Date: December 22, 2015
Suna nin(-'mon) deal with a mysterious series of blackouts.
Poster's note: foul language filtered in obvious places.
"What If? Pokemon - Hotwire Harry"
Suburbs of Sunagakure [Land of Wind]
Something's not quite right in Sunagakure. Electric power has been failing sporadically, leaving the good denizens of the village in darkness at night. And it always does seem to happen at night, peppered around an area of a few blocks. e.ea Naturally, those responsible for providing electricity have analyzed the blackouts and reported to the Suna administration that they appear to be a localized effect and are probably being caused artificially. Hence, time to hunt down the cause!
Shemri the vulpix crouches on a rooftop in the sector she was assigned to watch over, one of several which are suspected as possible targets for tonight. They can only guess based on the pattern so far of course, but it's as likely a place as any. Shemri curls and uncurls her myriad tails, trying to keep them limber for sudden action.
«OOC» Shemri says, "If you do not mind, I am treating this as a world with no humans, loosely based on our regular Naruto world, but everybody is pokemon. Also, would you like to use the CRS for this scene? (I really need to think up a different name for that.)"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Oh, and you can pose being my partner for the stakeout, or just passing through, or whatever pleases you."
«IGA» Ayumu returniths!
«IGA» Ayumu chin taps, "Not entirely sure how crs will work with this one, but I'm willing to go with it." c.c
"Eh… *CRUNCH*… What'chu doin' up here, foxy-red?" Even with the forewarning crunch of hard stone, finding the source preemptively would prove somewhat futile for the vulpix. That was until of course her shadow began to elongate and darken. Rising from this deep patch bearing a toothy grin, crystalline eyes, and in an oh so casual leaning posture is none other than a sableye, notorious soul snatchers, or so some would have a pokemon believe! He gives a half-chewed through stone in hand a couple of idle throws in the air before snatching it out of air with an even broader grin.
"Doing a little nightly tailasthetics? No? Of course not. Your fur is far too ruffled for that… Hmm… Oh what could it be this humble ghost wonders aloud, blissfully ignorant of what may be impending doom~", Ayumu says calmly near the edge of the roof, calmly stroking his chin.
Shemri wouldn't particularly mind the noise if it was just a passing citizen. It might keep the culprit from acting for a bit, but an occasional disturbance, even in the middle of the night, is normal; the culprit might even be spooked off if things were perfectly still. What's bad is that Ayumu is SPECIFICALLY CALLING ATTENTION to Shemri! ^>.<^; "Hoi! Can you not see I am on a stake-out!?" Shemri hisses. "Get down and be quiet!" It's also a bit personally aggravating that Ayumu noticed her in the first place. ^u.u^; Must be those crystalline eyes, sees in the dark or something.
Fortunately, Ayumu's interference doesn't appear to have ruined Shemri's chances, because a street lamp a block down suddenly blinks out. "Nevermind!" Shemri takes off along the rooftops toward the powered-down lamp. On reaching the vicinity, she takes a look around and just manages to spot a young joltik detaching itself from a nearby power box and springing away — back in Ayumu's direction, as it happens. "Hoi! Catch him!" ^>.<^
«OOC» Shemri says, "So, you are a +8 ninja, which means your base roll is 1d13."
«OOC» Shemri says, "I think we could say you have A-rank ghost ability and B-rank dark ability, or you could make up something closer to your regular self's styles."
«OOC» Shemri is going to say she has A-rank Tail Tai, even though canon vulpix don't really do much with their tails. X) And B-rank Fire Manip, even though regular Shemri doesn't have that. XD
«IGA» Ayumu X3
«OOC» Shemri says, "So, base roll for catching the joltik? Assuming that's what you would attempt to do."
«IGA» Ayumu chin taps.
«IGA» Ayumu should roll after he poses or before?
«OOC» Shemri says, "I like before for CRS. Moves things along quicker and allows you to write your pose with knowledge of what actually happens."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 6 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu sticks to basics. z.zz
«OOC» Shemri says, "You start with 8 chakra, which puts you at free D-ranks, 1 chakra for C-ranks, etc."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Oh, and the joltik is only a +2 Ninja, so a D-rank is sufficient to take it out."
If Ayumu had brows at least one of them would've been quirked at the answer. Instead, he settled for simply 'o' with his mouth before nodding in an empathetic manner. "So—" Ayumu starts, only to stop short as Shemri to run off on him. The nerve of some non-bipeds! And than to top things by demanding he give chase after some random bug? Now that was enough to earn a scowl in her general direction, though it wouldn't do much good with her so focused on the voltik perhaps. >.>
"Oi~ If I must your majesty~" He calls out to the vulpix before dropping down into a ground level shadows. When next the ghost pokemon appears, it is a full body dive down from above after dropping in from a nearby overhang. Yes, he realized in hindsight that the fall would be painful. And yes, during the last few seconds it became evidently clear by the yellow coat that said bug might also be poisonous and/or of the electric variety. Ayumu remained steadfast however in giving his best cocky grin during the dive while shouting "Got you!"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Hmmm, let us say you are using a B-rank style and a D-rank move. That would be 1d8."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d8 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "It was the yell that helped. *sagenods*"
«OOC» Shemri says, "The joltik has no chance of topping that. X)"
The joltik is busy springing like a flea to get away from Shemri as fast as he can; he doesn't anticipate being assaulted from the other side, and thus is not prepared at all for Ayumu. 8.8; *WHUMP!* The joltik is tackled and cleanly knocked senseless. @.@ Shemri catches up and looks the little bug over. "This is the cause of the blackouts?" ^-.-^a No, that doesn't make total sense actually…one little bug couldn't cause multiple power losses at the same t —
The sound of springing and skittering on nearby rooftops brings Shemri out of her train of thought. She looks up and sees a couple other spidery silhouettes moving through the darkness. Of course, it isn't just one little bug. "Ah. Aha. You are not on-duty now, this is a fact? You have done admirably by helping me already, you need not come along if you do not wish it." Having said that, Shemri binds the unconscious joltik's legs and heads off after the other ones, hoping to track them.
'Wait, I coul—' The thought goes unfinished as the air rushes out of Ayumu's little ectoplasmic lungs from slamming into the ground. Shemri's words all but fall on deaf ears as the ghost recovers, or would at least seem to, any case. He wasn't exactly quick to offer up an answer to the ever elusive question of the mysterious blackout maker -mon. No, rubbing his poor aching chest crystal while just sitting there was quite important! Sensing something in the darkness just out the corner of his crystalline eyes, the sableye turns just enough to spy the source around the same time as Shemri and grimaces from the prospect of more tackles in his future.
"Mmm… Rather I need not, or want not, something tells me there's an interesting end to this kind of story, so… Why not?" With all that said and a defeated shrug to top it off, Ayumu rises back to his tiny fee, dusted himself off, then meandered over to the nearest shadow. An elongated tongue stuck out the side of his mouth as he fished around in the within the otherworld blindly until with a satisfied "Ah hah!" he fishes out none other than a red scarf bearing a metal band. "Ready whenever you are, mon capi'tan~" He said, offering a salute and puffing out his chest, exposing further the hourglass symbol on the metal banded scarf about his neck.
Shemri turns her head with an annoyed glare and puts a tail end up in front of her maw. "Very well, but shhhh!" ^>.<^ Stealth really is important now, since they're trying to follow these small fry back to their main group.
After prowling after the joltiks a short way, they find the little bugs converging…on a bigger bug, not too surprisingly a galvantula. "'Ellllllo 'ello 'ello me tiny tots," chortles the galvantula, peering out from under a rakishly tilted cloth cap and chewing on a cheap cigar. "Tummies all nice an' roly-poly, yes? Come an' give yer ol' man a hug, wot?" The joltiks latch onto all of the galvantula's legs, transferring some of their stored electricity to him. All of the legs, that is, except one. The galvantula waves the empty leg. "'Ey oop, we're one short. Right, where's Sparkers?" 3.3
«OOC» Shemri was figuring on eight joltiks including the one we knocked out, but looking closely at the galvantula sprite, it only has four legs and two pedipalps. X)
«OOC» Shemri makes this a challenge, sets the galvantula as a +10 Ninja. :o With A-rank Boss Bug style and A-rank Lightning Manip.
Ayumu's form becomes completely after the glare as if paralyzed. It takes however long Shemri for Shemri to start following after the little buggers for Ayumu to thaw. Perhaps he belatedly realized there was none of the pokemon 'omph' behind the glare? Perhaps the intensity of the glare was simply that powerful? Or perhaps the ghost suddenly became lovestruck?
WHATEVER the case may be, it doesn't take all that long for Ayumu to catch up to the fox, or as close to catching up as any biped is likely to come in his situation. More at home in shadows and darkness, Ayumu does actually move practically shoudnless across the village, his form blending in to the night sky from the ground on up. "Oh vey… another fat one at the end of this one's journey." A crouching Ayumu deadpans quietly at Shemri's side. "So, what's the plan?"
RP: Shemri rolled a 3 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d2 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d2 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d2 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 5 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d2 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d2 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 10 with 1d13 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 7 with 1d13 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d13 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 11 with 1d13 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 8 with 1d13 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d15 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 7 with 1d8 die.
Joy. Some lowlife using little kids to leech power off the electric grid. No telling whether they're actually biologically his. "We apprehend them," Shemri says tonelessly. "I shall deal with the young ones, I have experience with such." Shemri jumps out of the shadows to confront the galvantula. "Hoi! The other one is safe, but he is under arrest, and so are you." >/ The galvantula scowls and looks around to see how surrounded he might be. "Oh, come off it, toots! You know 'ow hard it is t'keep six mouths fed?" "It seems to me you are feeding yourself with them," Shemri snarls. The galvantula adopts a mock-wounded expression (if you can tell what that looks like for a spider). "Oh, y'think I'm takin' advantage of 'em, do ya? Y'hear that, tots? Th'flamin' fox thinks I'm a bad father!" The joltiks suddenly detach from the galvantula and pounce at Shemri en masse. "YOU LEAVE OUR DA' ALONE, YA NASTY NIDORAN NANNY!" Shemri fends off their nipping fangs with swishes of her many tails. ^o.o^;
Meanwhile, the galvantula draws a bead on Ayumu. "Think you're mighty sharp, skulkin' about in th'shadows, wot? WELL TAKE THI*HACKCOUGHWHEEEEZE*" #.#; The galvantula's drama and effectiveness are sharply reduced by a sudden cigar-induced coughing fit. Nevertheless, once he regains control of himself, he sends out a dangerously buzzing electric web net in Ayumu's direction.
«OOC» Shemri says, "The attack against Ayumu is C-rank, and rolled 8 in total."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 12 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu too boss? c.c
«OOC» Shemri says, "You defend successfully, yes."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Now roll base for your attack."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 13 with 1d13 die.
«IGA» Ayumu chin taps.
«IGA» Ayumu still only has free d-ranks, dah?
«OOC» Shemri says, "Hmm, well, if I count the last round of combat, you're up to 10 chakra, which means you get C-ranks free now."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Schweet~"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d10 die.
«IGA» Ayumu snerks.
«IGA» Ayumu foul plays. *.*
«OOC» Shemri says, "Good time to hit hard."
«IGA» Ayumu takes back his originally idea. z.z;
«OOC» Shemri says, "Your best style, whatever that may be in a pokemon context, should be A-rank. That means your rolls will start at 1d8, and go up 2 for every rank above E. You get C-rank for free, so that is 1d12 with 3 damage, or you could spend a couple chakra to roll 1d16 and hit for 5 damage."
«IGA» Ayumu will be using dark in place of wind (which has only reached B-rank). My best as a side note would be S-rank, unless the cut off is at A?
«IGA» Ayumu says, "though.. I do have that one generic a-rank, so.. nevermind that b buisness. z.z;;"
«IGA» Ayumu rerolls.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 9 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Ah. Aha. Sorry, I assumed your best was A-rank. X)"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Base defense roll for galvantula:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 9 with 1d15 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "It spends 2 chakra to double-double its A-rank defenses:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 23 with 1d32 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "At least you got it to spend chakra. :)"
«IGA» Ayumu T.T
«OOC» Shemri says, "It used its webbing to yank itself out of the way, in case you want to know for your pose."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Shemri's base attack roll:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 11 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Hmmm…I attack all five joltiks with a C-rank fireball, which means I must subtract 4d3. :|"
RP: Shemri rolled a 4 with 1d10 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 9 with 4d3 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "End result of 6. Joltiks defend with all they can muster…"
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 4 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 5 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d7 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 4 with 1d4 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d4 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d4 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d4 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 4 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Only one of them escapes."
«OOC» Shemri says, "New round, everyone gains 2 chakra. Ayumu and Galvantula are both still at 10 chakra, just barely in tension level 2."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Remaining joltik's base attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 6 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "It spends 1 chakra to try and shock me:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 4 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Shemri's base defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 6 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Spending 1 chakra on Tail Tai defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 9 with 1d16 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Success. Galvantula's base attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 10 with 1d15 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Hmmm…it spends 1 chakra to do a B-rank Boss Bug attack on Ayumu."
RP: Shemri rolled a 13 with 1d14 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Ah. Aha. You are in trouble. ;)"
«OOC» Shemri says, "It is swinging in on its thread to bite you. Go ahead and do your base roll."
"And I don't?" Ayumu asks with a crooked grin, but by then Shemri has already jumped out into the open. He leaps not long after, if only to sink into a shadow. The wonders of the other worlds are not for the faint of heart, so to describe it would be in poor taste. Suffice it to say, the Sableye finds himself fleeing from one end of that place to the other, stopping briefly outside the realm to recover and reconsider his position.
"Wha-oh!" He says, startled for a second. After seing the coughing fit take place afterwards however, Ayumu sweatdrops and cocks his head to the side. "Uh… You should probably—!! Nevermind!!!" He exclaims as he dove into the earth, digging a path out of the way of the net. And boy could this sableye dig, because within seconds he's popping up behind the smoking bug. "Heheh… Alot of junk in that trunk after that feeding. Hmm… Could use a little… trimming." Ayumu joked quietly before leaping out to try and stab the oversized thunderbug with purple glowing claws… only fall short. D:
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Wait, maybe I'm getting ahead of things. You have not even—there we go."
«IGA» Ayumu :P
«IGA» Ayumu rumbles.
«IGA» Ayumu drudgingly spends 1 chakra on a ghost defense. z.z
«IGA» Ayumu says, "1d..18?"
«OOC» Shemri says, "What rank is your ghost style?"
«IGA» Ayumu using that in place of flesh, so.. S-rank. :D
«OOC» Shemri says, "1d20, then."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Oh ho!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Still roll a 1…"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 6 with 1d20 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Nailed it!… sort of"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Sorry, 4 damage. X)"
«OOC» Shemri says, "You are now +4 Ninja, and your base roll is 1d11."
«IGA» Ayumu ;.;
«IGA» Ayumu hms.
«IGA» Ayumu still rolls his atk ahead of time, or nay? >.>a
«OOC» Shemri says, "You may do so."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Wait, sorry, 1d9."
«OOC» Shemri mixed that up somehow.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 5 with 1d9 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Hrn."
«IGA» Ayumu doesn't really wanna burn up all his chakra that quick, but. z.z.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Ghost C-rank would be 1d14?"
«OOC» Shemri says, "This is a fact."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 9 with 1d14 die.
«IGA» Ayumu fingersnaps.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Total of 14. Galvantula's base defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d15 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "It spends 1 chakra for safety:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d16 die.
«IGA» Ayumu X)
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Huzzah!"
«OOC» Shemri says, "And gets no return on the investment. X) 3 damage, it is down to +7 Ninja."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Come to think of it, it had little chance of succeeding with 1 chakra, should've spent more. Ah well."
Shemri certainly doesn't like to hurt little kids, even if they're miscreants…and creepicute crawlies. ^c.c^; But she has to control them, especially since it looks like their dad/boss/whatever is a lot more dangerous than she had expected. "Enough of this!" Shemri spews a wide gout of flame at the milling mini-arachnids. Four of them are toasted into submission. @.@ The final one screams like only a tiny tick urchin can. "I'LL PROPAH BLOW YA LAMPS OUT FER THAT, YA HAIRY HUSSY!!!" The joltik lights up with lightning energy and throws herself at Shemri. It's an impressive attack for such a small and inexperienced critter, but Shemri evades it with a sideways tumble.
Meanwhile, the galvantula shoots a string of sticky web and jerks away from Ayumu's claws. "Gonna have to get up a lot earlier t'pull one ovah on Hotwire Harry! I know every trick in th'book an' a fat lot they nevah wrote down!" the galvantula laughs, waving his hat as he swings from a nearby building. "Speakin' of…" Hotwire Harry, as he's apparently known, sends out another string to change his trajectory and swoops down toward Ayumu. He lets go after his arc starts heading upward again, and it looks like he's going to overshoot the sableye — but yet another web anchors him to the ground and brings him slamming down to sink his fangs into his target. >%C
"Drat! … Wait, did I just say that out loud?" Ayumu wondered, sweatdropping fiercely at the idea of getting wrapped up in Harry's rhythm. His worrying doesn't stop him from keeping an eye on the bug, but is distracting enough that even his keen eyes fail to spot the trick behind the hatted spiders trick. A pained yelp escapes before the Sableye has a mind to suppress it. "That.. smarts…" He groaned while trying to push the bug off of him. A fruitless effort given their weight class, as well as a costly one if harry decided to bite down harder. More braced for pain this time around, Ayumu endures and began mustering up energy in his eyes until the gems took on a dark mixture of purples, blues, and blacks. "Well if you want get off… have a little Nightshade!" A phantom image of the sableye with the twisted eyes leaps up from his form and tries to pass through the spider, burning the very spirit of into the overground arachnid!
«OOC» Shemri says, "Shemri's base attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Heh. X) I shall focus on dealing with the last joltik, I think. C-rank Tail Tai move:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 5 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Total of 6. Joltik's base defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "It burns 1 chakra for its only chance of staying in the fight:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d4 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Joltik down."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Harry's base attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 6 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "C-rank lightning attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 5 with 1d14 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Total of 11."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 7 with 1d9 die.
«IGA» Ayumu hms.
«IGA» Ayumu d-rank defense under ghost.
«OOC» Shemri says, "1d20 then."
RP: Ayumu rolled a 8 with 1d20 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Plenty."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Survives!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "erk"
«IGA» Ayumu survives!*
RP: Ayumu rolled a 3 with 1d9 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "D:"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Counter is not a thing, right? c.c"
«OOC» Shemri says, "I have not figured out a good way to do that, no."
«IGA» Ayumu nods and sticks to his free attacks until he rolls big again. z.z
«IGA» Ayumu has only.. 9 chakra at this point?
«OOC» Shemri says, "I show 11, but I did feel like I forgot to charge you for something. e.e;"
«IGA» Ayumu X)
«IGA» Ayumu has only spent it on defense, so.. that should be right!
«OOC» Shemri says, "Very well."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "C-rank ghost:"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 11 with 1d14 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "14 total"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Base defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 12 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Sigh. X) A-rank skill:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 4 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Harry comes out unscathed this time."
Shemri pounces on the final wakeful joltik and holds her down. "You and your brethren shall not be permanently harmed," she says to the struggling mite, applying pressure from her tail to the joltik's…cephalothorax, since it doesn't have a neck (yay for magically applying pressure points knowledge on wildly different species!). "You shall even have a better life after this, I think. But I cannot allow you to interfere." :/ The joltik passes into unconsciousness with her legs curled up. @.@
Hotwire Harry staggers back and roars up a blue storm after being blasted with Ayumu's ghost attack. "YOU 'ORRIBLE 'AUNT, I'LL MAKE THOSE BLINKIN' BAUBLES YOU CALL EYES FLASH LIKE STROBELIGHTS!" Harry gathers up a ball of electricity and flings it at Ayumu.
«IGA» Ayumu snerks.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Shemri's base attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 13 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Ah. Aha. >) Time to go all-out."
«IGA» Ayumu grins evilly.
«OOC» Shemri says, "A-rank Tail Tai move, costs 2 chakra and rolls 1d16, plus spending 1 more chakra to incorporate Fire Manip which gives an extra 1d6."
RP: Shemri rolled a 8 with 1d16 die.
RP: Shemri rolled a 3 with 1d6 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Total of 24. Harry's base defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 1 with 1d12 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "XD"
«IGA» Ayumu cackles!
«OOC» Shemri says, "Hmmm…if I were playing as Harry and truly trying to win, I would pour as much chakra as I could into this defense because it is such a huge hit, which would give a 1d128 roll. Do you feel like prolonging this fight? He will still be +2 even if this hits."
«OOC» Shemri makes it 1d64, still a 'safe bet'. e.e
Finally free of Hotwire Harry's clutches, Ayumu rolls back onto the balls of his feet, clutching at his wounded shoulder. "Oi! No need for that kind'a — voltage!!" Acting reflexively, Ayumu sinks into his own shadow just moments before the ball of energy can so much as single a single piece of ectoplasmic fur. Rather than resurface immediatly and causes himself even more grief right off the back, the sableye slips forward at an unnatural speed, slipping beneath and behind the mandible terror while he's hopefully gloating over disintengrating his foe.
"Now as I was bout to say! None of dat bad language around the kids, or else my friend flap jack is gonna pummel you harder!" He exclaims, jabbing a finger down at his feet. What confusion is bound to follow may soon be cleared up as it becomes clear Ayumu's tiny frame shouldn't be as big as it is. Nor should the parts closest to the bug-type suddenly gain red eyes, peel away from the ground, and try to punch him atop the head!
RP: Shemri rolled a 18 with 1d64 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Sorry for the dealy, but nay on prolonging things for much longer. ^^;;"
«OOC» Shemri says, "He fails. XD 5 damage."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Unless ye mind pausing after half hour to continue on the morrow?"
«IGA» Ayumu X)
«OOC» Shemri says, "I would not mind, but let us see if we can hammer it out now."
«OOC» Shemri says, "Harry's base attack:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "He has 9 chakra now, so he lost a tension level. He attacks Shemri with a free D-rank:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 7 with 1d10 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Total of 9. Shemri's base defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 7 with 1d13 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Regular defense with Tail Tai:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d8 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Just made it. ^c.c^;"
«IGA» Ayumu grins.
Hotwire Harry scuttles sideways to avoid Ayumu's fist. "I told yer, I know all th'tricks! Next time you won't be so lucky, ya — " Just then Shemri joins the fracas against Harry with a vengeance. Spinning on her hindpaws with her tails lit on fire, she pirouettes rapidly around Harry. The flailing tails smack Harry over and over with burning force. "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRGH!!! BLAST YA FER A FLAMIN' DEVIL, YA FOXY WENCH!!!" Harry jabs viciously at Shemri with his legs, which Shemri narrowly avoids with a twisting sideways somersault as her attack ends. "Finish him, Ayumu-san!"
RP: Ayumu rolled a 1 with 1d9 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Pfft"
«IGA» Ayumu X)
«OOC» Shemri thuds. XD
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Well, I still heard the lady, so…"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "d20 for S?"
«OOC» Shemri nods.
RP: Ayumu rolled a 15 with 1d20 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "Not bad."
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Whoo~ 16!"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Base defense for Harry:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 2 with 1d7 die.
«OOC» Shemri says, "C-rank defense:"
RP: Shemri rolled a 3 with 1d32 die.
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Yes! mwahahaha!"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Finished!"
«IGA» Ayumu says, "Time for him to taste my extra large, shadow ball! D:<"
«OOC» Shemri says, "Actually, a style combo would've been a good idea, especially as any hit would have finished him, but ah well."
«IGA» Ayumu finger snaps.
Ayumu did not need to be told twice! With Hotwire so heavily focused on Shemri for a few moments, the sableye clasped his forearm in one hand, and left the other extended forward, palms facing the sky. "In brightest days…" Purple sparks dance atop his finger tips. "In deepest shadow…" The sparks transform into currents focused directly over his palms. "No body is safe from ghostly fright…" The energy builds into a ball of various shades of purples. "Let those with brave spirits and wicked hearts… Have a taste of my EXTRA LARGE, SHADOW BALL!!" Within the span of a few seconds, the ball doubles, triples, than expands into an ungainly orb of energy so thick, Ayumu had to hold it above his head just to avoid being completely eclipsed by it. Then, with a might lip, he leaps into the air, calling out one last warning for Shemri to move before sending it flying down on Harry!
Fortunately despite its size, the explosion wouldn't be so bad. Juuuuust bad enough to leave the arachnid in a sizeable crater after all is said and done. >.> <.<
Harry looks up for the brief second before the shadow ball connects. "Oh cor blimey." 8.8; *KABOOOOOM!!!* (Or whatever other noise giant balls of ghostly energy make upon impact.)
Victory! The mastermind of the energy-leeching gang has been defeated, the misguided kids will be taken under the firm and nurturing hand of Sunagakure's child protection services, and the good citizens will once again have uninterrupted light and video games! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Something's not quite right in Sunagakure. Electric power has been failing sporadically, leaving the good denizens of the village in darkness at night. And it always does seem to happen at night, peppered around an area of a few blocks. e.ea Naturally, those responsible for providing electricity have analyzed the blackouts and reported to the Suna administration that they appear to be a localized effect and are probably being caused artificially. Hence, time to hunt down the cause!
Shemri the vulpix crouches on a rooftop in the sector she was assigned to watch over, one of several which are suspected as possible targets for tonight. They can only guess based on the pattern so far of course, but it's as likely a place as any. Shemri curls and uncurls her myriad tails, trying to keep them limber for sudden action.
"Eh… *CRUNCH*… What'chu doin' up here, foxy-red?" Even with the forewarning crunch of hard stone, finding the source preemptively would prove somewhat futile for the vulpix. That was until of course her shadow began to elongate and darken. Rising from this deep patch bearing a toothy grin, crystalline eyes, and in an oh so casual leaning posture is none other than a sableye, notorious soul snatchers, or so some would have a pokemon believe! He gives a half-chewed through stone in hand a couple of idle throws in the air before snatching it out of air with an even broader grin.
"Doing a little nightly tailasthetics? No? Of course not. Your fur is far too ruffled for that… Hmm… Oh what could it be this humble ghost wonders aloud, blissfully ignorant of what may be impending doom~", Ayumu says calmly near the edge of the roof, calmly stroking his chin.
Shemri wouldn't particularly mind the noise if it was just a passing citizen. It might keep the culprit from acting for a bit, but an occasional disturbance, even in the middle of the night, is normal; the culprit might even be spooked off if things were perfectly still. What's bad is that Ayumu is SPECIFICALLY CALLING ATTENTION to Shemri! ^>.<^; "Hoi! Can you not see I am on a stake-out!?" Shemri hisses. "Get down and be quiet!" It's also a bit personally aggravating that Ayumu noticed her in the first place. ^u.u^; Must be those crystalline eyes, sees in the dark or something.
Fortunately, Ayumu's interference doesn't appear to have ruined Shemri's chances, because a street lamp a block down suddenly blinks out. "Nevermind!" Shemri takes off along the rooftops toward the powered-down lamp. On reaching the vicinity, she takes a look around and just manages to spot a young joltik detaching itself from a nearby power box and springing away — back in Ayumu's direction, as it happens. "Hoi! Catch him!" ^>.<^
If Ayumu had brows at least one of them would've been quirked at the answer. Instead, he settled for simply 'o' with his mouth before nodding in an empathetic manner. "So—" Ayumu starts, only to stop short as Shemri to run off on him. The nerve of some non-bipeds! And than to top things by demanding he give chase after some random bug? Now that was enough to earn a scowl in her general direction, though it wouldn't do much good with her so focused on the voltik perhaps. >.>
"Oi~ If I must your majesty~" He calls out to the vulpix before dropping down into a ground level shadows. When next the ghost pokemon appears, it is a full body dive down from above after dropping in from a nearby overhang. Yes, he realized in hindsight that the fall would be painful. And yes, during the last few seconds it became evidently clear by the yellow coat that said bug might also be poisonous and/or of the electric variety. Ayumu remained steadfast however in giving his best cocky grin during the dive while shouting "Got you!"
The joltik is busy springing like a flea to get away from Shemri as fast as he can; he doesn't anticipate being assaulted from the other side, and thus is not prepared at all for Ayumu. 8.8; *WHUMP!* The joltik is tackled and cleanly knocked senseless. @.@ Shemri catches up and looks the little bug over. "This is the cause of the blackouts?" ^-.-^a No, that doesn't make total sense actually…one little bug couldn't cause multiple power losses at the same t —
The sound of springing and skittering on nearby rooftops brings Shemri out of her train of thought. She looks up and sees a couple other spidery silhouettes moving through the darkness. Of course, it isn't just one little bug. "Ah. Aha. You are not on-duty now, this is a fact? You have done admirably by helping me already, you need not come along if you do not wish it." Having said that, Shemri binds the unconscious joltik's legs and heads off after the other ones, hoping to track them.
'Wait, I coul—' The thought goes unfinished as the air rushes out of Ayumu's little ectoplasmic lungs from slamming into the ground. Shemri's words all but fall on deaf ears as the ghost recovers, or would at least seem to, any case. He wasn't exactly quick to offer up an answer to the ever elusive question of the mysterious blackout maker -mon. No, rubbing his poor aching chest crystal while just sitting there was quite important! Sensing something in the darkness just out the corner of his crystalline eyes, the sableye turns just enough to spy the source around the same time as Shemri and grimaces from the prospect of more tackles in his future.
"Mmm… Rather I need not, or want not, something tells me there's an interesting end to this kind of story, so… Why not?" With all that said and a defeated shrug to top it off, Ayumu rises back to his tiny fee, dusted himself off, then meandered over to the nearest shadow. An elongated tongue stuck out the side of his mouth as he fished around in the within the otherworld blindly until with a satisfied "Ah hah!" he fishes out none other than a red scarf bearing a metal band. "Ready whenever you are, mon capi'tan~" He said, offering a salute and puffing out his chest, exposing further the hourglass symbol on the metal banded scarf about his neck.
Shemri turns her head with an annoyed glare and puts a tail end up in front of her maw. "Very well, but shhhh!" ^>.<^ Stealth really is important now, since they're trying to follow these small fry back to their main group.
After prowling after the joltiks a short way, they find the little bugs converging…on a bigger bug, not too surprisingly a galvantula. "'Ellllllo 'ello 'ello me tiny tots," chortles the galvantula, peering out from under a rakishly tilted cloth cap and chewing on a cheap cigar. "Tummies all nice an' roly-poly, yes? Come an' give yer ol' man a hug, wot?" The joltiks latch onto all of the galvantula's legs, transferring some of their stored electricity to him. All of the legs, that is, except one. The galvantula waves the empty leg. "'Ey oop, we're one short. Right, where's Sparkers?" 3.3
Ayumu's form becomes completely after the glare as if paralyzed. It takes however long Shemri for Shemri to start following after the little buggers for Ayumu to thaw. Perhaps he belatedly realized there was none of the pokemon 'omph' behind the glare? Perhaps the intensity of the glare was simply that powerful? Or perhaps the ghost suddenly became lovestruck?
WHATEVER the case may be, it doesn't take all that long for Ayumu to catch up to the fox, or as close to catching up as any biped is likely to come in his situation. More at home in shadows and darkness, Ayumu does actually move practically shoudnless across the village, his form blending in to the night sky from the ground on up. "Oh vey… another fat one at the end of this one's journey." A crouching Ayumu deadpans quietly at Shemri's side. "So, what's the plan?"
Joy. Some lowlife using little kids to leech power off the electric grid. No telling whether they're actually biologically his. "We apprehend them," Shemri says tonelessly. "I shall deal with the young ones, I have experience with such." Shemri jumps out of the shadows to confront the galvantula. "Hoi! The other one is safe, but he is under arrest, and so are you." >/ The galvantula scowls and looks around to see how surrounded he might be. "Oh, come off it, toots! You know 'ow hard it is t'keep six mouths fed?" "It seems to me you are feeding yourself with them," Shemri snarls. The galvantula adopts a mock-wounded expression (if you can tell what that looks like for a spider). "Oh, y'think I'm takin' advantage of 'em, do ya? Y'hear that, tots? Th'flamin' fox thinks I'm a bad father!" The joltiks suddenly detach from the galvantula and pounce at Shemri en masse. "YOU LEAVE OUR DA' ALONE, YA NASTY NIDORAN NANNY!" Shemri fends off their nipping fangs with swishes of her many tails. ^o.o^;
Meanwhile, the galvantula draws a bead on Ayumu. "Think you're mighty sharp, skulkin' about in th'shadows, wot? WELL TAKE THI*HACKCOUGHWHEEEEZE*" #.#; The galvantula's drama and effectiveness are sharply reduced by a sudden cigar-induced coughing fit. Nevertheless, once he regains control of himself, he sends out a dangerously buzzing electric web net in Ayumu's direction.
"And I don't?" Ayumu asks with a crooked grin, but by then Shemri has already jumped out into the open. He leaps not long after, if only to sink into a shadow. The wonders of the other worlds are not for the faint of heart, so to describe it would be in poor taste. Suffice it to say, the Sableye finds himself fleeing from one end of that place to the other, stopping briefly outside the realm to recover and reconsider his position.
"Wha-oh!" He says, startled for a second. After seing the coughing fit take place afterwards however, Ayumu sweatdrops and cocks his head to the side. "Uh… You should probably—!! Nevermind!!!" He exclaims as he dove into the earth, digging a path out of the way of the net. And boy could this sableye dig, because within seconds he's popping up behind the smoking bug. "Heheh… Alot of junk in that trunk after that feeding. Hmm… Could use a little… trimming." Ayumu joked quietly before leaping out to try and stab the oversized thunderbug with purple glowing claws… only fall short. D:
Shemri certainly doesn't like to hurt little kids, even if they're miscreants…and creepicute crawlies. ^c.c^; But she has to control them, especially since it looks like their dad/boss/whatever is a lot more dangerous than she had expected. "Enough of this!" Shemri spews a wide gout of flame at the milling mini-arachnids. Four of them are toasted into submission. @.@ The final one screams like only a tiny tick urchin can. "I'LL PROPAH BLOW YA LAMPS OUT FER THAT, YA HAIRY HUSSY!!!" The joltik lights up with lightning energy and throws herself at Shemri. It's an impressive attack for such a small and inexperienced critter, but Shemri evades it with a sideways tumble.
Meanwhile, the galvantula shoots a string of sticky web and jerks away from Ayumu's claws. "Gonna have to get up a lot earlier t'pull one ovah on Hotwire Harry! I know every trick in th'book an' a fat lot they nevah wrote down!" the galvantula laughs, waving his hat as he swings from a nearby building. "Speakin' of…" Hotwire Harry, as he's apparently known, sends out another string to change his trajectory and swoops down toward Ayumu. He lets go after his arc starts heading upward again, and it looks like he's going to overshoot the sableye — but yet another web anchors him to the ground and brings him slamming down to sink his fangs into his target. >%C
"Drat! … Wait, did I just say that out loud?" Ayumu wondered, sweatdropping fiercely at the idea of getting wrapped up in Harry's rhythm. His worrying doesn't stop him from keeping an eye on the bug, but is distracting enough that even his keen eyes fail to spot the trick behind the hatted spiders trick. A pained yelp escapes before the Sableye has a mind to suppress it. "That.. smarts…" He groaned while trying to push the bug off of him. A fruitless effort given their weight class, as well as a costly one if harry decided to bite down harder. More braced for pain this time around, Ayumu endures and began mustering up energy in his eyes until the gems took on a dark mixture of purples, blues, and blacks. "Well if you want get off… have a little Nightshade!" A phantom image of the sableye with the twisted eyes leaps up from his form and tries to pass through the spider, burning the very spirit of into the overground arachnid!
Shemri pounces on the final wakeful joltik and holds her down. "You and your brethren shall not be permanently harmed," she says to the struggling mite, applying pressure from her tail to the joltik's…cephalothorax, since it doesn't have a neck (yay for magically applying pressure points knowledge on wildly different species!). "You shall even have a better life after this, I think. But I cannot allow you to interfere." :/ The joltik passes into unconsciousness with her legs curled up. @.@
Hotwire Harry staggers back and roars up a blue storm after being blasted with Ayumu's ghost attack. "YOU 'ORRIBLE 'AUNT, I'LL MAKE THOSE BLINKIN' BAUBLES YOU CALL EYES FLASH LIKE STROBELIGHTS!" Harry gathers up a ball of electricity and flings it at Ayumu.
Finally free of Hotwire Harry's clutches, Ayumu rolls back onto the balls of his feet, clutching at his wounded shoulder. "Oi! No need for that kind'a — voltage!!" Acting reflexively, Ayumu sinks into his own shadow just moments before the ball of energy can so much as single a single piece of ectoplasmic fur. Rather than resurface immediatly and causes himself even more grief right off the back, the sableye slips forward at an unnatural speed, slipping beneath and behind the mandible terror while he's hopefully gloating over disintengrating his foe.
"Now as I was bout to say! None of dat bad language around the kids, or else my friend flap jack is gonna pummel you harder!" He exclaims, jabbing a finger down at his feet. What confusion is bound to follow may soon be cleared up as it becomes clear Ayumu's tiny frame shouldn't be as big as it is. Nor should the parts closest to the bug-type suddenly gain red eyes, peel away from the ground, and try to punch him atop the head!
Hotwire Harry scuttles sideways to avoid Ayumu's fist. "I told yer, I know all th'tricks! Next time you won't be so lucky, ya — " Just then Shemri joins the fracas against Harry with a vengeance. Spinning on her hindpaws with her tails lit on fire, she pirouettes rapidly around Harry. The flailing tails smack Harry over and over with burning force. "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRGH!!! BLAST YA FER A FLAMIN' DEVIL, YA FOXY WENCH!!!" Harry jabs viciously at Shemri with his legs, which Shemri narrowly avoids with a twisting sideways somersault as her attack ends. "Finish him, Ayumu-san!"
Ayumu did not need to be told twice! With Hotwire so heavily focused on Shemri for a few moments, the sableye clasped his forearm in one hand, and left the other extended forward, palms facing the sky. "In brightest days…" Purple sparks dance atop his finger tips. "In deepest shadow…" The sparks transform into currents focused directly over his palms. "No body is safe from ghostly fright…" The energy builds into a ball of various shades of purples. "Let those with brave spirits and wicked hearts… Have a taste of my EXTRA LARGE, SHADOW BALL!!" Within the span of a few seconds, the ball doubles, triples, than expands into an ungainly orb of energy so thick, Ayumu had to hold it above his head just to avoid being completely eclipsed by it. Then, with a might lip, he leaps into the air, calling out one last warning for Shemri to move before sending it flying down on Harry!
Fortunately despite its size, the explosion wouldn't be so bad. Juuuuust bad enough to leave the arachnid in a sizeable crater after all is said and done. >.> <.<
Harry looks up for the brief second before the shadow ball connects. "Oh cor blimey." 8.8; *KABOOOOOM!!!* (Or whatever other noise giant balls of ghostly energy make upon impact.)
Victory! The mastermind of the energy-leeching gang has been defeated, the misguided kids will be taken under the firm and nurturing hand of Sunagakure's child protection services, and the good citizens will once again have uninterrupted light and video games! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!