacks in case, the boy heads out to meet up at the gates, shaking a small sack as he nears that would give off the distinct smell of some kind of Kenta-treat.
Bounding into the area, she spins when she arrives. Kajiru jumps once and hten claps her hands, "Hey hey hey!" She declares and points to each person there, including Kame, in turn, "What's up?!" She states and grins as she stares at Shinobu and then at Tatsuo and then at Shinobu, "What what?"
Shinobu waves quietly to the pair when they arrive. "Umm… We… Have to go patrol," Shinobu explains. "It… shouldn't be hard. It's Route B… So it's short, too… About five miles out." The girl hopes they remember how route B goes! "Umm… So… We'll go slow…" Kame smells the yummy treats and tries to pounce Tatsuo for them, licking the Nara's face a bit before hopping down. Yip! ~Also, we might run into bandits!~ she projects through genjutsu. ~So be ready for trouble and keep your senses alert! Shinobu will take point and I'll take back. Kajiru, protect Tatsuo since he's our medic.~
COMBAT: Shinobu focuses 1534 stamina to turn it into 2000 usable chakra!
Tatsuo smiles brilliantly at Kame as she jumps into his arms and he catches her as he keeps walking to Shinobu, petting her quickly a few times before setting her down and opening the pouch to hold out a few little meaty dog treats to her. "Kenta-sama just made these. I hope you like them!" He looks up to Shinobu and falls silent when she starts telling them what they'll be doing and he nods, then gives her a bow with a little grin. "You got it Shinobu-chan. Um, just tell me what to do and I'll do it!" Tatsuo looks back to Kajiru and offers her a wave in greeting. "Um, hi Kajiru-chan. Good to see you."
COMBAT: Tatsuo focuses 3962 stamina to turn it into 5500 usable chakra!
"Good to see you, too!" She declares to Tatsuo and then walks forward and looks to Kame with a grin, "I certainly hope there are bandits. I will give them a rar and a bite!" She nods her head and grins as she then looks over to Shinobu. She walks out and spins around twice before leaning to the left and then to the right, "Lets go!" She states and then nods, "We really ought to get going if we are going to beat up bandits." She nods, "They aren't going to just sit out there waiting on us."
RP: Shinobu transforms into KAME.
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INUZUKA-SENSES…44
Shinobu and Kame move to their respective positions, though Kame would quickly snap up some of those treats before she does such. Then the pair are keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. An eye and a nose, even! Once Shinobu glances back and sees that everyone is ready, the girl signals silently for people to move out. They would head west out of Konoha, then they would travel south and west to the second closest village before doubling back and taking a slightly less direct route. This particular route wasn't populated by many at all, so the chances of running into anyone is slim, but it's still good to have a patrol!
Tatsuo waits until Shinobu starts leading them along, smiling quite happily as he follows after her at an easy jogging pace. It was good to see his friend coming out of her shell enough to lead a mission, even if it was only a patrol! And so far she was doing good too! But of course he wouldn't say that yet. Wait until the mission was over, right? Then he could spoil her with his praise. As they go he looks around, trying to see what he can see and make sure that not only are there no bandits (and they're safe) but also to check for anything else that one does on a patrol. Anything that might need to go in a report for someone to look at later!
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a PERCEPTION…27
Jogging along as well, Kajiru seems to be eager to moving about. She is in particularly good spirits as she rushes along. She occasionally just falls back so she can catch up it seems. She lets her senses flow out from her, taking in the surroundings as they go. However, after a great deal of silence she simply glances over at Shinobu and grins, "You leading is neat, right?"
RPCOMBAT: Kajiru defends against with a ENHANCED-SENSES…19
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INUZUKA-SENSES…37
Well, the way seems clear! Even Shinobu doesn't sense anything. Maybe Tatsuo would see a few pieces of litter scattered around, but there wasn't much else. Yeah, the beginning of this journey was more than boring, but it was still pretty important! Shinobu looks around for a bit longer before she notices something faint on the breeze. It's really difficult to make out, though… Maybe because it's far away, or maybe it's because that tree over there smells super nice!
Shinobu frowns a bit. "Umm… Something smells off…" She tells the others, using genjutsu to reinforce her voice in case they can't hear her above the wind through their ears. "Let's… keep going, though…"
It ain't easy to hear Shinobu in the best of conditions! She needs to start talking louder! Tatsuo looks ahead when she says that something smells off and his smile shifts to a faint frown as he tries to look around. "Um, I don't see anything Shinobu-chan. What does it smell like?" he asks carefully before glancing back to Kajiru to see if she senses or smells anything. After all she's kind of beasty herself!
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a PERCEPTION…18
RPCOMBAT: Kajiru defends against with a ENHANCED-SENSES…29
Rushing along with them, Kajiru occasionally seems to rush up a tree to sniff about and look around before she continues onward. She peers at Shinobu and then hmms as she looks at the area ahead. She then shrugs and looks at Shinobu, "ok?" She hmms and then rushes along with them, keeping up. She for her part, seems to just be content to be out and about. She's had a few rough days and now she gets to run free.
Kajiru has a slightly better nose than Shinobu for the time being, it seems! Shinobu tries to describe the scent. "Sort of… yucky… And then… like a sewer… But not…" It was hard to describe! Fortunately, Kajiru could definitely sniff out the four men that were up ahead. They smelled like they were rolling in garbage for about three days. Yep… Nasty smell! Also, the team is about to run into the group if they don't realize it soon….
"Yucky…and like a sewer? Um, I wonder if there was a problem with an outhouse. Maybe one of the farmers is having some issues like that. We should stop and check on it just in case and see if they want help." Tatsuo nods at that thought, then blinks and quickly amends to add, "I mean, um, if that's what you think, Shinobu-taicho."
Looking at the others, Kajiru frowns as she looks ahead and comes to a halt, rushing right in front of the others to do it. She holds upa hand and puts a finger to her lips before poinging forward, "Stinky people ahead." She nods her head, "Real stinky and maybe a few." She nods her head, "I don't think they are friends." She states quietly and nods again.
Shinobu is about to agree with Tatsuo when she is suddenly skidding to a halt. Well, this is embarrassing! The girl sort of nods to Kajiru and quickly thinks. "Umm… Let's … look. If they're bandits… We can take them out quickly…" She's better with the hesitations! And in this case, her being quiet is a good thing. "If not, we continue…" The girl looks around to make sure they're all agreed. Either way, once they are, the girl would set out to try and take a closer look at who these four up ahead are. Her ninken follows suit.
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INUZUKA-SENSES…46
COMBAT: Shinobu attacks target 1 with WOLF-SOFT-CLAW with a roll of: 39
COMBAT: Tatsuo attacks target 1 with STEALTH with a roll of: 14
Tatsuo nods to Shinobu before he follows after her. He agrees with her plan, what with her being the leader of the mission and all! Not only that but it sounds like a good idea. Apparently he should be thinking more about where he's putting his feet though, and less of how well Shinobu is doing. He probably finds every dried twig on the road as he walks!
COMBAT: Kajiru attacks target 1 with STEALTH with a roll of: 21
A nod to Shinobu and then Kajiru looks over at Tatsuo. She keeps herself silent for now and slips along aftyer her. She peers at the various areas up ahead as they move, trying to slip along quietly and keep her eyes open as they go.
RPCOMBAT: Kajiru defends against with a ENHANCED-SENSES…23
Dang Tatsuo alerting every bandit in the room! Now they're super alert, and they even spot the Nara. "Oy, guys! Look! Mebbe he has some good stuff on 'im. Looks pretty tasty…" Wait, are these guys cannibals D: Well, whatever the case, her team's cover is broken and Shinobu is in no hurry to see what these dudes mean with their little comments. She attacks right away, and Kame gives a quick genjutsu of ~Attack!~ before she also jumps into the fray. I mean, it's obvious these guys are up to no good, so why even give them the chance? :P The pair are a spinning hurricane, crashing into a number of enemies! Two at once, even! Though these guys /do/ have random blunt objects and they have no qualms about using them on little boys and girls.
COMBAT: Shinobu attacks target 1 with TSUGA with a roll of: 41
COMBAT: Shinobu attacks target 1 with TSUGA with a roll of: 40
[NPC System]: Stinky Bandits roll(s) Weapon Block vs. Shinobu from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 33. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Stinky Bandits roll(s) Weapon Block vs. Shinobu from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 35. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Stinky Bandits roll(s) Blunt Object from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 33. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Stinky Bandits roll(s) Blunt Object from 15 to 35 and get(s) a 23. - Rolled by: Shinobu
COMBAT: Tatsuo attacks target 1 with INTERRUPT with a roll of: 45
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a WATER-CLONE…53
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a WATER-RIBBONS…31
Tatsuo blinks as he realizes he was…not really being all that stealthy. Hehe…oops! The boy can't really do much to make up for the mistake at this point. He could've used the mist but…to have it appear in the middle of the day in summer could've been just as suspicious! But then he'd still be hidden so…meh, too little too late! When they start trying to blunt Tatsuo they only hit a clone that splashes to the ground. The one that attacks Kajiru finds himself smacking some swift moving water that he's unable to break through. The water changes from ribbons of speeding water to two large lances of water pointing at the man that had attacked Kajiru. These two lances spear down towards the man quickly.
COMBAT: Tatsuo attacks target 1 with WATER-LANCE with a roll of: 37
COMBAT: Tatsuo attacks target 1 with WATER-LANCE with a roll of: 30
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Dodge vs. Tatsuo from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 32. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Dodge vs. Tatsuo from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 30. - Rolled by: Shinobu
The girl blinks as Tatsuo defends her and then she squints at him as she transforms into a murderous monster. Well, she was already that but now she has claws and teeth and a tail! She growls at one of the men and takes out a bit of annoyance on that man, rushing at him and attempting to pounce right on to him and start mauling away at him. Honestly, some days it is probably better to get hit by water or something.
COMBAT: Kajiru focuses 2332 stamina to turn it into 2650 usable chakra!
RP: Kajiru transforms into FIERCE-WOLVERINE.
COMBAT: Kajiru attacks target 1 with POUNCE with a roll of: 32
COMBAT: Kajiru attacks target 1 with MAUL with a roll of: 29
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Dodge vs. Kajiru from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 33. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Dodge vs. Kajiru from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 41. - Rolled by: Shinobu
Well, yes, some days it really /is/ better to get hit by water! Which is why the man that Kajiru is mostly facing avoids that deadly fierce-looking pounce and maul combination, only to run into the two spearing water lances! It is far from enough to completely down him, but he does end up with two ruined arms. The man isn't quite sure what to do now that both his arms are essentially unusable, so he starts to flee!
That leaves three other men! The two that Shinobu and Kame are tackling (in a whirlwind-like flurry of claws and fangs) have a multitude of clawmarks along their bodies, but they're all rather shallow injuries. The final man that was originally going to face off only against Tatsuo finds himself outnumbered. Oh boy… He doesn't know any ninjutsu either, which puts him at a disadvantage! So because he'd rather do /something/ than nothing, the man throws random rocks at the two genin! Shinobu finds herself facing an onslaught of clubs, too, because /those/ two guys somehow still had their wits about them.
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Blunt Weapon Strike vs. Shinobu from 20 to 45 and get(s) a 27. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Blunt Weapon Strike vs. Shinobu from 20 to 45 and get(s) a 25. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Blunt Weapon Strike vs. Shinobu from 20 to 45 and get(s) a 44. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Blunt Weapon Strike vs. Shinobu from 20 to 45 and get(s) a 32. - Rolled by: Shinobu
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INTUITIVE-DODGE…55
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INTUITIVE-DODGE…35
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INTUITIVE-ACTION…40
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu took 300 damage.
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INTUITIVE-ACTION…44
Shinobu tries to avoid the swinging clubs, but one of them ends up getting her in the head when she pauses a bit too long. At least Kame is safe! Shinobu flinches and has to pause and shake her head, feeling a bit dizzy thanks to the last strike. It's pretty lucky that she has Kame by her side, as the pup is just barking madly at the two bandit-dudes, casting an evil genjutsu on the pair!
COMBAT: Shinobu attacks target 1 with MAULING-WOLVES with a roll of: 33
COMBAT: Shinobu attacks target 2 with MAULING-WOLVES with a roll of: 38
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Self Inflict vs. Shinobu from 15 to 40 and get(s) a 22. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Self Inflict vs. Shinobu from 15 to 40 and get(s) a 27. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Sharp Rock vs. Tatsuo from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 19. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Sharp Rock vs. Tatsuo from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 17. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Sharp Rock vs. Kajiru from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 17. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Sharp Rock vs. Kajiru from 15 to 45 and get(s) a 27. - Rolled by: Shinobu
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a WATER-RIBBONS…45
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a WATER-RIBBONS…32
Tatsuo watches as his lances of water (which he no longer has…) hits the man and renders his arms useless. "Um, if you give up I won't kill you." He sounds so sure of himself! But he turns his attention away from the injured man for how, keeping him in his peripheral vision only before he makes a hand seal and draws that water out of the air. It forms into thin chains that immediately seek to wrap the two men up tightly from head to toe.
COMBAT: Tatsuo attacks target 1 with WATER-CHAINS with a roll of: 44
COMBAT: Tatsuo attacks target 1 with WATER-CHAINS with a roll of: 50
RPCOMBAT: Kajiru defends against with a DASH-STEP…31
RPCOMBAT: Kajiru defends against with a DASH-STEP…42
A look toward the incoming attackers and she simply dashes away from the attacks and then she glares at her attacker before glancing to Shinobu. She then rushes over toward the enemy. She dives at him and just slashes about. Her claws empowered by her chakra as she slashes at him viciously. She then glances over at the others before growling out, "These guys smell like old feet!"
COMBAT: Kajiru attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SHARP with a roll of: 27
COMBAT: Kajiru attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SHARP with a roll of: 28
COMBAT: Kajiru attacks target 1 with CHAKRA-SHARP with a roll of: 32
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Weapon Block vs. Kajiru from 15 to 40 and get(s) a 25. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Weapon Block vs. Kajiru from 15 to 40 and get(s) a 24. - Rolled by: Shinobu
[NPC System]: Enemy roll(s) Weapon Block vs. Kajiru from 15 to 40 and get(s) a 22. - Rolled by: Shinobu
Well, the men just… They don't really expect to be caught up so suddenly in chains of water! And because this other guy throwing stones just doesn't have a good weapon, Kajiru's claws and fangs tear through the shoddy material it's made of! He ends up getting badly clawed, /and/ Tatsuo has two guys! Konoha shinobi: 1. Smelly Baddies: 0. And that count for the enemy goes down by 2 because they suddenly experience their throats getting torn out by wolves, meaning Shinobu was able to capture her own victims. With that done, the girl can at least relax. Her gaze shifts over to Tatsuo and Kajiru, and she hesitates for a moment. "Ano… I think… They should be tied up…" she tells the pair. "We can leave them at the next village… unconscious…" She waits for their approval (or disapproval) before deciding what to do next.
Tatsuo nods his agreement to Shinobu's words on tying them up and he brings more water to lift up the ones she'd genjutsu'd and wraps them in chains while he waits for the two girls to go about actually doing the tying. He has no problem holding them in place until then. When Tatsuo looks over to Kajiru he notices the blood on her fangs and claws and draws up some water right in front of her, holding it there like it's just a bowl of water that she use to clean the blood off with. Don't need to scare the people in the village after all.
A look to the guys as they are all taken care of and then she considers, "Mine might…not need to be tied up." She states and then she looks to the water and grins, "Thank you!" She then proceeds to start cleaning off her hands as she releases her transformation and then drinks up a ltitle water to swish and spit it out. She then looks over toward Shinobu and nods, "Though I like the idea." She nods her head, "We get them all trussed up in order to be taken in…though maybe Tatsuo could wash them off a little or something first?"
RP: Kajiru reverts to her normal state.
"Umm… Hai. Tatsuo-kun… Please make sure they're a bit more presentable." And not all bloody. The girl pulls out some wire from her pouch and tethers the two men together, then binds their arms and legs. Once that's done, she makes sure that they can't move even more by just… making the best rope mummies that she can! "Hai… Let's go…" she says, picking up one of the men by his feet and dragging him along. "I … think the village is about half a mile… So we can go slowly… And run back…" She starts dragging one downed dude off once Tatsuo says it's good to transport them! She and Kame still keep a nose out for anything and everything, of course, because they're still not the safest until they get to the village stop!
RPCOMBAT: Shinobu defends against with a INUZUKA-SENSES…37
Tatsuo considers, then shrugs a bit before he makes a hand seal to help him focus and control his chakra. It's not often he holds the hand seal in place but…well, this is a lot of water at once and not only difficult but also draining. Water is drawn from the air, going up a ways to get enough before it all focuses around men and effectively douses them. Might even drown them if they aren't careful! Once they're under water he has the water spin quickly to kind of give him a spin wash before he lets the water drop. Whew! That was tiring. With that done he pulls the remaining water out of their clothes and lets it drop as well. Tatsuo finally moves forward to bind the last man before letting the water chains drop so he can rest a bit. He helps the man stand and pokes him to follow after Shinobu. "If you try to run it'll be the last thing you do." He sounds scary but really he almost looks worried saying it! Good thing it doesn't really come through his tone.
RPCOMBAT: Tatsuo defends against with a PERCEPTION…22
Dragging along hers with her. She pulls them rather easily as she is way stronger than she looks. She grins as she hears Tatsuo speak up before she glances back at hers and then at the others, "If you try to run I'll rip you to shreds…" She grins and then giggles, "I would love to transform into a wolverine again and enjoy that!" She nods her head, "Way better than dragging some jerks around in the woods." She then glances around.
RPCOMBAT: Kajiru defends against with a ENHANCED-SENSES…30
Shinobu continues along her way, draggin her own fellow on the ground. It's probably a good thing that he was stuck in the eternal darkness that her genjutsu sent him to, as then he wouldn't wake up with all the different bumps and rocks. Eventually, they reach the village, and the villagers welcome them welcomingly because of the Konoha hitai-ate the trio wear. "Oh, yes, those fellows… We can lock them in the inn's basement, I suppose… We can take it from there," one of the guards say. Shinobu nods quietly, then hands them over. "We're going to come back for them later… When we have a cart. So until then." She glances over to Tatsuo and Kajiru. "Should we stop for lunch? Or… Keep going?" she wonders.
Tatsuo follows after Shinobu, leading his prisoner along until they reach the next village. Once there he has no problem turning his dude over. Take him, please! "Hmm, that's up to you Shinobu-taichou," Tatsuo says with a smile, leaving it up to the team captain to decide on what they're going to do next. Cause that's what captains are supposed to do! Plus, this is good practice for Shinobu…
A look at the girl and then at Tatsuo. Kajiru releases her morons over to the villagers and hten taps her chin, "Tatsuo has a point." She nods and points at Shinobu, "It is yoru desicion." She nods her head and then she grins, "I want food though…of course I always want food." She nods and taps her chin.
Shinobu thinks. SHe wasn't too hungry… And maybe they could get the mission done faster if Kajiru was motivated by a meal. "Umm… Hai. Let's go back to the village… And then we can all eat ramen when we get back…" she suggests. Well, whether or not the pair agree, she would head towards the gates and take off once everyone was ready, bowing lightly to the guards before she sets off with the team. The rest of the mission would go smoothly with no further run-ins, at least! So Shinobu ends up treating the group to ramen, and likely has an empty wallet thanks to Kajiru…