Lightning Tag Trap
Romaji Unknown
English Lightning Tag Trap
Classification Ninjutsu
Element Lightning
Rank C
Dmg Type Lightning
Use Attack
Known Users
Rankoro Akuro

Jutsu Description

Lightning Tag Trap is a Lightning Seal Technique used with Rankoro Elemental Calligraphy. There are a few different ways for this to be done. A common way used by the originator of this attack is to have a tag or card already prepared with the seal on it. The card would be contained in a mechanism with a coil that creates a spark of electricity when the card is withdrawn to activate the seal. Another way is to have the seal drawn on a source of electricity or friction to activate it. This seal creates cords of lightning that wrap around its target to restrain him as they shock and jolt him. As the cords restrain the target, they cause cramps and muscles spasms to cause him to become fatigued and possibly numbed a bit.

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